Saturday, December 20, 2014

Java Singleton Design Pattern Interview Questions
在JDK1.5 中新增java.util.concurrent(J.U.C)就是建立在CAS之上的。相对于对于synchronized这种阻塞算法,CAS是非阻塞算法的一种常见实现。所以J.U.C在性能上有了很大的提升。
public class Singleton {
    private static final AtomicReference<Singleton> INSTANCE = new AtomicReference<Singleton>(); 

    private Singleton() {}

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        for (;;) {
            Singleton singleton = INSTANCE.get();
            if (null != singleton) {
                return singleton;

            singleton = new Singleton();
            if (INSTANCE.compareAndSet(null, singleton)) {
                return singleton;
Java Singleton Design Pattern Best Practices with Examples
Singleton using Enum in Java
public enum EasySingleton{

Enum Singletons handled Serialization by themselves

Creation of Enum instance is thread-safe
As stated in point 1 since creatino of Enum instance is thread-safe by default you don't need to worry about double checked locking.
Eager initialization
Static block initialization ==> to handle exception during initialization
Static class:
Only nested classes can be static. By doing so you can use the nested class without having an instance of the outer class. a static class must have all its members static. It is different from singleton
try finally ?
public class singleton {
    singleton s;
    Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); // lock
    private singleton() {} // override the default constructor.
    public singleton getInstance() {
            if (s == null)
                s = new singleton();
Lazy Initialization
Double-Checked Locking (DCL) idiom
tatic volatile Singleton instance;

public static Singleton getInstance() {
  if (instance == null) {
    synchronized (Singleton.class) {
      if (instance == null)
        instance == new Singleton();
  return instance;
static Singleton instance;

public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {
  if (instance == null)
    instance == new Singleton();
  return instance;
Using volatile keyword to define singleton with double checked locking. The reason we use volatile keyword is because we want it to be visible to all the other thread as soon as the instance is updated.

the double checked locking helps improve efficiency with the first lock (because it checks if instance is null or not before entering the synchronized block so that if eliminates the overhead of doing checking after the singleton is initialized. While the second check makes sure that creation of the instance is atomic.

nitialization on Demand Holder (IODH) idiom
requires very little code and has zero synchronization overhead. Zero, as in even faster than volatile. IODH requires the same number of lines of code as plain old synchronization, and it's faster than DCL!

IODH utilizes lazy class initialization. The JVM won't execute a class's static initializer until you actually touch something in the class. This applies to static nested classes, too. In the following example, the JLS guarantees the JVM will not initialize instance until someone calls getInstance():
static class SingletonHolder {
  static Singleton instance = new Singleton();    

public static Singleton getInstance() {
  return SingletonHolder.instance;
8) How do you prevent for creating another instance of Singleton using reflection?
Open to all. In my opinion throwing exception from constructor is an option.
Answer: This is similar to previous interview question. Since constructor of Singleton class is supposed to be private it prevents creating instance of Singleton from outside but Reflection can access private fields and methods, which opens a threat of another instance. This can be avoided by throwing Exception from constructor as “Singleton already initialized”

9) How do you prevent for creating another instance of Singleton during serialization?
Another problem with conventional Singletons are that once you implement serializable interface they are no longer remain Singleton because readObject() method always return a new instance just like constructor in Java. you can avoid that by using readResolve() method and discarding newly created instance by replacing with Singeton as shwon in below example :

    //readResolve to prevent another instance of Singleton
    private Object readResolve(){
        return INSTANCE;

This can become even more complex if your Singleton Class maintain state, as you need to make them transient, but witn Enum Singleton, Serialization is guarnateed by JVM.

Singleton using Enum in Java
By default creation of Enum instance is thread safe but any other method on Enum is programmers responsibility.

public enum EasySingleton{

2) Enum Singletons handled Serialization by themselves
Another problem with conventional Singletons are that once you implement serializable interface they are no longer remain Singleton because readObject() method always return a new instance just like constructor in Java.
  private Object readResolve(){
        return INSTANCE;

3) Creation of Enum instance is thread-safe
public enum SingletonEnum {
    public void doStuff(){
        System.out.println("Singleton using Enum");

