State pattern is one of the behavioral design pattern., it allows objects to behave in different ways depending on internal state. State is used when you need a class to behave differently, such as performing slightly different computations, based on some arguments passed through to the class.
Allows an object to alter its behaviour when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.
The State pattern allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes.
If we have to change the behavior of an object based on it’s state, we can have a state variable in the Object and use if-else condition block to perform different actions based on the state. State pattern is used to provide a systematic and lose-coupled way to achieve this through Context and State implementations
State saves you from lots of conditional code in your Context: by changing the ConcreteState object used, you can change the behaviour of the context.
You should use the State pattern when the behaviour of an object should be influenced by it's state, and when complex conditions tie object behaviour to it's state.
The Problem
an application is characterized by large and numerous case statements that vector flow of control based on the state of the application.

When a Context changes state, what really happens is that we have a different ConcreteState associated with it.
Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.
An object-oriented state machine
wrapper + polymorphic wrappee + collaboration
Check list
Compared with Strategy pattern
This is all quite similar to the Strategy pattern, except the changes happen at runtime rather than the client deciding.
This allows you easily change an object’s behavior at runtime based on internal state.
Vending machines maintain an internal state which allow it to change it's behaviour accordingly. For example, if there is no change available, it will demand exact change. When something is out of stock, it will deliver none of that product.
MP3 player state changes when press || or >.
Vending machines have states based on the inventory, amount of currency deposited, the ability to make change, the item selected, etc. When currency is deposited and a selection is made, a vending machine will either deliver a product and no change, deliver a product and change, deliver no product due to insufficient currency on deposit, or deliver no product due to inventory depletion.
Vibration, Silent
Also refer to
Read full article from Design Patterns Uncovered: The State Pattern | Javalobby
Allows an object to alter its behaviour when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.
The State pattern allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes.
If we have to change the behavior of an object based on it’s state, we can have a state variable in the Object and use if-else condition block to perform different actions based on the state. State pattern is used to provide a systematic and lose-coupled way to achieve this through Context and State implementations
State saves you from lots of conditional code in your Context: by changing the ConcreteState object used, you can change the behaviour of the context.
You should use the State pattern when the behaviour of an object should be influenced by it's state, and when complex conditions tie object behaviour to it's state.
The Problem
an application is characterized by large and numerous case statements that vector flow of control based on the state of the application.
When a Context changes state, what really happens is that we have a different ConcreteState associated with it.
The State pattern is a solution to the problem of how to make behavior depend on state.
- Define a "context" class to present a single interface to the outside world.
- Define a State abstract base class.
- Represent the different "states" of the state machine as derived classes of the State base class.
- Define state-specific behavior in the appropriate State derived classes.
- Maintain a pointer to the current "state" in the "context" class.
- To change the state of the state machine, change the current "state" pointer.
Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.
An object-oriented state machine
wrapper + polymorphic wrappee + collaboration
Check list
- Identify an existing class, or create a new class, that will serve as the "state machine" from the client's perspective. That class is the "wrapper" class.
- Create a State base class that replicates the methods of the state machine interface. Each method takes one additional parameter: an instance of the wrapper class. The State base class specifies any useful "default" behavior.
- Create a State derived class for each domain state. These derived classes only override the methods they need to override.
- The wrapper class maintains a "current" State object.
- All client requests to the wrapper class are simply delegated to the current State object, and the wrapper object's
pointer is passed. - The State methods change the "current" state in the wrapper object as appropriate.
Rules of thumb
- State objects are often Singletons.
- Flyweight explains when and how State objects can be shared.
- Interpreter can use State to define parsing contexts.
- Strategy has 2 different implementations, the first is similar to State. The difference is in binding times (Strategy is a bind-once pattern, whereas State is more dynamic).
- The structure of State and Bridge are identical (except that Bridge admits hierarchies of envelope classes, whereas State allows only one). The two patterns use the same structure to solve different problems: State allows an object's behavior to change along with its state, while Bridge's intent is to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
- The implementation of the State pattern builds on the Strategy pattern. The difference between State and Strategy is in the intent. With Strategy, the choice of algorithm is fairly stable. With State, a change in the state of the "context" object causes it to select from its "palette" of Strategy objects.
Compared with Strategy pattern
This is all quite similar to the Strategy pattern, except the changes happen at runtime rather than the client deciding.
This allows you easily change an object’s behavior at runtime based on internal state.
Vending machines maintain an internal state which allow it to change it's behaviour accordingly. For example, if there is no change available, it will demand exact change. When something is out of stock, it will deliver none of that product.
MP3 player state changes when press || or >.
Vending machines have states based on the inventory, amount of currency deposited, the ability to make change, the item selected, etc. When currency is deposited and a selection is made, a vending machine will either deliver a product and no change, deliver a product and change, deliver no product due to insufficient currency on deposit, or deliver no product due to inventory depletion.
