Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Crack the Behavior Questions

Why our company?

  • Look through the website of this company, 'about' page.
  • Learn about the area, marketing trend around the product of this company.
  • Promising area, especially combined with technology and big data.
  • Product is amazing. handle those scalable problems.
  • Engineer-driven environment, respect to technology and engineer.
  • Start-up, enthusiastic young people.

Why this position? (Why Software Engineer?)

  • Because love engineering, love creative work, since childhood.
  • Coding is an art or craft, not just engineering.
  • Also, the academic background and experience make it so.
  • Techniques matched or you're interested in techniques in this company.

What would you want to acquire from this position?

  • Knowledge, learn more about cutting-edge technology, talk about you like learning.
  • Sense of achievement, conquer those tough problem.
  • Improvement on personal ability on multiple aspects.

What should you do if you have different opinion with your colleague?

  • Talk about your opinion, do not hide your idea.
  • Make sure your idea is reasonable, has enough resource to support it.
  • But the way to talk should be careful.
  • Show your opinion and discuss or compare the trade-off on different idea.
  • Think about another side, consider if you were that person.

How would you convince other people to adopt your suggestion?

  • Think wider, diversity of solution.
  • Evidence search.
I think I'm not a person like to convince somebody. I don't like to judge something. I prefer to provide different aspects or solutions to other people instead of giving them a judgment. There are lot of cases from me. But I think the most important thing is trying to think more wider and more potential solutions. Do more evidence research on that. Of course you can choose one aspect or solution you most prefer, but firstly you need have more evidence to support that. Think about how to convince yourself, then convince other people.

What would you do if your boss did something 100% wrong?

  • Depend on the character of your boss
  • Different way for different boss
  • But final purpose is point it out. Because you cannot veil the wrong thing.

What's your most challenge project or achievement?

This question is very common and almost every company will ask this question. It could be an attempt to see how will you identify weaknesses that you had and what did you do to overcome them. While figuring something out is how you see a challenge, this question is aimed a bit at seeing where did you grow the most from being pushed to your limit. Here would be the main points of the question:
  • Background of where you were at the start of this project.
  • General nature of the project.
  • Results from the project, so that this is concluding the basics of the story.
  • Explain where I had problems and difficulties in getting this done, what did I do to conquer them and what other changes I'd make if I was in a similar situation now.
I'd like to talk about the experience when I did my research assistant. The following are typical difficulties:
  1. Took a project totally from other people's idea and build the program upon the given prototype: It looks normal. Because when you enter a big company, this is the similar scenario. You'll start to build something sophisticate from others' idea and for others. But the idea on this project are based on many ideas from previous research. Not only about the programming, but also some user behavior and psychological research. Before everything start, you have to read many paper then you can start to do something but you cannot make excuse for slow progress. So quick learning across multiple fields to keep making progress.
  2. Deadline and requirement from professor: The retrieval process speed is not ideal. When I almost finished the system, I need to reconstruct the system architecture. Then I figure it out by using a kind of user profile and action driven pattern. The data which concerning about user profile is loaded when user login and the task and topic data indexing start when user begin to choose their search task. So when user start to search, our indexed data is already loaded and also only partial data which only support the current task is loaded instead of load too much unnecessary data.

What would you do if you're facing something impossible? For example, a chanllenge thing but near the dealine.

  • Communication, don't avoid difficulties, don't beat around the bush

Have you did more than was required during doing a project?

Yes, but not too much than required. You shouldn't forget this is a team project. Y

Have you did something creative?

Did you do something simplify?

Please describe what's your daily work look like?

What's your future plan?

