Citrus Integration Testing
What is an integration test
My basic rule of thumb is that if
a test uses the database
a test uses the network
a test uses an external system (e.g. a queue or a mail server)
a test reads/writes files or performs other I/O
…then it is an integration test and not a unit test.
Your integration tests however hava a different naming convention. They are named as “name of class + IT”. IT stands for Integration Test.
ContextConfiguration(classes = {MainConfig.class, FakeDataSource.class})
Unit & Integration Test in Cassandra
Citrus Integration Testing
What is an integration test
My basic rule of thumb is that if
a test uses the database
a test uses the network
a test uses an external system (e.g. a queue or a mail server)
a test reads/writes files or performs other I/O
…then it is an integration test and not a unit test.
Your integration tests however hava a different naming convention. They are named as “name of class + IT”. IT stands for Integration Test.
JavaConfig JavaConfig is the most recent way to configure Spring applications, bringing both compile-time (as autowiring) and explicit configuration (as XML) safety.
ContextConfiguration(classes = {MainConfig.class, FakeDataSource.class})
Unit & Integration Test in Cassandra
- Use mocking libraries.
- Use an embedded cassandra server.
- Use a real cassandra cluster.
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @TestExecutionListeners({ CassandraUnitTestExecutionListener.class }) @EmbeddedCassandra @ContextConfiguration(classes = { ValidationConfig.class}) public abstract class BaseTransactionalSpringContextTestLegacy extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests { @Test public void xxx_xxx() { } }