Vibration, Silent
//抽象状态 public abstract class State { public abstract void WriteProgram(Work w); } //上午工作状态 public class ForenoonState : State { public override void WriteProgram(Work w) { if (w.Hour < 12) { Console.WriteLine("当前时间:{0}点 上午工作,精神百倍", w.Hour); } else { w.SetState(new NoonState()); w.WriteProgram(); } } } //中午工作状态 public class NoonState : State { public override void WriteProgram(Work w) { if (w.Hour < 13) { Console.WriteLine("当前时间:{0}点 饿了,午饭;犯困,午休。", w.Hour); } else { w.SetState(new AfternoonState()); w.WriteProgram(); } } } //下午工作状态 public class AfternoonState : State { public override void WriteProgram(Work w) { if (w.Hour < 17) { Console.WriteLine("当前时间:{0}点 下午状态还不错,继续努力", w.Hour); } else { w.SetState(new EveningState()); w.WriteProgram(); } } } //晚间工作状态 public class EveningState : State { public override void WriteProgram(Work w) { if (w.TaskFinished) { w.SetState(new RestState()); w.WriteProgram(); } else { if (w.Hour < 21) { Console.WriteLine("当前时间:{0}点 加班哦,疲累之极", w.Hour); } else { w.SetState(new SleepingState()); w.WriteProgram(); } } } } //睡眠状态 public class SleepingState : State { public override void WriteProgram(Work w) { Console.WriteLine("当前时间:{0}点 不行了,睡着了。", w.Hour); } } //下班休息状态 public class RestState : State { public override void WriteProgram(Work w) { Console.WriteLine("当前时间:{0}点 下班回家了", w.Hour); } }
● 环境(Context)角色,也成上下文:定义客户端所感兴趣的接口,并且保留一个具体状态类的实例。这个具体状态类的实例给出此环境对象的现有状态。
● 抽象状态(State)角色:定义一个接口,用以封装环境(Context)对象的一个特定的状态所对应的行为。
● 具体状态(ConcreteState)角色:每一个具体状态类都实现了环境(Context)的一个状态所对应的行为。
public interface VoteState { /** * 处理状态对应的行为 * @param user 投票人 * @param voteItem 投票项 * @param voteManager 投票上下文,用来在实现状态对应的功能处理的时候, * 可以回调上下文的数据 */ public void vote(String user,String voteItem,VoteManager voteManager); }
public class NormalVoteState implements VoteState { @Override public void vote(String user, String voteItem, VoteManager voteManager) { //正常投票,记录到投票记录中 voteManager.getMapVote().put(user, voteItem); System.out.println("恭喜投票成功"); } }
public class RepeatVoteState implements VoteState { @Override public void vote(String user, String voteItem, VoteManager voteManager) { //重复投票,暂时不做处理 System.out.println("请不要重复投票"); } }
public class SpiteVoteState implements VoteState { @Override public void vote(String user, String voteItem, VoteManager voteManager) { // 恶意投票,取消用户的投票资格,并取消投票记录 String str = voteManager.getMapVote().get(user); if(str != null){ voteManager.getMapVote().remove(user); } System.out.println("你有恶意刷屏行为,取消投票资格"); } }
@Override public void vote(String user, String voteItem, VoteManager voteManager) { //记录黑名单中,禁止登录系统 System.out.println("进入黑名单,将禁止登录和使用本系统"); } }
public class VoteManager { //持有状体处理对象 private VoteState state = null; //记录用户投票的结果,Map<String,String>对应Map<用户名称,投票的选项> private Map<String,String> mapVote = new HashMap<String,String>(); //记录用户投票次数,Map<String,Integer>对应Map<用户名称,投票的次数> private Map<String,Integer> mapVoteCount = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); /** * 获取用户投票结果的Map */ public Map<String, String> getMapVote() { return mapVote; } /** * 投票 * @param user 投票人 * @param voteItem 投票的选项 */ public void vote(String user,String voteItem){ //1.为该用户增加投票次数 //从记录中取出该用户已有的投票次数 Integer oldVoteCount = mapVoteCount.get(user); if(oldVoteCount == null){ oldVoteCount = 0; } oldVoteCount += 1; mapVoteCount.put(user, oldVoteCount); //2.判断该用户的投票类型,就相当于判断对应的状态 //到底是正常投票、重复投票、恶意投票还是上黑名单的状态 if(oldVoteCount == 1){ state = new NormalVoteState(); } else if(oldVoteCount > 1 && oldVoteCount < 5){ state = new RepeatVoteState(); } else if(oldVoteCount >= 5 && oldVoteCount <8){ state = new SpiteVoteState(); } else if(oldVoteCount > 8){ state = new BlackVoteState(); } //然后转调状态对象来进行相应的操作, voteItem, this); }
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { VoteManager vm = new VoteManager(); for(int i=0;i<9;i++){"u1","A"); } } }
● 状态和行为
● 行为的平行性
● 环境和状态处理对象
Also refer to
Read full article from Design Patterns Uncovered: The State Pattern | Javalobby