F-Droid is an alternative app store that only catalogs FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) Android apps. In addition to being open source, all apps submitted to F-Droid go through a much stricter auditing process that the automated system used by Google.
Force reboot
If your Pixel was not dropped or exposed to liquid and was working normally before experiencing the problem, the cause is most likely a minor OS bug. Try fixing it by rebooting the device. Simply press and hold the Power button for about 10 seconds. Afterwards, wait for your phone to complete the reboot sequence and see what happens.
The default Power + Volume Down button combination for screenshots is a little awkward. Thus, in Android Pie, you can take a shortcut from the Power menu anytime.
Android automatically switches your screen orientation based on how it’s situated. You can lock the orientation to portrait or landscape, but this turns into a pain if you need to switch often.
In Pie, if you have Auto-Rotate turned off, you’ll see a new icon on the right side of the navigation bar when you rotate your device to landscape. Tap it to lock in landscape orientation, and it will stay even if you turn back to portrait. Just tap the icon again to rotate back to portrait.
pressing volume buttons now changes the Media volumeinstead of the Ringer volume like before. This simple volume tweak makes it easier to avoid opening a YouTube video and accidentally playing it at full blast.
Android Oreo included a dark mode, but the system automatically decided whether to enable it based on your wallpaper. Now you can choose for yourself at Settings > System > Display > Advanced > Device theme.
Download SDK Platform Tools from
find the id from play store.
adb shell settings put global policy_control
adb shell settings put global policy_control
adb shell settings put global policy_control
- Enabling (and Disabling) Developer Mode Will Wipe Your Chromebook: As part of the process of enabling Developer Mode, your Chromebook will be “powerwashed.” All the user accounts and their files will be removed from your Chromebook. Of course, most of your data should be stored online, and you’re free to log into the Chromebook with the same Google account afterward.
find my phone
pin screen
Android has this feature which lets you tweak the volume of Media, Ring, and Alarm, depending on your preference. It will help you to choose which one to turn up and which one to turn down.
don't disturb
one hand type
turn off all sound effect
Tap the weather widget to get to the weather app
Hold down the ‘take photo’ button to use burst mode
Long press your quick settings to find out more
What changes when battery saver is on
- Apps only refresh their content, like email or news, when you look at the app.
- Location services stop when your screen is off.
- Apps stop doing things in the background, unless you turn off battery optimization.
- Your phone stops listening for "Ok Google.” Instead, you need to squeeze your phone or tap the Assistant icon
- Dark theme turns on.
- Some notifications may be delayed.