Sunday, June 14, 2015

How to prepare system design questions in a tech interview?
  • Design a URL shortening service like
  • How would you implement the Google search?
  • Design a client-server application which allows people to play chess with one another.
  • How would you store the relations in a social network like Facebook and implement a feature where one user receives notifications when their friends like the same things as they do?

Don't panic

These questions may seem intimidating at first. After all, how does one design Google Search in 20-30 minutes!? It took many smart people several years to do that properly. Don’t worry, no one really expects that from you.
The idea of these questions is to have a discussion about the problem at hand. What’s important for the interviewer is the process, which you use to tackle the problem. The typical outcome of such a discussion is a high-level architecture addressing the goals and constraints in the question. Perhaps the interviewer will choose one or more areas where they will want to discuss bottlenecks and other common problems.
Remember that there is no one right answer. A system can be built in different ways. The important thing is to be able to justify your ideas. This is somewhat different from the algorithm design questions that we looked at in a previous chapter.
Finally, keep in mind that the discussion about the same system design problem could go in different directions depending on the goals of the interviewer. They may be willing to see how you create a high-level architecture covering all aspects of the system. Or rather, they could be more interested in looking at a few specific areas and diving deeper into them. In any case, you should have a strategy for how to approach the different situations. We will look into such strategies in the next sections.

Our approach

Similar to the algorithmic questions, we believe that system design questions require a combination of the right strategy and knowledge. By strategy we mean a way to approach the problem at an interview. We've seen good candidates fail not because they lack the knowledge but because they cannot focus on the right things while discussing a problem.
Because of that, in the next few sections, we will present our strategy for approaching system design questions at tech interviews. In addition to that, we've collected useful online resources, which will help you update your knowledge of software systems design.
Over time, we've identified two major challenges most candidates face when it comes to system design questions. Candidates either:
  • Approach questions in a chaotic way and get ratholed, or
  • Lack solid understanding of how to properly design architectures that scale.
The System Design Process
First things first: we'll kick off by replacing chaos with a structured approach to system design. The System Design Process described in the next section takes care of that, as it describes all the steps you need to follow from hearing the problem to declaring it solved.
The System Design Process is the equivalent of the Algorithm Design Canvas in the domain of system design questions.

Designing Scalable Architectures

With the right process in place, we'll move on to destroying the second obstacle to your dream job. We'll spend a significant amount of time on building up your knowledge and intuition around designing scalable architectures.
Scalability is the 4th step of the System Design Process. We are spending a disproportionate amount of time on it simply because this is where candidates struggle the most.
Step 1: Constraints and use cases
Just like algorithm design, system design questions will also most likely be weakly defined. Consider the question about the URL-shortening service ("Design a URL shortening service like"). There are so many things that are unclear about it! Without knowing more, it will be impossible to design an appropriate solution. Actually, many candidates forget about this and start designing a solution immediately.
Don’t make this mistake!
The very first thing you should do with any system design question is to clarify the system's constraints and to identify what use cases the system needs to satisfy. Spend a few minutes questioning your interviewer and agreeing on the scope of the system. Many of the same rules we discussed while talking about algorithm design apply here as well.
Usually, part of what the interviewer wants to see is if you can gather the requirements about the problem at hand, and design a solution that covers them well. Never assume things that were not explicitly stated.
For example, the URL-shortening service could be meant to serve just a few thousand users, but each could be sharing millions of URLs. It could be meant to handle millions of clicks on the shortened URLs, or dozens. The service may have to provide extensive statistics about each shortened URL (which will increase your data size), or statistics may not be a requirement at all.
You will also have to think about the use cases that are expected to occur. Your system will be designed based on what it's expected to do. Don't forget to make sure you know all the requirements the interviewer didn't tell you about in the beginning.
Step 2: Abstract design
Once you've scoped the system you're about to design, you should continue by outlining a high-level abstract design. The goal of this is to outline all the important components that your architecture will need.
You can tell the interviewer that you would like to do that and draw a simple diagram of your ideas. Sketch your main components and the connections between them. If you do this, very quickly you will be able to get feedback if you are moving in the right direction. Of course, you must be able to justify the high-level design that you just drew.
Don’t get lured to dive deep into some particular aspect of the abstract design. Not yet. Rather, make sure you sketch the important components and the connections between them. Justify your ideas in front of the interviewer and try to address every constraint and use case.
Usually, this sort of high-level design is a combination of well-known techniques, which people have developed. You have to make sure you are familiar with what's out there and feel comfortable using this knowledge. In this chapter we will assume that you have enough experience to design such a high-level system. Our goal is to focus more on the next steps, where we will talk mainly about scalability and about removing bottlenecks.
If you feel like a complete beginner in system design, perhaps it will be very useful for you to first look at a book on the topic or take advantage of some of the resources we've shared in the sections of this course.
Step 3: Understanding bottlenecks
Most likely your high-level design will have one or more bottlenecks given the constraints of the problem. This is perfectly ok. You are not expected to design a system from the ground up, which immediately handles all the load in the world. It just needs to be scalable, in order for you to be able to improve it using some standard tools and techniques.
Now that you have your high-level design, start thinking about what bottlenecks it has. Perhaps your system needs a load balancer and many machines behind it to handle the user requests. Or maybe the data is so huge that you need to distribute your database on multiple machines. What are some of the downsides that occur from doing that? Is the database too slow and does it need some in-memory caching?
These are just examples of questions that you may have to answer in order to make your solution complete. It may be the case that the interviewer wants to direct the discussion in one particular direction. Then, maybe you won’t need to address all the bottlenecks but rather talk in more depth about one particular area. In any case, you need to be able to identify the weak spots in a system and be able to resolve them.
Remember, usually each solution is a trade-off of some kind. Changing something will worsen something else. However, the important thing is to be able to talk about these trade-offs, and to measure their impact on the system given the constraints and use cases defined.
Once you've outlined the core bottlenecks you see, you can start addressing them in the next step.
Step 4: Scaling your abstract design
Once you're ready with your high-level design and have made sure that the interviewer is ok with it, you can dive into making it more detailed. Usually, this means making your system scale.
A strong process is crucial to successfully solving system design questions. We broke it down into four steps:
  • Scope the problem: Don't make assumptions; Ask questions; Understand the constraints and use cases.
  • Sketch up an abstract design that illustrates the basic components of the system and the relationships between them.
  • Think about the bottlenecks these components face when the system scales.
  • Address these bottlenecks by using the fundamentals principles of scalable system design.

