Thursday, December 17, 2015

Programming Misc
In version
  • 1: Major revision (new UI, lots of new features, conceptual change, etc.)
  • 9: Minor revision (maybe a change to a search box, 1 feature added, collection of bug fixes)
  • 0: Bug fix release
  • 1: Build number (if used)—that's why you see the .NET framework using something like
You won't find a lot of apps going down to four levels, 3 is usually sufficient.
Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production environments called Blue and Green.
At any time, only one of the environments is live, with the live environment serving all production traffic. For this example, Blue is currently live and Green is idle.
As you prepare a new version of your software, deployment and the final stage of testing takes place in the environment that is not live: in this example, Green. Once you have deployed and fully tested the software in Green, you switch the router so all incoming requests now go to Green instead of Blue. Green is now live, and Blue is idle.
This technique can eliminate downtime due to application deployment. In addition, blue-green deployment reduces risk: if something unexpected happens with your new version on Green, you can immediately roll back to the last version by switching back to Blue.
Qulice is a static analysis quality control instrument for Java projects. It combines a few static analysis tools and pre-configure them. You don't need to use and configure them individually any more.
A text editor: We all end up using different editors from time to time, but we should each have a solid default choice that does a good job with most editing tasks. It should highlight and indent any common programming language, integrate with a spellchecker, easily load gigantic files, have nice regex-based search and replace, etc. There are plenty of choices, many CS people migrate to vim or emacs.
A graphing program: I routinely use gnuplot, graphviz, and Powerpoint to make figures. Lots of people like matplotlib.
A presentation tool: Powerpoint, Keynote, Google Slides, something LaTeX based, etc.
A shell language: This is probably bash or PowerShell, but there are plenty of other choices. There’s some overlap with scripting languages but I think there are two distinct niches here: a shell language is for scripting a smallish number of commands, doing a bit of error checking, and perhaps looping or interacting with the user slightly This sort of job is a bit too cumbersome in Python, Perl, or JavaScript.
A systems language: This is for creating servers, daemons, and other code that wants to go fast, use little memory, have few dependencies, and interact tightly with the OS. C or C++ would be the obvious choices, but Rust and Go may be fine too.
A workhorse language: This is your default programming language for most tasks, it should have a huge collection of high-quality libraries, be pretty fast, run on all common platforms, have a great tool ecosystem, etc. Racket, Java, Scala, OCaml, C#, Swift, or Haskell would be great — even C++ would work
Here is a list of preventive measures it may take to make it impossible to jeopardize the quality:
What do I mean by saying that programmers must be interested in making changes? They have to be motivated to close tasks. Not just to be in the project, but to deliver. Here is what they can do in order to close tasks faster:
You spend hours just to find out how the code works. Then even more hours trying to fix it. In the end, you miss the deadline and everybody blames you

How can you do that? Create dependencies—new bugs complaining about unclear design, lack of unit tests, absence of necessary classes, or whatever. Be creative and offensive—in a constructive and professional way, of course. Don't get personal

Don't be a hero—don't rush into fixing the bad code you inherited. Think like a developer, not a hacker. Remember that your first and most important responsibility as a disciplined engineer is to help the project revealmaintainability issues. Who will fix them and how is the responsibility of a project manager. Your job is to reveal, not to hide. By being a hero and trying to fix everything in the scope of a single task, you're not doing the project a favor—you're concealing the problem(s).

Demand Better Documentation and Wait
You ask for a manual. You ask for documentation. Properly designed and written source code must be properly documented. Once you see that something is not clear for you, create new dependencies that ask for better documentation of certain aspects of the code.
Again, don't be a hero and try to understand everything yourself. Of course you're a smart guy, but the project doesn't need a single smart guy. The project needs maintainable code that is easy to modify, even by someone who is not as smart as yourself. So do your project a favor: reveal the documentation issue, and ask someone to fix it for you. Not just for you, for everybody. The entire team will benefit from such a request. Once the documentation is fixed, you will continue with your task, and everybody will get source code that is a bit better than it was before. Win-win, isn't it?