  • Learning on this field
  • Learning outside of this field
  • Interest
Behavior Question呢,实际上就是除了Technical Question之外的所有跟面试官的交流内容内容~按照 中提到的,跟面试官的交流基本上算是跟Technical Question同等重要的事情,所以特地开帖来跟想要准备这个方面的同学们分享一下经验和想法~
. visit for more.
- 自我介绍
- 关于Project
- why this role in this company in this specific area. From 1point 3acres bbs
- 关于冲突和teamwork
- 问面试官问题. more info on


在开始讨论问题之前呢,有一个问题需要考虑一下,就是面试官expect一个怎么样的人。但是不要说谎,不要随便站道德制高点(我每周工作80小时没关系的!之类)。。。因为太假了……. 鍥磋鎴戜滑@1point 3 acres
这个问题的答案其实不难:专业领域上水平够,然后good team player,对工作对公司有热情,对文化对模式有认同感的人。

good team player体现在:有疑问多沟通,有矛盾善于解决,以team利益为先,敢于承担责任敢于优化流程。


举 个简单的歪楼的例子,比如说你喜欢的姑娘问你【今天肚子有点不舒服啊,怎么办呢。】广为诟病的一个答案就是【多喝点儿热水。】为什么被诟病,就是因为这个回答太简单,让人觉得很敷衍,根本不上心。如果是面对喜欢的姑娘,你想跟她传达你对她的关心的话,答案应该是这样子的:【多喝点儿热水吧,我网上查了一下 你这个情况感觉是xxxx了然后热水会有用(表明contribution,回避不上心这个歧义的理解方式)。还有你是不是吃了冷的东西了,如果肚子不舒服的话要吃点养胃的,我给你送来吧blala。】或者是【你是不是不舒服来我给你讲个笑话转移一下注意力吧,你这样子我看着也不开心啊(直接的传达关心)】这样就好很多。为什么要第一次回答的时候就规避会引起歧义的理解方式呢:比如说【多喝点儿热水】之后,姑娘觉得你根本不关心她,就不会想跟你聊了==这个概念先入为主后面就难以挽回了,因为后面的解释都像是掩饰。。。.鏈枃鍘熷垱鑷�1point3acres璁哄潧

  • 自我介绍
I am XXX from XXXX, majored in XXX.这是第一句。(如果不是CS的话呢,这后面要加一句你现在在做的CS的相关的东西。还有提一下Myprimary programming language is XXX) I am concentrated on XXXX and I have experience in XXX./I am solid in XXX(这一句是technical的强势方向,一般如果说的是project的话强调相关性,不然就说一说你会的语言啊,XXXX experience之类比较以广度取胜的东西). I am interested in XXXX inyour companry.  基本上就是这个格式。如果是转专业的人的话要加一句为什么你想要转CS,一个比较常用的模式就是i found my interest when I am doing XXX差不多是这样吧~重点是简短!当然对于一些强势相关方向一定要提,比如说做过的app之于iOS开发,后面可以加一句提一下下载量什么的。

I am Emmon who is a graduate student from Gatech ECE. My concentration is Computer Engineering and I am solid in C/C++/Obj-C.(※第一句因为专业不是CS让人以为你的CS背景差,第二句以学习方向和熟练的语言两点来挽回一下背景的相关度)I am now working with some friends to develop an iOS application which was in App Store this May and downloaded for 5k times.(第二句强调强势方向,workingon 一个受众不小的app) I am interestedin your mobile development role and I will graduate next May.(说明来意)

. 1point 3acres 璁哄潧
  • 关于Project
其实关于project呢,一般就是这几个点:这个东西用干嘛的,用什么写的,难点在哪儿(因为一般都是most challenge啊或者memorable),怎么克服(跟前一点一定配套出现),(如果是多人的项目)你的个人贡献是什么。
关 于干嘛的这个点务必画图还有举例子,这点特别重要,当然如果不幸在电面里面被问到,那就请务必把fancy的那些收起来用它的用处来概括这个东西。这个其 实跟写简历的思路很像。这是什么,这能做什么,输入是什么,输出是什么,人们用来干什么。
I developed a media player system on Pic 32(什么东西——mediaplayer). It is written in C and the difficult part isthe integration part since there are a lot of modules working together. To conquer it I read a lot of media player source code and talk with my TA andtried for many times(这里透露了三个点:自主学习能力,向合适的的人寻求帮助还有实验精神)and finally finish it. When I heard the music playing I am so proud of it. 适当的supporting details可以加一点点,一句话左右。
一个常见的challenge是“totally new to it”,不过这个的克服是个很容易被challenge的东西。比如说如果你能问人,能找到资料,也有很多例子可以模仿的话,那就根本不算是challenge,毕竟大家都有要接触新东西的机会。所以呢,difficult part可以细化为“没有人问”,“没有人做过”,“很少外部资料”然后加上why,然后再说用其他两条途径克服的,这样子就可以合理避免被challenge。
The challenge part of my project is that I am totally new to it meanwhilefew people in our team have experience in it since it is a XXXX team. Toconquer it, I tried to find some similar implementation online and blabla这个感觉。

