Saturday, February 17, 2018

Learning Distributed System
Distributed Systems for Fun and Profit is a short book which tries to cover some of the basic issues in distributed systems including the role of time and different strategies for replication.
Notes on distributed systems for young bloods – not theory, but a good practical counterbalance to keep the rest of your reading grounded.
A Note on Distributed Systems – a classic paper on why you can’t just pretend all remote interactions are like local objects.
The fallacies of distributed computing – 8 fallacies of distributed computing that set the stage for the kinds of things system designers forget.
* The (partial) hierarchy of failure modes: crash stop -> omission -> Byzantine. You should understand that what is possible at the top of the hierarchy must be possible at lower levels, and what is impossible at lower levels must be impossible at higher levels.
* How you decide whether an event happened before another event in the absence of any shared clock. This means Lamport clocks and their generalisation to Vector clocks, but also see the Dynamo paper.
* How big an impact the possibility of even a single failure can actually have on our ability to implement correct distributed systems (see my notes on the FLP result below).

* The quorum technique for ensuring single-copy serialisability. See Skeen’s original paper, but perhaps better is Wikipedia’s entry.
* About 2-phase-commit3-phase-commit and Paxos, and why they have different fault-tolerance properties.
* How eventual consistency, and other techniques, seek to avoid this tension at the cost of weaker guarantees about system behaviour. The Dynamo paper is a great place to start, but also Pat Helland’s classic Life Beyond Transactions is a must-read.
Basic primitives
* Leader election (e.g. the Bully algorithm)
* Consistent snapshotting (e.g. this classic paper from Chandy and Lamport)
* Consensus (see the blog posts on 2PC and Paxos above)
* Distributed state machine replication (Wikipedia is ok, Lampson’s paper is canonical but dry).

至此,我们就会发现,一个典型的三层结构出现了:接入、逻辑、存储。然而,这种三层结果,并不就能包医百病。例如,当我们需要让用户在线互动(网游就是典型) ,那么分割在不同逻辑服务器上的在线状态数据,是无法知道对方的,这样我们就需要专门做一个类似互动服务器的专门系统,让用户登录的时候,也同时记录一份数据到它那里,表明某个用户登录在某个服务器上,而所有的互动操作,要先经过这个互动服务器,才能正确的把消息转发到目标用户的服务器上。





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