With a solid process in your brain, you now need to move on to making it work at scale. You'll need to understand the fundamental components of scalable systems, how to solve common bottlenecks, and how to make your high-level design less abstract.

ry to write down what problem it solves, what its alternatives are, and what some common pros and cons may be.
One good way to research the alternatives to a technology is to type its name in Google followed by the text " vs ", and see what shows up in the Google Suggest box. For example, if you typed "rabbitmq vs" you'd get entires like "rabbitmq vs activemq", "rabbitmq vs redis", "rabbitmq vs msmq", "rabbitmq vs kafka" - which is a pretty good list to get you started. 
The goal of all this reading (other than having tons of fun) is to develop practical knowledge about what works and what doesn’t work in “the real world”. After reviewing a bunch of these architectures and seeing where they agree or disagree, you’d be very well positioned to move on to the next step.
When it comes to system design, it's incredibly useful to review real-life architectures. As you do this, make sure you:
  • Pay attention to what technologies are used. Go ahead and research each new technology and see what problem it solves, what its alternatives are, where it excels, and where it fails.
  • Take note of the common patterns you see, and how they relate to the scalability theory you learned in the previous section.
  • Read through the lessons learned - they are a very quick way to learn from other people's battle scars.
Everything is a tradeoff
This is one of the most fundamental concepts in system design.
Hopefully, at this point this is not a surprise to you. If you've looked at the real-life architectures, you saw that there rarely is one perfect way to do things. Each company ends up with a different architecture. Designing a scalable system is an optimization task: there are tons of constraints (time, budget, knowledge, complexity, technologies currently available, etc.), and you need to build the best thing that fits those constraints. Every technology, every pattern is great for some things, and not so great for others. Understanding these pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages, is key.
Remember: there is no one optimal system design.
Sure, there are best practices you can use. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to balancing between time to market, system complexity, cost of development, cost of maintenance, availability, and many other things.
Being able to understand and discuss these trade-offs is what system design (and thus system design questions) is all about.
In your preparation, don’t try to find silver bullets. Instead, focus on what each scalability pattern is good for, what its shortcomings are, and why people prefer it over other patterns.

