Wednesday, August 17, 2016

System Design Misc Part 3
In a system design interview, the candidate is often asked to design a new system in order to solve an open-ended problem like designing the URL shortening service. Sometimes the problem can be quite general like how do you design the recommended system for Youtube.
During this process, discussion is the core. The candidate is more likely to lead the conversation and discussion high-level components, details, pros and cons, and everything with the interviewer.
Compared to coding interview, system design interview is much more similar to software engineer’s daily work.
During the interview session, your communication and problem-solving ability are mainly evaluated. Given an open-ended problem, how do you analyze the issue, how do you solve it step by step, how do you explain your idea and discuss with others, how to you evaluate your system and optimize it are what interviewers mostly care.

2. Get your hands dirty

The best way to prepare system design interview is always thru real projects and practices. Many people start their preparation process quite early like 6 months or 1 year in advance, then this is definitely the best practice for you.
A common pattern we saw is that the more practical experiences you have, the better you are at system design interview. It’s quite easy to understand because those system design questions are all from real life product and people who have worked on many projects before tend to have a better sense on these problems or it’s just one of the problem they have solved before.
When asked to design Youtube recommendation system, it’s similar to many other recommendation systems say Amazon’s system since a lot of concepts are common here.
If you have some experience with recommendation, or you’ve read some articles/books or have thought about it, you must be able to come up with some initial ideas at least.
If you don’t know what to work on, here’re some suggestions for you:
  • Build a small service/product to solve a real problem you have
  • Contribute to open source projects at Github
  • Find a topic that interests you like machine learning, network etc. and search for some projects you can work on
What really matters is getting your hands dirty to work on some real life projects. It could take a long while before you can see your improvement, but at that point, you will notice how straightforward those interview questions are. Also, you will benefit a lot from this in the long run.

3. Be familiar with basic knowledge

  • Abstraction. It’s a very important topic for system design interview. You should be clear about how to abstract a system, what is visible and invisible from other components, and what is the logic behind it. Object oriented programming is also important to know.
  • Database. You should be clear about those basic concepts like relational database. Knowing about No-SQL might be a plus depends on your level (new grads or experienced engineers).
  • Network. You should be able to explain clearly what happened when you type “” in your browser, things like DNS lookup, HTTP request should be clear.
  • Concurrency. It will be great if you can recognize concurrency issue in a system and tell the interviewer how to solve it. Sometimes this topic can be very hard, but knowing about basic concepts like race condition, dead lock is the bottom line.
  • Operating system. Sometimes your discussion with the interviewer can go very deeply and at this point it’s better to know how OS works in the low level.
  • Machine learning (optional). You don’t need to be an expert, but again some basic concepts like feature selection, how ML algorithm works in general are better to be familiar with.
Remember, the point is here asking you to learn all these stuff from scratch, which may take you more than a year. What really matters is the basic concepts behind each topic. For instance, it’s totally okay if you can’t implement neural network in the interview, but you should be able to explain it within a sentence.

4. Top-down + modularization

This is the general strategy for solving a system design problem and ways to explain to the interviewer. The worst case is always jumping into details immediately, which can only make things in a mess.
Instead, it’s always good to start with high-level ideas and then figure out details step by step, so this should be a top-down approach. Why? Because many system design questions are very general and there’s no way to solve it without a big picture.
Let’s use Youtube recommendation system as an example. I might first divide this into front-end and backend (the interviewer may only ask for backend or a specific part, but I’ll cover the whole system to give you an idea). For backend, the flow can be 3 steps: collect user data (like videos he watched, location, preferences etc.), offline pipeline that generating the recommendation, and store and serve the data to front-end. And then, we can jump into each detailed components.
For user data, we can list features that we think are relevant to videos a user may like. For pipeline, we can discuss how to train the dataset etc.. We can go even deeper. Since Youtube has a huge dataset, the offline pipeline must run over a huge number of data, then MapReduce or Hadoop might be used.
We can continue this analysis infinitely by going deeper and deeper, but the idea I want to explain here is that you should always have a big picture.
Another tip here is modularization. Like I illustrated above, it’s better to divide a system into different components, which is also a good practice in real life projects. Modularization not only can make your design much clearer to both yourself and the interviewer, but also make testing much easier.

