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the mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.
Usually a program is made up of a large number of classes. So the logic and computation is distributed among these classes. However, as more classes are developed in a program, especially during maintenance and/or refactoring, the problem of communication between these classes may become more complex. This makes the program harder to read and maintain. Furthermore, it can become difficult to change the program, since any change may affect code in several other classes.
With the mediator pattern, communication between objects is encapsulated with a mediator object. Objects no longer communicate directly with each other, but instead communicate through the mediator. This reduces the dependencies between communicating objects, thereby lowering the coupling.
Allows loose coupling by encapsulating the way disparate sets of objects interact and communicate with each other. Allows for the actions of each object set to vary independently of one another.
The system objects that communicate each other are called Colleagues. Usually we have an interface or abstract class that provides the contract for communication and then we have concrete implementation of mediators.
the mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.
Usually a program is made up of a large number of classes. So the logic and computation is distributed among these classes. However, as more classes are developed in a program, especially during maintenance and/or refactoring, the problem of communication between these classes may become more complex. This makes the program harder to read and maintain. Furthermore, it can become difficult to change the program, since any change may affect code in several other classes.
With the mediator pattern, communication between objects is encapsulated with a mediator object. Objects no longer communicate directly with each other, but instead communicate through the mediator. This reduces the dependencies between communicating objects, thereby lowering the coupling.
Allows loose coupling by encapsulating the way disparate sets of objects interact and communicate with each other. Allows for the actions of each object set to vary independently of one another.
The system objects that communicate each other are called Colleagues. Usually we have an interface or abstract class that provides the contract for communication and then we have concrete implementation of mediators.
The left side is the mediator, the object that distributes the messages. The right side are the participants. The official UML of the mediator pattern calls the participants as Colleagues, it's just a different terminology.
- The
interface defines the properties and the methods that all mediators must support:
-- This is the list of the registered participants
-- Sends the messages from the sender to all the participants
-- Register the participant to receive the message from the mediator
- The
interface defines the methods that all participants must support:
-- Sends the message to the mediator
-- Gets the message from the mediator
A comparison between the mediator pattern and the observer pattern shows some similarities and some clear differences. Both patterns facilitates the communication between objects, and both decouples the link between the sender and the receiver. The main difference is that in the mediator pattern there is the notion of the participants and they communicate with each other using the mediator as a central hub, whereas in the observer pattern there is a clear distinction between the sender and the receiver, and the receiver merely listens to the changes in the sender.
Communication between mediators and colleagues
In more complex implementations asynchronous messages can be added to to a message queue, from where they can be picked up by the mediator object
Communication between mediators and colleagues
In more complex implementations asynchronous messages can be added to to a message queue, from where they can be picked up by the mediator object
- Mediator pattern is useful when the communication logic between objects is complex, we can have a central point of communication that takes care of communication logic.
- Java Message Service (JMS) uses Mediator pattern along with Observer pattern to allow applications to subscribe and publish data to other applications.
- We should not use mediator pattern just to achieve lose-coupling because if the number of mediators will grow, then it will become hard to maintain them.
Important Points
(I)ChatRoom, (I)User
the colleagues are a presenter, who is giving a demonstration, and a variable number of attendees, who are watching the presentation. The mediator holds references to a single presenter and multiple attendee objects with the latter held in a list. The attendees may ask questions. The presenter may answer questions and send new images to the attendees.
public abstract class PresentationMember
protected Mediator _mediator;
public PresentationMember(Mediator mediator)
_mediator = mediator;
public string Name { get; set; }
public void ReceiveAnswer(string answer)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
Console.WriteLine("{0} received anwer.\n'{1}'.", Name, answer);
public class Presenter : PresentationMember
public Presenter(Mediator mediator) : base(mediator) { }
public void SendNewImageUrl(string url)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.WriteLine("Presenter changed image URL to '{0}'.", url);
public void ReceiveQuestion(string question, Attendee attendee)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("Presenter received question from {0}.\n'{1}'"
, attendee.Name, question);
public void AnswerQuestion(string answer, Attendee attendee)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
Console.WriteLine("Presenter answered question for {0}.\n'{1}'"
, attendee.Name, answer);
_mediator.SendAnswer(answer, attendee);
public class Attendee : PresentationMember
public Attendee(Mediator mediator) : base(mediator) { }
public void AskQuestion(string question)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("{0} asked question.\n'{1}'", Name, question);
_mediator.SendQuestion(question, this);
public void ReceiveImage(string url)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.WriteLine("Image for {0} updated to '{1}'.", Name, url);
public class Mediator
public Presenter Presenter { get; set; }
public List<Attendee> Attendees { get; set; }
public void UpdateImage(string url)
foreach (Attendee attendee in Attendees)
public void SendAnswer(string answer, Attendee attendee)
public void SendQuestion(string question, Attendee attendee)
Presenter.ReceiveQuestion(question, attendee);
- Mediator Pattern in JDK
- java.util.Timer class scheduleXXX() methods
- Java Concurrency Executor execute() method.
- java.lang.reflect.Method invoke() method.
The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients. The JMS API supports 2 models. One of them is the publish-subscribe model. It is an implementation of the mediator pattern. The messages can be publisehd based on a particular topic. The publisher has to create a subscription to which different subscribers may subscribe. Zero or more subscribers may subscribe to receive messages on a particular message topic. The publisher and the subscriber doesn't know one about eachother, the subscriber can be even inactive. In this case the subscriber receives the messages when it will become active.
