3) iTerm2 split screening
The hotkeys for horizontal split are: cmd + d
The hotkeys for vertical split are: cmd + shift+ d
brew cask install iterm2
cmd+K will clear current session
The ones that I needed most where ⌥← (Option-Left Arrow) to move left one word, ⌥→ (Option-Right Arrow) to move right one word
[Restore last windows after restart]
Ensure Prefs>Advanced>Restore window contents at startup is set to Yes. This is the default, so I doubt it's changed. Also Make sure Close windows when quitting an app is off in System Prefs>General:
Recent directories (including starred ones) are gone after closing and reopening iTerm2
urning on Prefs > General > Save copy/paste and command history
Default characters considered part of word for selection
3) iTerm2 split screening
The hotkeys for vertical split are: cmd + shift+ d
brew cask install iterm2
- Launch iTerm 2. Get the latest version at
- Type CMD+i
- Navigate to Colors tab
- Click on Load Presets
- Click on Import
- Select the .itermcolors file(s) of the scheme(s) you'd like to use
- Click on Load Presets and choose a color scheme
Clear the screen/pane (when Ctrl + L won't work) | ⌘ + K (I use this all the time) |
cmd+K will clear current session
The ones that I needed most where ⌥← (Option-Left Arrow) to move left one word, ⌥→ (Option-Right Arrow) to move right one word
[Restore last windows after restart]
Ensure Prefs>Advanced>Restore window contents at startup is set to Yes. This is the default, so I doubt it's changed. Also Make sure Close windows when quitting an app is off in System Prefs>General:
This one can save a lot of time. To access everything you’ve pasted into iTerm, use ⌘⇧H and select the command you wish to paste again.
To create a new workspace, first cd into your project’s directory. To create a horizontal split, use ⌘⌥⇧H, or ⌘⌥⇧V for a vertical split. When creating a new pane, iTerm will ask what profile you want to use. After you have a few panes created, you can rearrange them by dragging with the mouse. Once your panes are in a preferred configuration, just hit ⌘⇧S to save the window arrangement. To launch your arrangement, use ⌘⇧R at anytime.
For those using laptops or smaller monitors, ⌘⇧⏎ will maximize/minimize the active pane. This is useful for examining log files in greater depth.
Somehow most other software I use opens up maximized anyway, possibly because I use ShiftIt and Ctrl-Alt-Cmd M a lot (and most software seems to remember the previously used window size). The only thing I use a lot that didn't open maximimized was iTerm2.
You can get iTerm2 to open in a maximized window by going to Preferences -> Profiles -> Window and setting a high number of Columns and Rows
Recent directories (including starred ones) are gone after closing and reopening iTerm2
Shell integration works fine and continuously adds directories to my "Recent directories" section in the toolbelt.
Starting another session in a new window perfectly shows the same recent and starred directories. Multiple sessions of the same profile keep in sync as expected. But closing all sessions and reopen a new one works fine only as long as I do not close iTerm itself (what I do regularly to install nightly builds).
I would love to keep the starred directories persistently.
You could also assign custom keys in
Prefs -> Keys
. (Source)
Its initial value is defined in Preferences>Profiles>General>Badge and it can be changed by an iTerm2-proprietary escape sequence. It may also reference iTerm2- and user-defined variables. Quickly
If you have lots of sessions you can quickly find the one you're looking for with Open Quickly. Select the View > Open Quickly menu item (cmd-shift-O) and then enter a search query. You can search by tab title, command name, host name, user name, profile name, directory name, badge label, and more. Open Quickly also lets you create new tabs, change the current session's profile, and open arrangements. If you start your query with a / then that gives you a shortcut to various commands. Enter a query of / to see them.
Cursor Location Assistance
Never lose your cursor. An optional cursor guide highlights the entire row your cursor is on and Cursor Boost dims all colors other than the cursor to make it really stand out.
Undo Close
Undo closing sessions, tabs, and windows. If you close a session by accident, you get five seconds to hit Cmd-Z to undo it.
