Be discoverable. One of the reasons I write online is so that folks can discover me, and being discoverable has lead to many of the best things in my life. I suspect getting access to most exceptionallyinteresting jobs depends on first being widely discoverable.
Don’t stay comfortable for too long. Growth compounds and if you stay somewhere that you’re very comfortable for too long, then you’re missing out on so much future growth.
In fact, almost all the major turning points in my career were times when I wanted to say no to something because I didn’t really feel like it or didn’t feel ready for it or didn’t really see the point.
And this is what many people miss. You see the successes of successful people and you assume they “strategized” and then followed the right path. You don’t see that there were a whole lot of failures along the way. You don’t see all the unpredictability. You don’t see that many of their successes were not plans but rather whims — things they just did because… why not?