Thursday, July 2, 2015

Java Logging Best Practices
1. [Mandatory] Do not use API in log system (Log4j, Logback) directly. API in log framework SLF4J is recommended to use instead, which uses Facade pattern and is conducive to keep log processing consistent.
import org.slf4j.Logger; 
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Abc.class); 
2. [Mandatory] Log files need to be kept for at least 15 days because some kinds of exceptions happen weekly.
3. [Mandatory] Naming conventions of extended logs of an Application (such as RBI, temporary monitoring, access log, etc.): 
logType: Recommended classifications are statsdescmonitorvisit, etc. 
logName: Log description.
Benefits of this scheme: The file name shows what application the log belongs to, type of the log and what purpose is the log used for. It is also conducive for classification and search.
Positive example:
Name of the log file for monitoring the timezone conversion exception in mppserverapplication: mppserver_monitor_timeZoneConvert.log
It is recommended to classify logs. Error logs and business logs should be stored separately as far as possible. It is not only easy for developers to view, but also convenient for system monitoring.
4. [Mandatory] Logs at TRACE / DEBUG / INFO levels must use either conditional outputs or placeholders.

8. [Recommended] Level Warn should be used to record invalid parameters, which is used to track data when problem occurs. Level Error only records the system logic error, abnormal and other important error messages.
LogBack也是一个很成熟的日志框架,其实LogBack和Log4j出自一个人之手,这个人就是Ceki Gülcü。
logback当前分成三个模块:logback-core,logback- classic和logback-access。logback-core是其它两个模块的基础模块。logback-classic是Log4j的一个改良版本。此外logback-classic完整实现SLF4J API使你可以很方便地更换成其它日记系统如Log4j或j.u.l。logback-access访问模块与Servlet容器集成提供通过Http来访问日记的功能。




门面模式(Facade Pattern),也称之为外观模式,其核心为:外部与一个子系统的通信必须通过一个统一的外观对象进行,使得子系统更易于使用。



Use rotation policies

Debug Logging Tool
use -Dlogback.debug=true to enable debugging of the logback setup.
or <configuration debug="true">

Automatically reloading configuration file upon modification
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="30 seconds" > 
Given that ReconfigureOnChangeFilter is invoked every time any logger is invoked, regardless of logger level, ReconfigureOnChangeFilteris absolutely performance critical. So much so that in fact, the check whether the scan period has elapsed or not, is too costly in itself. In order to improve performance, ReconfigureOnChangeFilter is in reality "alive" only once every N logging operations. Depending on how often your application logs, the value of N can be modified on the fly by logback. By default N is 16, although it can go as high as 2^16 (= 65536) for CPU-intensive applications.
In short, when a configuration file changes, it will be automatically reloaded but only after several logger invocations and after a delay determined by the scanning period.

How to Instantly Improve Your Java Logging With 7 Logback Tweaks
#1: AsyncAppender can be 3.7x faster than the synchronous FileAppender. Actually, it’s the fastest way to log across all appenders.

Tweak #2: The default AsyncAppender can cause a 5 fold performance cut and even lose messages. Make sure to customize the queue size and discardingThreshold according to your needs.

<appender name="ASYNC500" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
Tweak #3: Naming the logger by class name provides 3x performance boost.

Tweak #4: Compared to the default pattern, using only the Level and Message fields provided 127k more entries per minute.
Tweak #5: Use prudent mode only when you absolutely need it to avoid a throughput decrease.

Tweak #6: Piping ConsoleAppender to a file provided 13% higher throughput than using FileAppender.
Tweak #7: Using a SiftingAppender can allow a 3.1x improvement in throughput.
10 tips on logging in Java

1) Use isDebugEnabled() for putting debug log in Java , it will save lot of string concatenation activity if your code run in production environment with production logging level instead of DEBUG logging level.

// May affect performance
Properties file in case of java.util.logging API for logging to use which java logging Formatter. Don’t forget to include Thread Name and fully qualified java class Name while printing logs because it would be impossible to find sequence of events if your code is executed by multiple threads without having thread name on it. In my opinion this is the most important tips you consider for logging in Java.

11) if you are using SLFJ for logging in java use parametrized version of various log methods they are faster as compared to normal method.
logger.debug("No of Orders " + noOfOrder + " for client : " + client); // slower
logger.debug("No of Executions {} for clients:{}", noOfOrder , client); // faster

1) Which information should you log?
2) Which information goes to which level of logging?

1) Never log sensitive information
3) Consistency


Logback MDC issue

Custom Filters
public class MyFilter extends Filter<ILoggingEvent> {
    public FilterReply decide(ILoggingEvent event) {
        if(event.getLevel() != Level.INFO)
            return FilterReply.DENY;
        if (event.getMessage().contains("hello"))
            return FilterReply.NEUTRAL;
        return FilterReply.DENY;
TurboFilter objects are tied to the logging context. Hence, they are called not only when a given appender is used, but each and every time a logging request is issued. Their scope is wider than appender-attached filters.

More importantly, they are called before the LoggingEvent object creation. TurboFilter objects do not require the instantiation of a logging event to filter a logging request. As such, turbo filters are intended for high performance filtering of logging event, even before they are created
The second parameter specifies a timezone. For example, the '%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS, Australia/Perth} would print the time in the time zone of Perth, Australia, the world's most isolated city. Note that in the absence of the timezone parameter, the default timezone of the host Java platform is used. If the specified timezone identifier is unknown or misspelled, the GMT timezone is assumed as dictated by theTimeZone.getTimeZone(String) method specification.
  1. 服务端提供日志记录接口,当客户端有事件时,直接调用日志记录接口将日志记录在服务器端。
  2. 服务端提供日志上传接口, 客户端先将日志暂存客户端本地,当达到一定的大小,网络环境允许的情况下, 通过上传接口,将日志文件打包压缩后上传。

第一种上传方式,时效性方面有一定的保障, 在网络环境允许的情况下,能及时的将信息记录到服务器,但是当埋点较多时,记录日志产生的流量会很大,占据很大的带宽,给用户带来损失。 同时, 前端的某些行为,如在某个activity停留时间等也无法通过这种在线的方式捕获。 还有一个重要的问题是, 由于客户端数据没有暂存机制, 当网络暂时无法使用时, 日志记录接口无法正常调用, 所有的日志也就随之丢失。 第二种方式,在时效性上较差,因为它需要等待数据累计到一定程度,或者网络允许的情况下,如在wifi情况下,才发送,但是占用的带宽相对较小, 对客户端动作的捕获较为灵活。
Logs represent event, so all your logging should be based around the events.
eg. who click the button, the user ID, but do not log the age, because you can find it somewhere else!


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