Tab Bar on Left
Have lots of tabs? Put the tab bar on the left. Quickly search them by recent commands, directories, current host name, profile name, and more with the Open Quickly feature.
Captured Output
The next time you log in, shell integration will be enabled.
You will also have these commands:
imgcat filename
Displays the image inline.
it2dl filename
Downloads the specified file, saving it in your Downloads folder.
You can navigate marks with Cmd-Shift-Up and Down-arrow keys.
Alert on next mark
iTerm2 can show an alert box when a mark appears. This is useful when you start a long-running command. Select Edit>Marks and Annotations>Alert on next mark (Cmd-Opt-A) after starting a command, and you can go do something else in another window or tab. When the command prompt returns, a modal alert will appear, calling attention to the finished job.
Command status
The mark on a command line will turn red if a command fails. You can right click the mark to view its return code.
Command history popup
You can view and search the command history with Session>Open Command History... (Shift-Cmd-;).
Commands in command history are also added to Autocomplete (Cmd-;). If Preferences>General>Save copy/paste history and command history to disk is enabled, then command history will be preserved across runs of iTerm2 (up to 200 commands per user/hostname).
A command history tool may be added to the toolbelt by selecting Toolbelt>Command History.
Recent Directories popup
You can view and search your recently and frequently used directories in Session>Open Recent Directories... (Cmd-Opt-/).
download with scp - need install shell integration on remote host
Default characters considered part of word for selection
4. Paste History
This one can save a lot of time. To access everything you’ve pasted into iTerm, use ⌘⇧H and select the command you wish to paste again.
2. Clickable Links
A simple one: hold the ⌘ key and click on any URL. iTerm will open the link in a new browser tab. This is great for opening localhost windows after a dev server starts. clear buffer
Cmd + k
- toggle maximize window
Cmd + Alt + =
- toggle full screen
Cmd + Enter
- make font larger
Cmd + +
- make font smaller
Cmd + -
Launch iTerm, open iTerm > Preferences or just
Cmd + ,
.Open tab/pane with current working directory
Under Profiles tab, go to General subtab, set Working Directory to “Reuse previous session’s directory”.
Enable Meta
To enable Meta key for Bash readline editing e.g.
Alt + b
to move to previous word, under Profilestab, go to Keys subtab, set Left option key acts as: to “+Esc”.Hotkey to toggle iTerm2
Under Keys tab, in Hotkey section, enable “Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey” and input your hotkey combination, e.g. I use + Shift + L
One thing I notice in iTerm2 is if we hold
and hover around texts, URLs will be highlighted and clickable. It would be nice if I can do this to other text as well. It turns out there’s a feature in iTerm2 that can help us — it’s called Smart Selection.
You should be able to make
your default terminal by selecting "Make Default" from the menu bar.
brew cask install iterm2
感谢 brew-cask,我们可以通过命令行自动安装 iTerm2 了。
菜单 > Preferences
> Profiles
,选择你在使用的 Profile(默认是Default
标签页中把Left option (⌥) key acts as
和Right option (⌥) key acts as
在打开新的窗口/标签页的时候,默认情况下新窗口总是 HOME 目录,还需要我每次敲命令才能进入工作目录。如果想要这个新窗口在打开的时候就自动进入工作目录,需要如下设置:
菜单 > Preferences
> Profiles
,选择你在使用的 Profile(默认是Default),在General
标签页中的Working Directory
部分中选择Reuse previous seesion's directory
至此,Terminal 应用已经出色的完成了其历史使命。后面命令行就交给 iTerm2 啦。
在 iTerm2 中双击会自动选中对应的词,三击会选中对应的整行。选中的内容会自动进入剪贴板,不需要再按

iTerm supports coloring of console output based on a set of regular expressions. You can set them up in Preferences > Profiles > Advanced > Triggers > Edit.
Here is my current set of regexes:
(?i:.*error.*) // Yellow on Black
(?i:.*(warning|warn).*) // Orange on Black
(?i:.*FATAL.*) // White on Red