X. Storage
- Open the homescreen for Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Google Slides.
- Click the file you want to transfer to someone else.
- Click Share or Share
- Click Advanced.
- To the right of a person you've already shared the file with, click the Down arrow
- Click Is owner.
- Click Save changes.
You can only transfer ownership of Google Docs/Slides/Sheets files. If you want to transfer ownership of a physical file (Word/PDF/video, image, etc.) to someone else, you'll need to follow these steps:
- Share the file with someone.
- Collaborator adds the file to their My Drive.
- Collaborator makes a copy of the file.
- Collaborator moves the file to the desired location on their Drive.
the files that you put into the trash also count
Google Drive allows you to easily share files and even entire folders with others. But contrary to popular belief, if you are the owner of the shared items, then they fully count toward your quota and doesn’t ‘split up’ among others.
Of course, you can choose to transfer ownership of a shared item to someone else with storage to spare, and eliminate it from counting toward your quota.
Hidden App Data
To check out a list of apps that occupy data, open the Google Drive Settings panel, and then click Manage Apps
Visit Google Drive, and then click Trash. Next, click Trash to the top of the screen, and then click Empty Trash.
Alternately, you can also remove files individually by right-clicking items and then selecting Delete Forever.
WARNING: Once the files are deleted from trash, you won't be able to restore them.
If you were uploading images and videos to Google Photos in original quality all along, then consider compressing your backups to gain some considerable space savings.
Delete Large Emails
X. Sharing
- Navigate to the file or folder in question, right click it and select Share from the menu.
- If you’ve shared it you should see one of three messages: Anyone with the link can view or Anyone with the link can edit or Anyone with the link can comment. To switch the sharing settings, click drop down menu and make a new selection.
- If you want to completely turn off link sharing, click the drop down menu and select OFF.
In Dropbox there is a place you can see all the shared items in your account (i.e., all the items you have granted others access to).
- nope...
Transferring folder ownership is a little messy. Any files within the folder still belong to you. So, you may have to manually transfer the ownership of everything within the folder en-masse afterward.
A. As the owner of a file or folder, the amount of data used up counts only to your total — and not that of your collaborators. However, when someone adds a new item to a shared folder, the storage space counts towards the original creator of the item and not you.
Also, you can only add a maximum of 200 people through private link sharing. However, it’s possible to exceed this limitation by creating a Google Group.
Further, there are restrictions on the sizes of various file types — a 50MB cap on text documents, a 200MB cap on presentations, etc. Google Drive won't sync any changes if you or your collaborators exceed these limits.
Within Google Drive:
- Select the drop-down in the search bar
- Choose the folder you want from the Location menu
- Right-click on a folder
- select Search within that folder
Set a cut-off date on Drive shares via the Set expiration feature
- only for G suite users.
Google Drive includes powerful search features to help you locate specific files by MIME type.
Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet standard which originally enabled the support of various document types in email. Now MIME types are used more generally as an Internet media type (a standard identifier used to indicate the type of data that a file contains)
All Microsoft Word documents
| |
All Microsoft Excel documents
| |
All PDFs
| |
All zip files
| |
type:image/jpeg (or gif or bmp etc)
All JPG images
All mp3 files
| |
All mpeg videos
| |
Owner : To search for documents created by a specific user/email, use the owner: prefix followed by email address to search.
Type : Use the type: prefix to filter and search for specific document types.
You can use the before: and after: search operators followed by the date to look for documents created before or after the specific dates.
Title : Use the title: operator followed by the keyword to search only the documents that include that specific keyword in their title.
Deleted files : To search for files and documents that are deleted, use the is:trashed operator. This will show all the deleted files.
Starred files: Use the is:starred operator to only look for files that are starred. This is similar to is:trashedas it only searches a specific category.
Include & Exclude : Another useful search operator is the include and exclude. Use OR to include words and the – sign followed by the keyword to exclude them.
Shared with and by : The to: prefix followed by user email will search for all the files shared with that particular user. Similarly, the with: prefix with email will show files shared by that user.
Google Drive, by default, will return files where the search query matches the file’s title, the content or the file’s description. It can also identify objects inside photos so a search for “birthday” may retrieve images of cakes in your Drive.
type:spreadsheet from:James
type:image owner:me cakes
Find Photos or Images containing photos of cakes
type:image owner:me cakes
Find files in trash that were modified today
is:trashed after:2017-07-28
Find PDF files that are shared with me
type:pdf -owner:me
Find files that are shared with me and added to my Google Drive
in:myFiles -owner:me
Find presentations that I’ve shared with my secretary
type:presentation to:secretary@domain.com
Gmail offers the larger_than and smaller_than search operator to find all the space-hogging emails in your account. Google Drive offers no search by size operator buy you can use this special link – drive.google.com/#quota – to sort files by size and the ones taking the most space would be listed at the top.