Reproduce the Bug and Call It a Day
Catch the bug with a unit test! Prove that the bug exists by failing the build with a new test.
Once you manage to reproduce the bug and the build fails, stop right there. That's more than enough for a single piece of work. Skip the test (for example, using @Ignore annotation in JUnit 4) and commit your changes. Then add documentation to the unit test you just created, preferably in the form of a @todo. Explain there that you managed to reproduce the problem but didn't have enough time to fix it. Or maybe you just don't know how to fix it. Be honest and give all possible details.
I believe that catching a bug with a unit test is, in most cases, more than 80% of success. The rest is way more simple: just fix the code and make the test pass. Leave this job to someone else.
我支持将逻辑写在 Java 等应用系统中。其实原因在上面基本描述完了,第一就是复杂 SQL 的表关联其实跟个人的能力有非常大的关系,如果一个 SQL 写得不好,那是极慢极慢的非常容易把整个数据库拖慢的。第二就是维护这些 SQL 也是一件很难受的事情,因为你完全不知道这个 SQL 背后的数据流转是怎样的,你只能根据自己的猜测去查看 SQL 中的 bug,Java 应用好歹还能 debug 一下还有打点看看数据不是?如果逻辑写在 Java 中那么其实你的 DAO 层只需要编写一次,但是可以永久使用,基本不会在这一层浪费很多的时间(用过 ibatis 的都知道改了 SQL 需要重启应用吧?)。第三就是逻辑都写在 SQL ,中对于分库分表和应用拆分来说是一件非常难受的事情,真的难受。
printf '%b\n' 'It is \033[31mnot\033[39m intelligent to use \033[32mhardcoded ANSI\033[39m codes!'
Tput accepts a set of acronyms called capability names and any parameters, if appropriate, then looks up the correct escape sequences for the detected terminal in the terminfo database and prints the correct codes (the terminal hopefully understands)
1. It’s easier to combine than to split apart.
structure code so that it’s easy to be split (or split from the beginning)
if a service or library doesn’t share concerns with existing ones, create a new one rather than shoe-horning it into an existing piece of code
testing and documenting libraries which perform a single function is much easier to understand
keep uptime, resource consumption and monitoring in mind when combining read/write concerns of a service
prefer libraries to frameworks, composing them together where possible

2. Explicit is better than implicit.
“Clever” code usually means “complicated” code. It’s hard to search for, and tough to track down where bugs are happening. We prefer simple code that’s explicit in it’s purpose rather than trying to create a magical API that relies on convention (go’s lack of “magic” is actually one of our favorite things about it).

As part of being explicit, always consider the “grep-ability” of your code. Imagine that you’re trying to find out where the implementation for the post method lives, which is easier to find in a codebase?

    var methods = ['post', 'put', 'get'];
      Integration.prototype[method] = request(method);

vs. = function(){
Where possible, write code that is short, straightforward and easy to understand. Often that will come down to single functions that are easy to test and easy to document. Even libraries can perform just a single function and then be combined for more powerful functionality.

With comments, describe the “why” versus the typical “what” for a given process or routine. If a routine seems out of place but is necessary, it’s sometimes worth leaving a quick note as to why it exists at all.

avoid generating code dynamically or being overly ‘clever’ to shorten the line count
aim for functions that are <7 lines and <2 nested callbacks

3. It doesn’t ship without metrics and tests.
Running code in production without metrics or alerting is flying blind.
write test cases first to check for the broken behavior, then write the fix
all top-level apps should ship with metrics and monitoring
create ‘warning’ alerts for when an internal system is acting up, ‘critical’ ones when it starts affecting end customers
try to keep unrealistic failure scenarios in mind when designing the alerts

4. Cut scope aggressively.
When building a product, there are three aspects you can optimize: Speed, quality, and scope.
it’s usually best to cut scope. It allows us to split shipments into smaller, more manageable chunks, and really focus on making each one great.

evaluate features for their benefit versus their effort
identify features that could be easily layered in later
cut features that create obvious technical debt

5. Maintain a single code path.
have a peer review your code; an objective opinion will almost always help
get someone else to sign-off on non-trivial pull-requests
if you ever find yourself copy-pasting code, consider pulling it into a library
if you need to frequently update a library, or keep state around, turn it into a service

6. Create rapid prototypes.
Building something helps you learn more than you could ever hope to uncover through theorizing. Trust me, prototyping helps discover strange edge-cases and bottlenecks which may require you to rearchitect the solution. This process minimizes the impact of architectural changes.

don’t spend a lot of time with commit messages, keep them short but sensical
refactors typically come from a better understanding of the problem, the best way to get there is by building a version to “throw away”

7. Know when to automate.
if you find yourself repeatedly spending more than a few minutes on a task, take a step back and consider tooling around it
ask yourself if you could be 20% more efficient, or if automation would help
share tools in dotfiles, vm, or task runner so the whole team can use them

8. Aim to open source.
But in practice, it actually creates much cleaner code. We’re guaranteed that the code’s API isn’t tightly coupled to anything we’re building internally, and that it’s more easily re-used across projects.

Open sourced code typically has a well-documented Readme, tests, CI, and more closely resembles the rest of the ecosystem. It’s a good sanity check that we’re not doing anything too weird internally, and the code is easier to forget about and re-visit 6-months later.
if you build a general purpose library without any dependencies, it’s a prime target for open sourcing
try and de-couple code so that it can be used standalone with a clear interface
never include custom configuration in a library, allow it to be passed in with sane defaults

9. Solve the root cause.
Sometimes big problems arise in code and it may seem easier to write a work-around. Don’t do that. Hacking around the outskirts of a problem is only going to create a rat’s nest that will become an even bigger problem in the future. Tackle the root cause head-on.

