Saturday, July 25, 2015

[CC150v5] 8.1 Design a Generic Deck of Cards -

[CC150v5] 8.1 Design a Generic Deck of Cards -
Design a Generic Deck of Cards

在职刷题 + System Design + 面试准备的路上
ow to design Black Jack?
主题从player角度出发,core object有hand, board, deck, suit等,use cases有Initialization, Play, Checkout, Shuffle(喜欢考算法)。
The structure is clear here: a deck contains four suits and a suit contains 13 card. Each card has a numerical value from 1 to 13. If you think about a card game, different games differ from ways of dealing cards and putting cards back in. So we can have a set of abstract methods inside the class ‘Deck’ to allow sub-class implements its own way of dealing.

enum Suit {

class Deck<T extends Card> {
    List<Card> deck;

    public void shuffle() {

abstract class Card {
    boolean available;
    Suit suit;
    int num; //???

    public boolean isAvailable() {
        return available;

class Hand<T extends Card> {
    List<Card> cards;

    public int score() {
        int score = 0;
        for (Card c : cards) {
            score += c.num;
        return score;

    public void addCard(T card) {

// Now use the above generic Data Structure to make a
// Blackjack Game
class Blackjack extends Hand<BlackJackCard> {

class BlackJackCard extends Card {
namespace SUIT
    enum Enum
class Card
    SUIT::Enum s;
    int v;
    virtual SUIT::Enum suit() const
        return s;
    virtual int val() const
        return v;
    Card(int val, SUIT::Enum suit):s(suit), v(val){};
Just remember and practise the paradigm of inheritance
class BlackJackCard : public Card
    virtual int val()
        int v = Card::val();
        if (v < 10) return v;
        return 10;
    BlackJackCard(int val, SUIT::Enum suit):Card(val, suit){};
class player
    int id;
    int bet;
    set<int> points;
    vector<BlackJackCard *> bjcs;
    bool addPoint(set<int>& points, BlackJackCard* card)
        if (points.empty())
            if (card->val() == 1)
            set elements are ALWAYS CONST, they can't be modified once inserted.
            set<int> tmp;
            for (set<int>::iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++ it)
                tmp.insert(*it + card->val());
                if (card->val() == 1)
                    tmp.insert(*it + 11);
            points = tmp;
    void getPoints()
        cout << "You All Possible Points : " << endl;
        for (set<int>::iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++ it)
            cout << *it << endl;
    int getMinPoints()
        set is implemented by commonly BST, so eles are in order!!!
        learn to use lower_bound() and upper_bound()
        "they allow the direct iteration on subsets based on their order."
        which gives us another option to find min. preferable
        //return *(points.lower_bound(0));
        return *(points.begin());
    void printCards()
        cout << "You Cards : " << endl;
        for (vector<BlackJackCard *>::iterator it = bjcs.begin(); it != bjcs.end(); ++ it)
            cout << (*it)->val() << endl;
    player(int i, int j):id(i),bet(j)
        bjcs.push_back(new BlackJackCard(rand() % 13 + 1, SUIT::SPADE));
        bjcs.push_back(new BlackJackCard(rand() % 13 + 1, SUIT::SPADE));
        addPoint(points, bjcs[0]);
        addPoint(points, bjcs[1]);
    void getAnotherCard()
        for (set<int>::iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++ it)
            predefined strategy for the player
            if (*it <= 21 && 21 - *it <= 4)
                cout << "Stand" << endl;
        bjcs.push_back(new BlackJackCard(rand() % 13 + 1, SUIT::SPADE));
        addPoint(points, bjcs.back());
        if (getMinPoints() > 21)
            cout << "Busted" << endl;
  1. enum 类型不支持 public 和 protected 修饰符的构造方法,因此构造函数一定要是 private 或 friendly 的。也正因为如此,所以枚举对象是无法在程序中通过直接调用其构造方法来初始化的。
  2. 定义 enum 类型时候,如果是简单类型 (No more constructor),那么最后一个枚举值后不用跟任何一个符号;但如果有定制方法,那么最后一个枚举值与后面代码要用分号';'隔开,不能用逗号或空格。
  3. 由于 enum 类型的值实际上是通过运行期构造出对象来表示的,所以在 cluster 环境下,每个虚拟机都会构造出一个同义的枚举对象。因而在做比较操作时候就需要注意,如果直接通过使用等号 ( ‘ == ’ ) 操作符,这些看似一样的枚举值一定不相等,因为这不是同一个对象实例。
class Card {
    // Define the Suit by Enum type
    public enum Suit {
        CLUBS(1), SPADE(2), HEART(3), DIAMOND(4);
        int value;
        private Suit(int val) {
            this.value = val;

    // Card has suit and value, only two kind of data need to store
    int val;
    Suit suit;

    public Card(int value, Suit suit) {
        this.val = value;
        this.suit = suit;

    public int getVal(){
        return this.val;

    public Suit getSuit(){
        return this.suit;


  • Face cards (kings, queens, and jacks) are counted as ten points.
  • Ace can be counted as 1 point or 11 points
  • Other cards with value less than ten should be counted as what it values.
class BlackJack extends Card{
    public BlackJack(int val, Suit suit) {
        super(val, suit);

    public int getVal(){
        int value = super.getVal();
        if(value < 10)
            return value;
        else if(value == 1)
            return 11;
        return 10;

    public boolean isAce(){
        return super.getVal() == 1;

       public class DeckOfCards
          public static final int NCARDS = 52;
          private Card[] deckOfCards;         // Contains all 52 cards
          private int currentCard;            // deal THIS card in deck           
          public DeckOfCards( )    // Constructor
         deckOfCards = new Card[ NCARDS ];
         int i = 0;
         for ( int suit = Card.SPADE; suit <= Card.DIAMOND; suit++ )
            for ( int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++ )
         deckOfCards[i++] = new Card(suit, rank);
         currentCard = 0;
          /* ---------------------------------
         shuffle(n): shuffle the deck
         --------------------------------- */
          public void shuffle(int n)
         int i, j, k;
         for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
             i = (int) ( NCARDS * Math.random() );  // Pick 2 random cards
             j = (int) ( NCARDS * Math.random() );  // in the deck
             /* ---------------------------------
         swap these randomly picked cards
         --------------------------------- */
             Card tmp = deckOfCards[i];
             deckOfCards[i] = deckOfCards[j];
             deckOfCards[j] = tmp;;
         currentCard = 0;   // Reset current card to deal
          /* -------------------------------------------
         deal(): deal deckOfCards[currentCard] out
         ------------------------------------------- */
          public Card deal()
         if ( currentCard < NCARDS )
            return ( deckOfCards[ currentCard++ ] );
            System.out.println("Out of cards error");
            return ( null );  // Error;
          public String toString()
         String s = "";
         int k;
         k = 0;
         for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
            for ( int j = 1; j <= 13; j++ )
         s += (deckOfCards[k++] + " ");
            s += "\n";
         return ( s );
Card, Hand, Deck

Read full article from [CC150v5] 8.1 Design a Generic Deck of Cards -


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