Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Java Enum Miscs

Java Practice: When NOT to use enum's
type safety
self documenting
valueOf method makes it easy to convert from strings to enum values
enums can have internal methods

easy to use in collections
allows you to store additional attributes with each enumeration.

Java's enum's are very much like classes. In fact, they are special classes that are inherited from the java.lang.Enum class.
enum's can't extend other enum's since they all extend java.lang.Enum

they are effectively singleton objects instantiated when they are first used.

enums are not classes/objects. Enums are good to represent static/singleton objects but should never be used as value objects or have attributes that get set during usage. 

The utility class
public enum MyUtils {;
   public static String process(String text) { /* ... */ }
The singleton
public enum Singleton implements SingletonService {
    public String instanceMethod(String text) { /* ... */ }
An enum can implement an interface, allowing it to be mocked out where ever the interface has been used.
  1. Serialization for free.
  2. Guaranteed one instance (Cannot instantiate more then one enum even through reflection.)
  3. Thread safe
public enum AnimalHelperSingleton {


    private AnimalHelperSingleton(){


    public Animal[] buildAnimalList(){
        final Animal[] animals = new Animal[10];

        animals[0] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.MAMMAL, 
                "Dog", true, Color.GRAY);
        animals[1] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.MAMMAL, 
                "Cat", true, Color.YELLOW);
        animals[2] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.AMPHIBIAN,
                "Frog", true, Color.GREEN);
        animals[3] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.BIRD,
                "Crow", true, Color.BLACK);
        animals[4] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.BIRD,
                "Cardinal", true, Color.RED);
        animals[5] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.ARTHROPOD,
                "Mantis", false, Color.GREEN);
        animals[6] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.ARTHROPOD,
                "Spider", false, Color.ORANGE);
        animals[7] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.MAMMAL, 
                "Tiger", true, Color.ORANGE);
        animals[8] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.MAMMAL, 
                "Bear", true, Color.BLACK);
        animals[9] = new SimpleAnimal(Animal.AnimalClass.BIRD, 
                "Owl", true, Color.BLACK);

        return animals;

And in use:
//Call singleton to build the animal list.
Animal[] animals = AnimalHelperSingleton.INSTANCE.buildAnimalList();
传统的单例实现方式(例如懒汉式饿汉式),如果它implements Serializable,那它就不再是单例了,因为readObject方法总是会返回新的对象。 
enum虽然implements Serializable,但它仍然是单例,这是由jvm保证的。 


这很好解释,因为懒汉模式是在方法(getInstance)调用中出错,而枚举方式和饿汉方式都是在类加载(Class initialization)时出错(The constructors are invoked when the enum class is initialized)。 



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