Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Brain teaser interview questions

identical balls. one ball is heavy. find the heavy ball with only 2 measurements ........ dead easy.
3     Split the 9 balls into three groups of 3 balls.
4     Choose two groups and weigh them on the balance:
5         If balanced, the heavy ball is in the other group.
6         If imbalanced, the heavy ball is in the heavier group.
7     Find the group with the heavy ball, pick two balls from the three and weigh them:
8         If balanced, the heavy ball is the other one.
9         If imbalanced, the heavy ball is the heavier one.
You have three jars filled with candies. One jar is filled with banana candies, one jar is filled with lemon candies and one jar has a mix of both. All the jars are mislabelled (i.e. all the jars have wrong labels about what kind of candies they contain). 
All the candies look very similar in shape, size and color and they even smell the same. The only way to distinguish them is by tasting. 
You have to eat one and only one candy to determine the correct jar labels. You can eat that one candy from any jar you want as long as you eat only one in total.

Suppose jar 1 is labelled lemon 
jar 2 -> banana 
jar 3 -> Mix 
Take a candy from the jar 3 which is labelled as Mix of both and eat. 

Suppose it is lemon, take the lemon label from the jar 1 and place it on jar 3. Now we are done. jar 2 will be mix, jar 1 banana from the fact that all jars have wrong labels. 

Same logic goes in case it turns out to be banana candy after eating.
var a = Math.random() < 0.5;
var b = !a;
这时候不知道 a 和 b 哪个是真哪个是假,但是一定知道 a && b 是假,a || b 是真。
联合两个人的说话,向 b 问:如果我问 a 这条路是否通向诚实图,他会怎么回答?


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