Singleton is one of the most common design patterns, but it has many implementation variants: lazy Instantiation, eager Instantiation, static holder idiom, and etc. Static holder idiom is my favorite.
package org.codeexample.javacode.singletons;
public class SinletonVariants {
 * When the singleton class is referenced, its instance would not be created,
 * and also Java guarantees that the class initialization is atomic.
 * So using the static holder idiom, we combine the benefit of lazy
 * instantiation and no further synchronization after the instance is created,
 * <p>
 * My favorite, always use this one.
class SingletonHolderIdiom {
 private SingletonHolderIdiom() {
 private static class SingletonHolder {
  private static final SingletonHolderIdiom instance = 
        new SingletonHolderIdiom();
 public static SingletonHolderIdiom getInstance() {
  return SingletonHolder.instance;
 * To maintain the singleton guarantee, you have to declare all instance fields
 * transient and provide a readResolve method that directly return the static
 * instance, also you must use eager instantiation.
 * <p>
 * see Effective Java 2nd Edition: <br>
 * Item 3: Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum
 * type
class SerializableSingleton implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 private static SerializableSingleton instance = new SerializableSingleton();
 private SerializableSingleton() {
 public static SerializableSingleton getInstance() {
  return instance;
 // readResolve method to preserve singleton property
 private Object readResolve() {
  return instance;
 * This variant avoids the drawback of eager instantiation, as no resources are
 * allocated before the instance is actually accessed, but further
 * synchronization might seem unnecessary and expensive after the instance is
 * already constructed.
class SingletonLazyInstantiation {
 private static SingletonLazyInstantiation instance;
 private SingletonLazyInstantiation() {
 public static synchronized SingletonLazyInstantiation getInstance() {
  if (instance == null) {
   instance = new SingletonLazyInstantiation();
  return instance;
 * This would initialize this singleton class eagerly, when the class is loaded
 * at first time. Thus, it may happen that the singleton instance is constructed
 * even if it is not accessed. This is a drawback, especially when the
 * construction is complex and time/resource consuming. The good part of this
 * variant is its simplicity.
class SingletonEagerInstantiation {
 private static SingletonEagerInstantiation instance = 
    new SingletonEagerInstantiation();
 private SingletonEagerInstantiation() {
 public static SingletonEagerInstantiation getInstance() {
  return instance;
To start, singletons are a form of global state that is to be avoided.  They carry state across the entire execution of the program making both testing and debugging difficult.  It becomes hard to execute tests in isolation because they may modify the state of the singleton in ways that undesirably ties tests to a strict execution order.  Beyond problems with global state, objects that use singletons are highly coupled to the both the way the singleton is instantiated and the way it is implemented.  It isn’t possible to test an object that depends on a singleton without testing (or in someway relying on the behavior of) the singleton as well.   Furthermore, this coupling is hidden from the user of the object.  To correctly interact with the class depending on the singleton, a dependency that is not explicit in its interface, you must often also understand the behavior of the singleton.  In other words, the state and behavior of the singleton can affect the behavior of the depending object as well as transitive side effects.
    public void somethingIsDoneWithAbcIsSetAsASystemProperty(){
        System.setProperty("com.example", "abc");
        MySingleton singleton = MySingleton.getInstance();
        assertThat(singleton.getSomething(), is("something"));
    public void somethingElseIsDoneWithXyzIsSetAsASystemProperty(){
        System.setProperty("com.example", "xyz");
        MySingleton singleton = MySingleton.getInstance();
        // This will fail because the single instance was already initalized with abc in the
        // previous test
        assertThat(singleton.getSomething(), is("something else"));
    public void whenTheSingletonIsStartedAndPauseIsInvokedTheStateIsChanged(){
        MySingleton singleton = MySingleton.getInstance();
        assertThat(singleton.getState(), is("paused"));
    public void theNumberOfStateChangesIsTracked(){
        MySingleton singleton = MySingleton.getInstance();
        // This will fail because the previous test invoked a state change
        assertThat(singleton.getNumberOfTimesStateChanged(), is(3));
By using reflection in one of your JUnit setup (i.e. @Before) methods, you can make sure each test starts with an uninitialized singleton and your tests are no longer affecting each other.
    public void resetSingleton() throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
       Field instance = MySingleton.class.getDeclaredField("instance");
       instance.set(null, null);
    public void resetMySingleton() throws SecurityException,
            NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException,
            IllegalAccessException {
        Field instance = MySingleton.class.getDeclaredField("instance");
        instance.set(null, null);
Some would say it is better in the sense that it has complete control of the object instantiation and ensures that there is one and only one instance of the class, but others feel that it is an anti-pattern since the instantiation part should not be the responsibility of the class itself

Dependencies are hidden

One of the most important design considerations of the Singleton design pattern is that a Singleton class should be thread safe and static in nature. In using the Singleton pattern, you use a global instance and hide the dependencies. The dependencies are hidden inside your code and are not exposed through interfaces. As the application’s KLOC grows, this becomes increasingly difficult over time to inspect the code understand the dependencies and how the objects are related to each other. Also, providing a global access to an instance to avoid it being passed around in the application is considered a bad design practice -- an example of a code smell. You can actually get around the need of having to use the Singleton design pattern by using dependency injection in your applications.

Unit tests become difficult
The entire point of a Singleton is to prevent multiple instances of your object from living together in the same context.  

Singletons are also inherently inextensible – you cannot subclass a Singleton.  As your application grows, however, the need to subclass an object can and will come up.
The usual alternative to achieving that purpose is dependency injection. For your example, the Cart Manager, you may have an object called CartManager. You may have a CheckOut class which requires the CartManager, so you either
  1. Pass the CartManager to the CheckOut class through the constructor
  2. Assign the CartManager to be one the CheckoutClass’s member
In this way, we have made the CartManager a dependency for the CheckOut class. Managing dependencies manually can be tiresome, hence there are many dependency injection containers out there. There’s a few choices for every platform.
First, it is important to separate the “need for one of something in my system” from the “singleton pattern”. It’s perfectly reasonable to want one of something but to avoid using the singleton pattern. In other words, the problem is in the pattern, not in the goal.
When a singleton seems like the answer, I find it is often wiser to:
  • Create an interface and a default implementation of your singleton
  • Construct a single instance of your default implementation at the “top” of your system. This might be in a Spring config, or in code, or defined in a variety of ways depending on your system.
  • Pass the single instance into each component that needs it (dependency injection)
This alternative will give you the effects of a singleton, but makes the dependencies clear in the components that need it, allows a singleton to be mocked (via the interface), subclassed, proxied, and tested.

Read full article from Java Singleton Design Pattern Best Practices with Examples


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