Saturday, July 20, 2019

Linux Commands Tips and Tricks
8) Using pushd, popd, cd -, ~ to Move Across a Directory

diff <(ls) <(ls -a)
<() treat process output like a file, process substituation
# apropos "list directory"
2. Execute Previous Command
$ sudo shutdown 21:00
This will tell your computer to shut down at the specific time you have provided. You can also tell the system to shutdown after specific amount of minutes:

$ sudo shutdown +15
That way the system will shut down in 15 minutes.

We all use cd .. to move to move to an upper directory. You can also use cd - to move to the previous directory - just like a back button.

To keep executing a command until it finally succeeds, use the exit code of the command directly: while ! [command]; do sleep 1; done

In Linux, you cannot really know the rate of a file transfer progress until it's done. Using the pv command, you can monitor the progress of file transfers.

$ pv access.log | gzip > access.log.gz
 611MB 0:00:11 [58.3MB/s] [=> ] 15% ETA 0:00:59
5) Easily schedule events
Using the at command, you can easily schedule events at anytime.

echo wget | at 2:00 PM

ou can easily display all the outputs in a table form using the column -t command. In this example, we used the command

$ cat /etc/passwd | column -t

The clear command clears the terminal screen with a blank one. Pressing Ctrl + L on your keyboard does the same thing, but faster.

To go through previous commands, press Alt + . .

Ctrl + U clears the content you've typed already. Try this when you want to clear the password field in the command line.

To reverse search your command history, press Ctrl + R

Do you want to check how long your battery can last under 100% CPU usage? Try this command:

$ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null

If you want to quickly rename or move a bunch of files with suffix, try this command.
$ cp /home/sample.txt{,-old}
To rename files of a particular extension in batch, try this:

$ ls

$ rename 's/comes_here_/goes_there/' *.txt
$ ls
$ sudo apt install xclip xsel
alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
If you want to use xsel, paste the following lines in your ~/.bashrc file.

alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input'
alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output'

export takes multiple arguments. You can do:
export -f foo bar baz
An alias usually replaces just the first word. But some shells, such as bash and ksh, allow a sequence or words to be replaced. This particular feature is unavailable through the function mechanism.
The usual syntax is to define the first alias with a trailing space character. For instance, using the two aliases:
 alias list='ls '      # note the trailing space to trigger chaining
 alias long='-Flas'    # options to ls for a long listing
 list long myfile      # becomes "ls -Flas myfile" when run
for a long listing, where "long" is also evaluated as an alias.


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