Tuesday, July 30, 2019

IntelliJ IDEA settings

Go to File/SettingsEditor, click on General. Scroll down, then ✔ Show quick documentation on mouse move.

File size exceeds configured limit (2560000), code insight features not available
This is built from Álvaro González's answer and How to increase IDE memory limit in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac?
Go to Help > Edit Custom Properties
Restart the IDE.

# Maximum file size (kilobytes) IDE should provide code assistance for.
# The larger file is the slower its editor works and higher overall system memory requirements are
# if code assistance is enabled. Remove this property or set to very large number if you need
# code assistance for any files available regardless their size.

# This option controls console cyclic buffer: keeps the console output size not higher than the specified buffer size (Kb)
# Older lines are deleted. In order to disable cycle buffer use idea.cycle.buffer.size=disabled

You should go to your keymap settings (ide settings | keymap) and do the following:
  1. Remove 'Button2' mouse shortcut from 'Paste from X clipboard' action;
  2. Add 'Button2' mouse shortcut for 'main menu | navigate | declaration' action;
Sometimes you don’t even need to open the settings dialog. Press Ctrl + Shift + Aand type the setting name. If it’s a checkbox option, you can press Return to toggle the setting - effective immediately!

Finally, some settings are only applied to the current project, e.g. the JavaScript language level. To customize default project settings, go to File → Other Settings → Default settings....
Zoom with the mouse wheel
☑ Editor → General → Change font size (zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel

That’s a feature known from most other text editors and browsers, but it’s disabled by default. Enable this option to zoom using Ctrl + Mouse Wheel.

Show line numbers on the editor gutter
☑ Editor → General → Appearance → Show line numbers

That’s self explanatory. Additionally, press Ctrl + G to navigate to a line number.

Wrap long lines
☑ Editor > General > Use soft wraps in editor
☑ Editor > General > (Console >) Use soft wraps in console
Editor > General > Use custom soft wraps indent/additional shift: 1

mprove tab appearance
☑ Editor → General → Editor Tabs → Hide file extension in editor tabs
☐ Editor → General → Editor Tabs → Show “close” button on editor tabs

By hiding both file extensions and close icons you will gain a lot of free space in the editor tab panel. File icons are enough to infer the file types, and you are still able to close tabs by pressing the middle mouse key or Ctrl + F4.

use Ctrl + E to switch between recent files and Ctrl + Shift + E to switch between recently edited files. I’m currently trying out this idea (no pun intended), but it’s quite hard to quit the habit of using tabs.

Sort debugger fields alphabetically
☑ Build, Execution, Deployment → Debugger → Data Views → Sort alphabetically

By default, debugger variables are listed in the order in which they were defined. I find this makes it harder to find the right values.

Bonus tip: you can focus any list/tree panel (like debugger variables or the project view) and search for a value by simply starting to type. If multiple values match the search string, use ↓ and ↑ keys to step through them.
In this example I typed mo, so I can toggle the selection between module and mongoose:

Remove unused sidebar panels
That’s a new feature in IntelliJ IDEA 15. Finally we are able to remove unwanted tool window buttons. Just right click a sidebar button and select Remove from sidebar. You can restore a hidden tool window with View → Tool Windows.

Remove sidebar panel
Remove sidebar panel
Use a custom terminal shell
☑ Tools → Terminal → Shell path

IDEA comes with a handy terminal panel (Alt + F12). However, using the default Windows command prompt can sometimes be quite annoying. Fortunatelly, you can use a more useful shell within IntelliJ IDEA, like the Git Bash (by default under C:\Program Files\Git in ash.exe).

You can customize the terminal font and colors here:

☑ Editor → Colors & Fonts → Console Font/Colors


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