Reddit/r/programming. It is easier to get on the Reddit/r/programming front page, mostly because there are not as many stories submitted there. Often I write my blog posts on the weekend, and submit them on Monday morning (European time).
You might be wondering what things I’m taking notes on that are important enough to warrant a whole post on how I take them. Right now, the main thing is lectures for classes, but I also take notes on:
- books that I read
- movies that I watch
- important conversations
- interesting things that I learn about people
- projects that I am work on
- recipes
- ideas for future blog posts
- 泛读书籍
- 对于电子书,我使用 MarginNote 这个软件来阅读。MarginNote 是一款,集文档管理,标注,思维导图,大纲等功能于一体的学习软件。可以说功能相当强大。
Knowing what I think. Formulating or explaining something in writing makes me think it through really carefully. The act of writing it down exposes gaps in my arguments and knowledge, forcing me to clarify my own thinking. It really is like this quote from Joan Didion: “I don’t know what I think until I try to write it down.”
Sharing. Sometimes there are ways of working I think are really helpful, but maybe not so well known. Then it is nice to be able to describe what we do, and why I think it is useful. For example, Learning From Your Bugs and Developer Book Club.
Venting. From time to time there are things that annoy me, or ways of working that I don’t like. Then I can write a blog post and argue how things should be instead. Examples of posts in this category are Great Programmers Write Debuggable Code and Developers – Talk to People.
To learn. In general, I like to discus my posts in the comments and in forums. The only exception is when people resort to insults instead of discussing the merits of the ideas (happens occasionally). But if there is a healthy discussion I usually learn something new, for example under what conditions an idea works and doesn’t work. Sometimes the discussion makes me change my mind, like on Unit Testing Private Methods.
To remember. When I read a book on programming or take a MOOC course, I usually write a review of it. Knowing that I will write a review makes me learn the material much better – I am learning more actively. I take notes and try to summarize the most important takeaways. I also think more about what I liked the most and the least, as well as how it compares to what I already know about the subject. Hopefully the reviews are also valuable for people considering reading the book or taking the course
Keep a list. Whenever I think about something for a blog post, I write it down in my list of topic ideas (I use Toodledo). I add any arguments for and against that I can think of. Sometimes it is just a title, and sometimes there are quite a lot of notes. Currently I have around 120 entries (of varying quality) in the list.
Mull it over. Before I write about a subject I usually think about it on and off for several days – maybe while going for a walk or having a shower. If I come up with more arguments or different angles on the subject, I add them to the list. By taking a few days of thinking about the subject, I let my subconscious work on the ideas.
Quality over quantity
When I have finished a blog post, I submit it to Hacker News and Reddit/r/programming. Somebody questioned submitting your own posts, but I think it makes sense. I write about aspects of software development that I find interesting, so there is a chance that other people will find it interesting too. Besides, I don’t only submit my own posts – I submit whatever I find interesting that isn’t already shared there.
Hacker News. It is quite hard to get on the front page of Hacker News. It takes around 5 upvotes within the first 45 minutes of submitting for that to happen. This is partly because there are so many stories submitted – sometimes one a minute. Once on the front page, a post usually stays there for a couple of hours. It is great if people comment on the post – the quality of the comments is usually quite high. I also like that you only see upvotes on stories at Hacker News, not downvotes
Reddit/r/programming. It is easier to get on the Reddit/r/programming front page, mostly because there are not as many stories submitted there. Often I write my blog posts on the weekend, and submit them on Monday morning (European time).
- 介绍技术名称和大概作用
- 抛出一个常见的问题
- 以往的技术是如何解决的
- 新技术是如何解决的
- 新技术在解决方案上对比旧技术的优势
- 新技术存在的问题与不足
- 展望新技术的发展和提出更多的应用场景
- 有条件的还可以提供性能测试结果等等,加强说服力
晚一天发布文章!当你写完一篇文章后,你巴不得全世界都知道,都来关注,这是人性,我亦如此。但是,在短时间内你会处于亢奋状态(不知道你们有没有我是有的- -!),会让你忽略一些文章的细节。如:标点字符的选择、错别字、语句是否通顺。而让你晚一天发文章则会让有一个机会,在第二天早上以一个读者的身份去细细阅读一番你的成果,往里面挑挑刺找找茬。而经过一两遍阅读后往往能够修改上那么一两处地方。久而久之写作能力就得到提升了(之后你喜欢的话就写完直接发布),也更好的理解读者了。
- 尽量完整,涵盖技术的方方面面
- 文字描述尽量通俗
- 配图,所谓一图胜千言
- 提供可运行Demo
其实,有类似文章重要么?我认为一点都不重要,因为第一个读者是你。而你是面向自己去做这个事情的。同时你要明白,同样一篇课文,不同语文老师,不同讲法。同一个老师,不同学生,不同领悟。不要介意,just do it!
- 技术是一个体系,从一个点能够引出一个面。对于新人/菜鸟很难掌控,或者说自身就没有掌握好
自己所理解的技术与观点很难以流畅的语言描述清楚大部分的技术内容网上已经有成千上万篇文章,想有所突破觉得写文章太浪费时间- 害怕写出来的文章被人喷