Sometimes it’s worth taking a step back to solve the root cause or upstream problem rather than hacking around the periphery. Even if it requires a more significant restructuring, it can save you a lot of time and headache down the road, allowing you to achieve much greater scale.

whenever fixing a bug or infrastructure issue, ask yourself whether it’s a core fix or just a band-aid over one of the symptoms
keep tabs on where you’re spending the most time, if code is continually being tweaked, it probably needs a bigger overhaul
if there’s some bug or alert we didn’t catch, make sure the upstream cause is being monitored

10. Design models by concern.
When designing applications, coming up with a data model is one of the trickiest parts of implementation. The frontend, naturally, wants to match the user’s idea of how the data is formatted. Out of necessity, the backend has to match the actual data format. It must be stored in a way that is fast, performant and flexible.

So when starting with a new design, it’s best to first look at the user requirements and ask “which goals do we want to meet?” Then, look at the data we already have (or decide what new data you need) and figure out how it should be combined.

The frontend models should match the user’s idea of the data. We don’t want to have to change the data model every time we change the UI. It should remain the same, regardless of how the interface changes.

The service and backend models should allow for a flexible API from the programmer’s perspective, in a way that’s fast and efficient. It should be easy to combine individual services to build bigger pieces of functionality.

The controllers are the translation layer, tying together individual services into a format which makes sense to the frontend code. If there’s a piece of complicated logic which makes sense to be re-used, then it should be split into it’s own service.

the frontend models should match the user’s conception of the data
the services need to map to a data model that is performant and flexible
controllers can map between services and the frontend to assemble data
Our engineering best practices, in practice.

In practice, this means that we invest heavily in good tooling, modular libraries and microservices. In development, we keep a shared VM that auto-updates, with shared dotfiles for easily navigating our many small repositories. We put a focus on creating projects which increase functionality through composability rather than inheritance. And we’ve worked hard to streamline our process for running services in production.


云思路 | 轻松构建千万级的投票系统



  • 一台Linux服务器做负载均衡,很多人想着,负载均衡就是转发转发流量,所以,我只要后面多加点机器,就可以抗住并发了。真的是这样吗?你要知道,负载均衡向后端的服务器做连接,作为客户端的负载均衡,也是会消耗本地的一个随机端口的,也许你知道,你可以在 /etc/sysctl.conf 修改 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65535,也就是说,你可以有 65535 - 1024 = 64511 个随机端口可以用,而这个配置,限制你一分钟的并发连接数是 64511 个,也就是说,每秒你最多可以服务 1000 个并发连接。为什么是一分钟64511 个?如果你不清楚,那也还是不要自建的好。
  • 1000个最大并发连接的负载均衡服务器,你需要加大内存还是CPU呢?
  • 百度来的网络参数调优有用吗?想想,如果你的负载均衡服务器是后端服务器的客户端,socket的keep-alive以及timeout的时长应该怎么来配置?


所以,最简单的方案,还是拿来主义 - 。不管是从人的成本考虑,还是从风险控制的角度考虑,各大主流的云平台,一定比大部分团队的经验更丰富。虽然很多人对云服务的稳定性存在诸多质疑,但是,做为小团队的你,你自己构建的服务就真比它更稳定吗?

  • 每个IP限制投票100次;每个人10票的限制通过COOKIE来做
  • 每个IP限制抽奖20次;每个人1次的抽奖限制通过COOKIE来做

  • 抽奖的结果记录用户的来源IP
  • 每个一个小时,自动分析中奖用户是否为“刷奖”:根据中奖的IP,分析该IP的投票次数和抽奖次数,对于不满足10次投票和1次抽奖的中奖者,统统踢出去。


预写日志(WAL,Write Ahead Log)是关系型数据库中用于实现事务性和持久性的一系列技术。简单来说就是,做一个操作之前先讲这件事情记录下来。
PCI协议,PCI-E协议。现代计算机的外设都是PCI协议和PCI-E协议的。显卡现在全是通过 PCI-E协议连接到计算机上的。相对来说减少了很多需要学习的知识。搞虚拟化就需要深入掌握PCI协议。
Maintaining legacy code is boring

A large, monolithic code base with complex dependencies requires extra maintenance work. In contrast, a well architected micro-service infrastructure is a bit more flexible. When a micro-service becomes faulty, you can replace it. You can rewrite it from scratch, using a different language or technology. This way, you learn something new rather than patching legacy code. And if your architecture doesn’t allow this yet, you can take steps to improve it, and learn some devops skills in the process.

A microservice strategy is only one among other possible ways to approach a problem of “boring” maintenance. What some places do is to build smart tools to make the maintenance more efficient and fun.

Internal tools are usually boring
As developers, we like to create custom internal tools to solve specific problems, because creating new things is exciting. Also, building tailored solutions often feels cleaner than repurposing existing ones. But learning a proprietary tool is about 10x less interesting than learning a popular open-source technology.
Because you can’t talk to your friends about it; you can’t brag about knowing it; you can’t read about it on Hacker News; you can’t use it during hackathons.; you can’t use it in your secret side project.
But a lot of companies fall into the trap of creating things that are not worth the boredom they create. In other words: they solve a short-term frustration only to cause more frustration in the long-term.

We try to keep a strong bias for open source technologies. If we can reuse something relevant and exciting, we do it. We don’t shy away from the cutting edge. We throw away our custom code as soon as an open source technology becomes mature enough to replace it. And when our own custom code becomes generic enough, we open source it.


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