5. Pros & cons

System design questions are often given without much restriction. As a result, there’s no clear cut between good solutions and bad solutions. In this case, you are responsible to understand what is the best approach in different scenarios.
The most common trade off is between time and memory. You can directly tell the interviewer about the pros and cons for each solution and ask him to clarify the constraints like how much memory you have.
Also when asked to optimize the system, you can also put several common constraints there, for example, if you are designing something for driver’s license, you can tell the interviewer that it’s reasonable to assume the max length of a license is maybe 7, and in this way you might be able to store all license in memory, based on which you can further optimize your system.

6. Estimation

You’d better have a good sense of numbers when doing estimation, which is even more important in real projects. More specifically, you should have a clear estimation of how much memory your system or program would cause, how fast it runs, and based on your estimation, how would you adjust your design.
If we use the driver license example, of course you can say let’s assume the memory is enough to store all license in US. But it’ll be more impressive that you first estimate how much memory you need to store them.
To estimate the memory cost, you should count how many licenses are there if the max length is 7, and what data structure you’re gonna use to store and then figure out how much memory you need, which will give you clear idea whether this approach is feasible.
Also when deciding storage, memory of course is not the only solution. Beside storing everything in memory, you can store in disk, or store in multiple computers as well. Selecting the best approach is really a matter of estimating time and storage cost. Figuring out the bottle neck of the execution time and memory limit will give you a much clearer picture of the whole system.

7. Mock interview

Quite honestly, it’s not very easy to practice system design interview by yourself since there’s no standard answer for it. So the suggestion is always doing this in front of some experienced engineers.
Also thru this process, you’ll spend majority of your time communicating and discussing with the interviewer, which is what system design interview mostly about. So in short, we strongly encourage you to practice system design interview with others instead of by yourself.

