Sunday, March 18, 2018

Designing Distributed System
单点模式之挎斗模式 - Sidecar


例如,考虑一个遗留的Web服务。 多年前,当它建成时,内部网络安全并不是公司的优先事项,因此,应用程序仅通过未加密的HTTP服务处理请求,而不是HTTPS。 由于最近的安全事件,该公司已经要求所有公司网站使用HTTPS。 但是不幸的是这个应用程序的源代码是用公司的构建系统的旧版本构建的,该系统已经不再起作用。这个HTTP应用程序以二进制文件形式在一个容器中运行。但是,将HTTPS添加到此应用程序的任务显然更具挑战性。团队成员要在使用挎斗模式和试图复活旧版系统并将应用程序的源代码移植到新版系统之间作决定。



如前所述,在挎斗模式中有两个容器:主应用容器和挎斗。在我们简单的PaaS应用程序中,主容器是实现Web服务器的Node.js服务器。 Node.js服务器进行了检测,以便在更新新文件时自动重新加载服务器。这是使用nodemon工具完成的。
sidecar容器与主应用程序容器共享一个文件系统,并运行一个简单的循环,使文件系统与现有的Git存储库同步。 Node.js应用程序和Git同步挎斗共同被安排并部署在一起以实现我们简单的PaaS(图5)。 一旦部署完毕,每次将新代码推送到Git存储库时,代码都会由挎斗自动更新并由服务器重新加载。
上次我们介绍了挎斗模式,是一个预先存在的容器增加一个容器以添加功能。 本章介绍大使模式(Ambassador),大使容器是代理应用程序容器与其他地方之间的交互。 与其他单节点模式一样,这两个容器也是紧密联系在一起,共生配对部署在一台机器上。
Put client frameworks and libraries into an external process that acts as a proxy between your application and external services. Deploy the proxy on the same host environment as your application to allow control over routing, resiliency, security features, and to avoid any host-related access restrictions. You can also use the ambassador pattern to standardize and extend instrumentation. The proxy can monitor performance metrics such as latency or resource usage, and this monitoring happens in the same host environment as the application.
Deploy components of an application into a separate process or container to provide isolation and encapsulation. This pattern can also enable applications to be composed of heterogeneous components and technologies.
This pattern is named Sidecar because it resembles a sidecar attached to a motorcycle. In the pattern, the sidecar is attached to a parent application and provides supporting features for the application. The sidecar also shares the same lifecycle as the parent application, being created and retired alongside the parent. The sidecar pattern is sometimes referred to as the sidekick pattern and is a decomposition pattern.

Applications and services often require related functionality, such as monitoring, logging, configuration, and networking services. These peripheral tasks can be implemented as separate components or services.
If they are tightly integrated into the application, they can run in the same process as the application, making efficient use of shared resources. However, this also means they are not well isolated, and an outage in one of these components can affect other components or the entire application. Also, they usually need to be implemented using the same language as the parent application. As a result, the component and the application have close interdependence on each other.
If the application is decomposed into services, then each service can be built using different languages and technologies. While this gives more flexibility, it means that each component has its own dependencies and requires language-specific libraries to access the underlying platform and any resources shared with the parent application. In addition, deploying these features as separate services can add latency to the application. Managing the code and dependencies for these language-specific interfaces can also add considerable complexity, especially for hosting, deployment, and management.
Co-locate a cohesive set of tasks with the primary application, but place them inside their own process or container, providing a homogeneous interface for platform services across languages.

- Solr, Search


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