The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients. The JMS API supports 2 models. One of them is the publish-subscribe model. It is an implementation of the mediator pattern. The messages can be publisehd based on a particular topic. The publisher has to create a subscription to which different subscribers may subscribe. Zero or more subscribers may subscribe to receive messages on a particular message topic. The publisher and the subscriber doesn't know one about eachother, the subscriber can be even inactive. In this case the subscriber receives the messages when it will become active.
● 抽象调停者(Mediator)角色:定义出同事对象到调停者对象的接口,其中主要方法是一个(或多个)事件方法。
● 具体调停者(ConcreteMediator)角色:实现了抽象调停者所声明的事件方法。具体调停者知晓所有的具体同事类,并负责具体的协调各同事对象的交互关系。
● 抽象同事类(Colleague)角色:定义出调停者到同事对象的接口。同事对象只知道调停者而不知道其余的同事对象。
● 具体同事类(ConcreteColleague)角色:所有的具体同事类均从抽象同事类继承而来。实现自己的业务,在需要与其他同事通信的时候,就与持有的调停者通信,调停者会负责与其他的同事交互。
public interface Mediator { /** * 同事对象在自身改变的时候来通知调停者方法 * 让调停者去负责相应的与其他同事对象的交互 */ public void changed(Colleague c); }
public class ConcreteMediator implements Mediator { //持有并维护同事A private ConcreteColleagueA colleagueA; //持有并维护同事B private ConcreteColleagueB colleagueB; public void setColleagueA(ConcreteColleagueA colleagueA) { this.colleagueA = colleagueA; } public void setColleagueB(ConcreteColleagueB colleagueB) { this.colleagueB = colleagueB; } @Override public void changed(Colleague c) { /** * 某一个同事类发生了变化,通常需要与其他同事交互 * 具体协调相应的同事对象来实现协作行为 */ } }
public abstract class Colleague { //持有一个调停者对象 private Mediator mediator; /** * 构造函数 */ public Colleague(Mediator mediator){ this.mediator = mediator; } /** * 获取当前同事类对应的调停者对象 */ public Mediator getMediator() { return mediator; } }
public class ConcreteColleagueA extends Colleague { public ConcreteColleagueA(Mediator mediator) { super(mediator); } /** * 示意方法,执行某些操作 */ public void operation(){ //在需要跟其他同事通信的时候,通知调停者对象 getMediator().changed(this); } }
public class CDDriver extends Colleague{ //光驱读取出来的数据 private String data = ""; /** * 构造函数 */ public CDDriver(Mediator mediator) { super(mediator); } /** * 获取光盘读取出来的数据 */ public String getData() { return data; } /** * 读取光盘 */ public void readCD(){ //逗号前是视频显示的数据,逗号后是声音 = "One Piece,海贼王我当定了"; //通知主板,自己的状态发生了改变 getMediator().changed(this); } }
public class CPU extends Colleague { //分解出来的视频数据 private String videoData = ""; //分解出来的声音数据 private String soundData = ""; /** * 构造函数 */ public CPU(Mediator mediator) { super(mediator); } /** * 获取分解出来的视频数据 */ public String getVideoData() { return videoData; } /** * 获取分解出来的声音数据 */ public String getSoundData() { return soundData; } /** * 处理数据,把数据分成音频和视频的数据 */ public void executeData(String data){ //把数据分解开,前面是视频数据,后面是音频数据 String[] array = data.split(","); this.videoData = array[0]; this.soundData = array[1]; //通知主板,CPU完成工作 getMediator().changed(this); } }
public class MainBoard implements Mediator { //需要知道要交互的同事类——光驱类 private CDDriver cdDriver = null; //需要知道要交互的同事类——CPU类 private CPU cpu = null; //需要知道要交互的同事类——显卡类 private VideoCard videoCard = null; //需要知道要交互的同事类——声卡类 private SoundCard soundCard = null; public void setCdDriver(CDDriver cdDriver) { this.cdDriver = cdDriver; } public void setCpu(CPU cpu) { this.cpu = cpu; } public void setVideoCard(VideoCard videoCard) { this.videoCard = videoCard; } public void setSoundCard(SoundCard soundCard) { this.soundCard = soundCard; } @Override public void changed(Colleague c) { if(c instanceof CDDriver){ //表示光驱读取数据了 this.opeCDDriverReadData((CDDriver)c); }else if(c instanceof CPU){ this.opeCPU((CPU)c); } } /** * 处理光驱读取数据以后与其他对象的交互 */ private void opeCDDriverReadData(CDDriver cd){ //先获取光驱读取的数据 String data = cd.getData(); //把这些数据传递给CPU进行处理 cpu.executeData(data); } /** * 处理CPU处理完数据后与其他对象的交互 */ private void opeCPU(CPU cpu){ //先获取CPU处理后的数据 String videoData = cpu.getVideoData(); String soundData = cpu.getSoundData(); //把这些数据传递给显卡和声卡展示出来 videoCard.showData(videoData); soundCard.soundData(soundData); } }客户端类
public static void main(String[] args) { //创建调停者——主板 MainBoard mediator = new MainBoard(); //创建同事类 CDDriver cd = new CDDriver(mediator); CPU cpu = new CPU(mediator); VideoCard vc = new VideoCard(mediator); SoundCard sc = new SoundCard(mediator); //让调停者知道所有同事 mediator.setCdDriver(cd); mediator.setCpu(cpu); mediator.setVideoCard(vc); mediator.setSoundCard(sc); //开始看电影,把光盘放入光驱,光驱开始读盘 cd.readCD(); }
● 松散耦合
● 集中控制交互
● 多对多变成一对多
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