Thursday, August 31, 2017

Distributed Counter
This is the simplest counter to implement, especially for people coming from the RDBMS world. Acquire a lock on the counter, increment the counter and release the lock. In distributed systems, lockscan be implemented using an external coordinator, like Zookeeper.
 1 lock.acquire();
 2 try {
 3    counter.increment(5);
 4 } finally {
 5    lock.release();
 6 } 

  1. Locking involves coordination and coordination is expensive
  2. If the counter is a hotspot, there will be high lock contention
  3. In distributed systems, messages may be redelivered. The solution will not handle duplicate messages and is not idempotent


This involves implementing a CAS (compare-and-swap) operation on a counter. This can be achieved using Zookeeper or Paxos based consensus in Cassandra.
 1 int retries = 5;
 2 while(retries > 0) {
 3     int currentValue = counter.getValue();
 4     if (!counter.compareAndSwap(currentValue, currentValue + 5)) {
 5         try {
 6             Thread.sleep(500); // You want to ideally use an exponential backoff algorithm here
 7         } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
 8         retries--;
 9     } else {
10         break;
11     }
12 }  
  1. High contention
  2. Not very scalable
  3. Non-idempotent
  4. May exhaust retries if the counter is a hotspot


In this example, we will see how we can implement a CRDT based counter using Cassandra. We will show how we can model a counter using a CmRDT (operation-based) and a CvRDT (state-based). We’ll then model these using CQL.


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