Note: If you’re using Google Drive on a desktop, you’ll need to click the little drop-down arrow in the search bar or More search tools, and then click Type to see the last four options.
Enter *. followed by the file extension, and search to find all files with that extension.
For example: *.png for all PNG files, or *.MP4 for all MP4 files.
Keyboard shortcuts
N | Rename selected item |
S | Star or unstar selected item |
Z | Move selected item to another folder |
Enter | Open selected item |
Period | Share selected item |
Shift + 3 | Delete selected item |
Shift + A | Select all visible items |
Shift + N | Clear all selections |
Shift + / | Open list of all shortcuts |
To display the keyboard shortcut list in Google Drive, press Ctrl + / (Chrome OS, Windows) or ⌘ + / (Mac).
Select or deselect item | x |
More actions menu a
Current folder actions menu f
Settings menu t
Display keyboard shortcuts list Shift + /
Ctrl + / (Chrome OS, Windows)
⌘ + / (Mac)
Search your Drive /
Show or hide details pane d
Show or hide activity pane i
Period | Share selected item |
N | Rename selected item |
S | Star or unstar selected item |
Z | Move selected item to another folder |
Enter | Open selected item |
Period | Share selected item |
Shift + 3 | Delete selected item |
A | Open the More Actions menu for the currently selected item |
C | Open the New Item menu |
D | Toggle the Details Pane |
F | Open the Folder actions menu |
I | Toggle the Activity Pane |
R | Open the Sort menu |
T | Open the Settings menu |
V | Switch between grid and list views |
/ | Jump to Google Drive search bar |
To remove a file from your Drive, put it in your trash. The file will stay there until you empty your trash. When you put a file in the trash:
- If you own the file, people you’ve shared it with can make a copy. Learn how to permanently delete a file.
- If you don’t own the file, removing the file from your Drive only removes it for you.
Empty your trash
You can permanently delete an individual file or empty your entire trash.
- After you delete a file permanently, anyone you’ve shared the file will lose access to it.
- If you want others to be able to view the file, you can transfer ownership to someone else.
Double click on the video which refuses to play.
If you see an error message "Whoops! There was a problem playing this video."
Double click on the video which refuses to play.
If you see an error message "Whoops! There was a problem playing this video."
Just click on the three dots on the top right of the screen and select open in new tab as show below.
This only happens if you have more than one google account setup on that browser.
If you see more than one account (especially if those accounts don’t have access to your videos and/or are logged out out) you will have problems.
1. Folder structure comes first
The best starting point is creating a clean universal folder structure. An easy way to do this is to create a folder for each category of document and then make subfolders for each aspect of that category. An “uncategorized” folder can house all the documents that don’t fit into any of the other folders yet. Scan through the “uncategorized” folder regularly and sort its contents into the appropriate labeled folders if possible.
4. Shared with you, organized by you
When a document is shared with you, it can be hard to locate because it is not automatically added to your “My Drive” folder. Make sure to add the file to the appropriate folder in “My Drive.” If it does not adhere to your naming conventions, create a folder that fits the naming convention and add the shared file to that folder.
How to Embed Images from Google Drive in a Web Page
To create your image URL, use "http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=FILEID", but change FILEID to the string of characters you just copied.
A workaround is to get the
with Google Drive SDK API
and then using this Url
That will be a permanent link to your file in Google Drive (image or anything else).
That will be a permanent link to your file in Google Drive (image or anything else).
Note: this link seems to be subject to quotas. So not ideal for public/massive sharing.
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/viewer?srcid=[put your file id here]&pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true" width="580px" height="480px"></iframe>
Annotate Files With Notable PDF
Notable PDF is a browser extension and app that turns Chrome into the ultimate PDF reader. With options to highlight, strikethrough, underline, and add comments and text, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more intuitive and comprehensive add-on for Google Drive.
http://blog.mavenlink.com/7-google-docs-tips-tricks-you-should-know6. Use Google Drive to Translate Office Documents to Another Language
Harness the power of Google Drive to conquer the language barrier Often times, business partners or clients will not speak the same language as you do. If your foreign counterpart shares a document written in classical Chinese, simply pull down the “Tools” menu and click on “Translate document” and choose a target language.
- Select the text you want to link from.
- Click Insert
- In the window that opens, click Bookmarks. A list will show the bookmarks in your document.
But if you want to host your JavaScript and CSS and Images file on Google drive then you can still do so. You just need to obtain the permalink of the file. following updated tutorial (2017).