Putting it all together & staying up to date

At this point, the most useful thing you could do is come up with a one or two pager that contains the scalability lessons you've learned.
Finally, you'd be well served throughout your professional career to stay up to date on how scalability evolves. For example, 10 years ago there were no Amazon Web Services and companies were forced to manage their infrastructure in house. Nowadays, using services like EC2, RDS, S3, Elastic MapReduce, etc. you can build a giant company. So while AWS didn’t change the fundamental scalability principles, it did change the landscape of technologies people need to be familiar with when scaling. Thus, staying up to date is quite important (or else you’d be reinventing the wheel).

At the interview

So what should you do at your interview?
First of all, follow the System Design Process. You already know how to apply it, so we'll be brief. Don't skip steps, don't make assumptions, start broad and go deep when asked.
Second, keep in mind that system design questions serve as an idea exchange platform. Be prepared for discussions about tradeoffs, about pros and cons. Be prepared to give alternatives, to ask questions, to identify and solve bottlenecks, to go broad or deep depending on your interviewer's preferences.
Don't get defensive: whenever your interviewer challenges your architectural choices, acknowledge that rarely an idea is perfect, and outline the advantages and disadvantages of your choice. Be open to new constraints to pop up during the discussion and to adjust your architecture on the fly.
Most of all, have fun. Dreaming up architectures is a very stimulating mental process - enjoy it and stay positive. You're already equipped with the right knowledge, just apply it during your interview and you'll do well.
You first build a high-level architecture by identifying the constraints and use cases, sketching up the major components and the relationships between them, and thinking about the system's bottlenecks. You then apply the right scalability patterns that will take care of these bottlenecks in the context of the system's constraints.

Solve with Friends
Look at the massive systems you use every day developed by the companies you are interviewing for. What systems did these companies have to design? Create a list of the fundamental system design questions that bubble up in your brain. Here are a few to get you started:
  • Twitter: real time feed of the tweets by the people you’re following
  • Google: instantly returning the pages matching any search query (Search); Storing and serving massive amounts of video data (YouTube); Aggregating the world’s news by topic (Google news)
  • Facebook: serving massive amounts of photos
Start by compiling a list of 10 to 20 of these questions. Then, pick one and try to come up with an efficient design. Make sure you follow the process discussed in the previous sections.
Once you’re ready, find a knowledgeable friend or coworker, go to a meeting room and start discussing ideas. It’d be tons of fun and you’ll learn a lot from the process.
Don’t spend hours: initially, limit your time per question to one hour and ultimately try to fit every question in 20 to 30 minutes.
If you can’t find a friend/coworker, go to a site like HighScalability that contains tons of examples of real-life architectures and compare what you conjured up to what these companies actually did. You’d be surprised how many of the top websites’ architectures are widely available. Keep in mind that these systems were designed by multiple people over multiple months, so don’t expect to be able to come up with every low-level decision they made. Focus on the high-level stuff.

Mock interviews are a fantastic way to practice system design questions. System design questions are all about organic discussions around trade-offs. Try to find an unbiased and knowledgeable person, and do several interviews with them.
Our recommendation is to start by working on system design questions yourself, then move on to discussing designs with friends, to finally doing mock interviews.

Vertical scaling, Horizontal scaling, Caching, Load balancing,
Database replication, Database partitioning, avoid single point of failure

Scalability for Dummies

Database Sharding是一个很重要的概念 建议看一看

这个里面会讲到很多非常流行的网站架构是如何实现的 比如Twitter, Youtube,
Pinterest, Google等等 我的建议是看5-6个 然后你应该已经建立起了一些基本的意识
还有知道了某些技术和产品的作用和mapping 比如说到cache你会想到memcached和
Redis 说到
load balancer你会想到 Amazon ELB, F5一类的

Facebook非常好的技术日志 会讲很多facebook的feature怎么实现的 比如facebook
technology-of-messages/454991608919 建议看看 尤其是准备面facebook的同学

8. 一些国内网站上的资料

9. 最后一些概念很有用 都是我再看这些资料的时候发现的 如果你没有遇到或者查过, 建议查查
Distributed Hash Table
Eventual Consistency vs Strong Consistency
Read Heavy vs Write Heavy
Consistent Hashing
Sticky Sessions

心里有很多if condition 如果要是满足这个条件 我应该用什么
技术 比如如果read heavy那么用cache会提升performance之类的 同时知道应该避免什
么东西 比如避免single point of failure 再比如时间和空间的tradeoff在read
heavy的时候应该倾向于时间 Write heavy的时候倾向于空间等等

Read full article from Baozi Training Blog (包子IT面试培训博客): How to prepare system design questions in a tech interview? | 如何准备系统设计题目?


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