8. Learn from existing system

This approach is what I usually suggest people to do. Whenever you are curious about some system, try to figure out how this system was designed. You can try to design by yourself first and then compare with how it is actually designed. Most importantly, try to understand why it’s designed in this way. It’s very likely that certain constraints that forced the system to be like this, like data size, speed requirement etc.. has a lot of good articles about how real world systems are designed. It might be a little overkilled for system design interview, but it’s always good to know about them.
Also you will notice that even for the same kind of system, different company may have totally different ways of designs. You’ll definitely learn a lot from exploring this.
  • use cases,通常问题只需要2~3个use cases需要考虑,其他的部分会晚些考虑,或者不考虑。这样就可以简化问题。
  • 用户数量(用户可以是下游系统或者人)、数据数量,澄清这个事实无疑非常重要,对系统设计的决策有重大意义。
  • 请求模型,比如读远大于写,比如60%的请求都访问top 20的记录。
  • 模型的定义。
  • 代码接口,API。
  • 数据是怎样被存储的,比如表结构和文件结构。
在此基础上,考虑最基础的组件和架构划分,整个系统要分几层,有哪些组件,各自什么作用,可能的瓶颈是什么等等。还有前面的API、模型分别被安插到哪部分上面,同时反复比较第一步的几个use case是否都被满足。
  • 存储层。是否需要持久化存储?选择文件、关系数据库,还是NoSQL数据库?
    • 如果选择关系数据库,是否需要sharding或partition?参考Quora:What’s the difference between sharding and partition?
    • 如果选择NoSQL数据库,CAP中分别牺牲和优先保证哪一个?参考:Visual Guide to NoSQL System。扩容的策略(比如一致性hash)?
    • 存储是否需要分层(比如冷层——文件、暖层——关系型数据库、热层——缓存,不同成本的存储介质,用以应付不同的数据访问频率)?
  • 集群。所有节点对等还是中心节点主备?请求负载分担的策略?如何增减节点?如何判定节点健康状况?是否需要会话?会话如何同步?Scale up和Scale out的区别,参考Wikipedia:Scalability
  • 消息模型。生产者和消费者的速率?无法应付时是否需要缓冲队列?消息流量控制?速率控制的精细度?
  • 缓存系统。缓存的分层?分布式部署还是集中式缓存服务?使用什么缓存淘汰算法(比如LRU)?参考:In-Process Caching vs. Distributed Caching
1、怎样设计一个微博/Twitter系统(news feed系统)
  • 思考读写模型,latency上看明显是读的要求明显高于写的模式。
  • 转发和回复,拷贝原微博文字还是存储转发/回复树形关系?分析利弊。另外,这里涉及到产品设计,参见:Twitter Vs. Weibo: 8 Things Twitter Can Learn From The Latter
  • 区分两种典型消息传播的触发方式:push on change和pull on demand,两种方式利弊明显。参考:Why Are Facebook, Digg, And Twitter So Hard To Scale?
  • 存储分级。这里CAP中A最为重要,往往C可以被牺牲,达到最终一致性。
  • 缓存设计,分层的数据流动?如何识别热门?
  • 删除微博功能的设计。
1、怎样设计一个微博/Twitter系统(news feed系统)
  • 思考读写模型,latency上看明显是读的要求明显高于写的模式。
  • 转发和回复,拷贝原微博文字还是存储转发/回复树形关系?分析利弊。另外,这里涉及到产品设计,参见:Twitter Vs. Weibo: 8 Things Twitter Can Learn From The Latter
  • 区分两种典型消息传播的触发方式:push on change和pull on demand,两种方式利弊明显。参考:Why Are Facebook, Digg, And Twitter So Hard To Scale?
  • 存储分级。这里CAP中A最为重要,往往C可以被牺牲,达到最终一致性。
  • 缓存设计,分层的数据流动?如何识别热门?
  • 删除微博功能的设计。
2、怎样设计一个短网址映射系统(tiny url系统)
  • 思考读写模型,明显是读优先级高于写的服务,但是通常不需要修改。读写服务分离,在写服务崩溃时保证读服务健康运行。
  • 链接缩短使用的加密和映射的方式中,算法如何选择?短链接可以接受那些字符?此处可以估算特定的规则下长度为n的短链接最多可能表示多少种实际链接。
  • 如果使用统一的短链接序列分配机制,如何分布式设计这个分配逻辑?它不能够成为瓶颈。例如,一种常见的思路是让关系数据库的自增长索引给出唯一id,但是如果不使用关系数据库,在分布式系统中如何产生唯一序列号且避免冲突?参考:如何在高并发分布式系统中生成全局唯一Id
  • 是否需要保留原始链接最后部分?如压缩成http://short.url/asdfasdf/12306.html,以增加可读性。
  • 由于协议部分可以预见或者需要支持的数量很少(比如就支持http和https),是否可以考虑把协议部分略去,以枚举方式和短链接正文放在一起?
  • 由于属于web服务,考虑判定URL合法性,考虑怎样控制请求流量和应对恶意访问。
3、怎样设计一个实时聊天系统?可以是MSN、QQ这样的CS结构的,也可以是Facebook Chat或者微博私信这样的BS结构的。
  • 登陆时需要获取好友状态列表,这通常也是priority 0的use case。
  • 这个问题的特点是客户端和服务端已经天然地分开了,核心问题之一是把服务端和客户端的交互梳理清楚。如果是BS结构的,怎样使得从服务端到客户端的消息推送成为可能?Ajax+Comet是一个办法,hang住连接,消息推送。还有一种办法是客户端轮询,但是显然实时性无法胜任。
  • 如果使用Comet,服务端将存在大量的空闲连接。参考,select、poll、epoll之间的区别总结[整理]。对于消息的处理,引入协程,减少线程调度开销,参考:Difference between a “coroutine” and a “thread”?
  • 如果是CS的,消息和状态还可以通过P2P的方式;但是如果是BS的,就必须实现一个服务端的消息系统,参考:实时通信协议XMPP
  • 存储方面,CAP怎么权衡?可以牺牲掉哪一个?
  • 如果要求完成历史消息功能,那又是另一番故事了。其他值得讨论的扩展的功能包括系统消息群发、好友状态更新和消息搜索等等。
  • 搜索引擎设计(包括网页爬虫)
  • 邮件系统设计(例如GMail)
  • 用户的行为会首先被即时记录到链表里面去;
  • 每十分钟往数据库里面集中写一次数据,然后清空链表内的数据。
  • 清空链表数据是使用时间条件触发的任务来完成,换言之,无论这十分钟内如果事件暴增,也无法触发链表清空的行为,链表很容易变得非常大;
  • 清空链表的任务如果执行过程中出了异常,甚至仅仅是处理速度受到阻塞,将直接导致链表数据无法得到清空;
  • 如果往数据库里写数据和清空链表的行为需要锁定链表,倘若链表很大,或者写数据库过慢,都会导致链表写行为被阻塞。
-- During application startup, warm up necessary cache
-- Enable services gradually - first for 20% users, then 50% then 100%..



第一呢,加缓存,也就是在常用SQL前加了一层 memcache,减少重复查询请求,减少数据库的查询压力,顺便把ip地址反查的二分处理,全部内存化了。








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