1. Tools don’t replace thinking
3. Safety is required for learning
1. Interpersonal conflict
behavioral issues for a single person
1. Use a visual
2. Discuss as a team
3. Iterate – reflect and review
1. Keep it small
2. Build on an existing habit
3. Keep it social
4. Visualise the end state
1. Tools don’t replace thinking
3. Safety is required for learning
4. Everyone can be a leader
5. Architects make the best decisions when they code
I advocate for Tech Leads to spend at least 30% of their time coding. Spending time with the code helps build trust, respect and a current understanding of the system. Making architectural decisions without regard for the constraints of the current system are often bad decisions.
6. Courage is required for change
7. Congruence is essential for building trust
In reality, regardless of what you say, people will remember how you act, first and foremost. Acting congruently is making sure that your actions follow your words. Acting incongruently destroys trust. Saying “no” or “not now” is better than promising to do something by a certain time, only to not deliver it.
9. Multi model thinking leads to more powerful outcomes
I have come to appreciate the value of diversity, and to see a problem through multiple lenses. Systems thinking also recognises that facts can be interpreted in different ways, leading to newer ideas or solutions which may be combined for greater effect.
10. Appreciate that everyone has different strengths
A strength in one area may be a weakness in a certain context, and teams are stronger when they have a broader set of strengths. Differences in strengths can lead to conflict but healthy teams appreciate the differences that people bring, rather than resent people for them.
11. Learning is a lifelong skill
12. Happiness occurs through positive impact
1. Interpersonal conflict
behavioral issues for a single person
1. Use a visual
2. Discuss as a team
3. Iterate – reflect and review
1. Keep it small
2. Build on an existing habit
3. Keep it social
4. Visualise the end state