Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Backends for Frontends pattern

The biggest difference in BFF’s frontend and backend architectures is that the frontend (Mobile, Web) no longer directly accesses the backend microservices, but rather accesses it through the BFF layer. And each client will have a BFF service. With BFF, there are fewer mutual calls between microservices. This is because some UI logic is processed at the BFF level.

Create separate backend services to be consumed by specific frontend applications or interfaces. This pattern is useful when you want to avoid customizing a single backend for multiple interfaces. This pattern was first described by Sam Newman.

But the capabilities of a mobile device differ significantly from a desktop browser, in terms of screen size, performance, and display limitations. As a result, the requirements for a mobile application backend differ from the desktop web UI.
These differences result in competing requirements for the backend. The backend requires regular and significant changes to serve both the desktop web UI and the mobile application. Often, separate interface teams work on each frontend, causing the backend to become a bottleneck in the development process. Conflicting update requirements, and the need to keep the service working for both frontends, can result in spending a lot of effort on a single deployable resource.
When it comes to delivering the same (or similar) user experience on different platforms, I have seen two different approaches. The model I prefer is to strictly have a single BFF for each different type of client - this is a model I saw used at REA:
2. 加入了BFF 的前后端架构
加入了BFF的前后端架构中,最大的区别就是前端(Mobile, Web) 不再直接访问后端微服务,而是通过 BFF 层进行访问。并且每种客户端都会有一个BFF服务。从微服务的角度来看,有了 BFF 之后,微服务之间的相互调用更少了。这是因为一些UI的逻辑在 BFF 层进行了处理。

1. BFF 端技术栈
我们使用 GraphQL-express 框架构建项目的 BFF 端,然后通过 Docker 进行部署。BFF 和微服务后台之间,还是通过 registrator 和 Consul 进行服务注册和发现。
在 BFF 的路由设置中,对于客户端的处理,主要有 /graphql和 /api/${serviceName}两部分。/graphql处理的是所有 GraphQL 查询请求,同时我们在 BFF 端增加了/api/${serviceName}进行 API 透传,对于一些没有必要进行 GraphQL 封装的请求,可以直接通过透传访问到相关的微服务中。




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