  • Why thiscompany/this role?
一个比较讨巧的方法是说你喜欢这个公司的产品,同时就是喜欢这个公司的特有的一些培训和policy:比如说fb的bootcamp。还有就是朋友在这里工作说这里很好= =(实在想不出来说什么的话可以用这个)。关于changethe world之类真的要慎重。。。面试官也不傻。我个人觉得从自身出发的话会比较引共鸣一些,而不是“这个公司伟大”。这个区别很微妙,而且其实很多是同一个点就看你怎么表达。比如说apple,你不能说因为iPhone市场占有率大你想work on it但是你可以说你是apple fan很喜欢它的操作什么的,然后想workon it。主观色彩蛮好的。
关于为什么这个职位呢,我个人觉得可以从你做CS的事情的时候的主观感受来说。你可以说“我做过我觉得很喜欢,因为可以学新东西/做完之后很强的成就感”之类,记得一定加一句since或者后面接一句detail比如“when I finally see 它怎么样怎么样工作,I felt a strong sense of success”。转专业的人一定要有点相关的经验的重要性就体现在这儿,你总不能说因为CS好找工作还有赚钱多吧(虽然我知道这是true fact)但是面试的时候真的不能这么说……
既然有比较的话其实自己的本行为什么不行也需要考虑一下。不能叫苦叫累,但是你可以说又苦又累还学不到新东西/不能make impact/想试试别的东西,差不多就是这个路子了。这个【但是】很重要哟~

  • 关于冲突和teamwork
-      大家的想法都是为了把事情做完做好,所以从这个角度上来说没有矛盾是不可调节的
-      无关第一条的事情都可以回避,私人恩怨放一边
-      不轻易质疑别人,除非你有足够strong的support,你不能说跟你想的不一样的就是错的,需要一些相对客观的依据
-      多跟别人交流,接上一条,如果大家都觉得你想法没问题,那么你该指出
-      作为一个team goal为primary concern的,任何有助于这个的事情都能做,任何无关于这个的都可以放一边
基于以上立场,很多问题的答案其实就昭然若揭了 :)

  • 问面试官问题. from: 
其实这一部分可以很随意,不过主要就是一条:show passion
-      如何上手(on boarding process)
-      dailylife
-      日常上班干什么
-      the thing u like best about this company
-      next step
诸如此类的。。反正显得你很感兴趣很想来就行了~这一句是大立场,因为我见过有轮coding有个人做出来了还给了一个no hire的分数是因为那个candidate完全看不出来想来。。很没精神的样子……而且不怎么搭理人。。。
. more info on
剩下的tips: 多笑,多生动的举例子,尊重面试官,make assumption的时候多用问句,然后多问问面试官【我打算XXXX这样说可以吗】。大概就是这个feel。
第二段:Technical Strength背景介绍——如果是求内推的话这段话就是你要发给推荐人的自我介绍 
I am a solid software developer with a bunch of development experience in C/C++/Java. (母语是什么)I have worked at AAA as a software engineer intern. When I am at AAA, I worked on development and maintenance of the aaa module. I developed fff feature for it and implemented the test for it. (亮点经验一个:实习,详说,也可是是一个比较大的Project——要不够大够亮眼,要不够相关)I also have development experience on Android and iOS, as well as embedded system on XXX platform with C/C++. (其余经验简单概括技能点)I think my XXX skill has a good match with this position. (这句可以提一提)还可以用一句话说一点personality的东西但是顶多一句。。。  


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