Friday, January 22, 2016

Java Tools
  1. @RunWith(ArchUnitRunner.class)
  2. @AnalyzeClasses(packages = "cc.codeasy.example")
  3. public class ArchRuleTest {
  4. @Arch
  5. public static final ArchRule layer_dependencies_are_respected = layeredArchitecture()
  6. .layer("Controllers")
  7. .definedBy("cc.codeasy.example.controller..")
  8. .layer("Services")
  9. .definedBy("cc.codeasy.example.service..")
  10. .layer("Daos")
  11. .definedBy("cc.codeasy.example.dao..")
  12. .whereLayer("Controllers")
  13. .mayNotBeAccessedByAnyLayer()
  14. .whereLayer("Services")
  15. .mayOnlyBeAccessedByLayers("Controllers", "Services")
  16. .whereLayer("Daos")
  17. .mayOnlyBeAccessedByLayers("Services");
  18. }
  • 轻量级且开源,巧妙利用自动化单元测试,无缝和CI集成
  • 规则和正式代码在一起,编写和修改随时都可以,且容易为每个工程的规则按需定制
  • 简单且灵活的DSL,容易读懂,它看上去更像是配置而不是代码,但你需要灵活扩展的时候,可以实现很多的钩子,这时候它作为代码的优势又能体现出来了
  1. @ArchTest
  2. public static final ArchRule model_not_depend_on_others = classes()
  3. .that()
  4. .resideInAnyPackage("..model..")
  5. .should()
  6. .onlyDependOnClassesThat()
  7. .resideInAnyPackage("..model..", "java..");
  1. @ArchTest
  2. public static final ArchRule service_impl_should_not_be_accessed = classes()
  3. .that()
  4. .haveSimpleNameEndingWith("ServiceImpl")
  5. .should()
  6. .onlyBeAccessed()
  7. .byAnyPackage()
  8. .because("should use IoC to access a interface instead of access a implementation.");
  1. @ArchTest
  2. public static final ArchRule controllers_should_not_dependend_each_other = SlicesRuleDefinition
  3. .slices()
  4. .matching(".controller.(**)")
  5. .should()
  6. .notDependOnEachOther();
  1. @ArchTest
  2. public static final ArchRule services_should_not_have_cyclic_dependencies = SlicesRuleDefinition
  3. .slices()
  4. .matching(".service.(**)")
  5. .should()
  6. .beFreeOfCycles();
  1. .slices().assignedFrom(new SliceAssignment() {
  2. @Override
  3. public String getDescription() {
  4. return "myter slice";
  5. }
  6. @Override
  7. public SliceIdentifier getIdentifierOf(JavaClass javaClass) {
  8. if(javaClass.getPackageName().endsWith("Service")) {
  9. return SliceIdentifier.of("service");
  10. }
  11. return SliceIdentifier.of("other");
  12. }
  13. )
  1. @ArchTest
  2. public static final ArchRule servcie_interface_naming_conventions = classes()
  3. .that()
  4. .resideInAPackage("..service.")
  5. .should()
  6. .beInterfaces()
  7. .andShould()
  8. .haveSimpleNameEndingWith

Bytecode Viewer
  • Luyten
    An open source front-end by deathmarine.
  • Bytecode Viewer is an open source Java decompilation, disassembly, and debugging suite by @Konloch. It can produce decompiled sources from several modern Java decompilers, including Procyon, CFR, and FernFlower.
CFR will decompile modern Java features - Java 8 lambdas (pre and post Java beta 103 changes), Java 7 String switches etc, but is written entirely in Java 6.
Decompiler supporting Java 8?
Procyon and CFR both support Java 8 language features, including lambda expessions and method references.
The annotations used within Sling are based on the JSR-305 which is dormant since 2012. Nevertheless those annotations are understood by most of the tools and used by other Apache Projects like Apache OakOAK-37.
Due to the fact that Eclipse and FindBugs are interpreting annotations differently (Findbugs-1355). Sling only uses the following two different annotations which are supported by both tools:
  1. javax.annotation.CheckForNull
  2. javax.annotation.Nonnull
Annotations which support setting the default null semantics of return values and or parameters on a package level cannot be leveraged for that reason.

Eclipse since Juno supports null analysis based on any annotations. Those need to be enabled in Preferences->Java->Compiler->Errors/Warnings viaEnable annoation-based null analysis. Also the annotations need to be configured. For Sling those are
  • javax.annotation.CheckForNull as 'Nullable' annotation
  • javax.annotation.Nonnull as 'NonNull' annotation
There are three scenarios when it comes to non-primitive values: you assume that values can’t be null, you assume that they can…or you assume nothing. FindBug provides us with three corresponding annotations:@NonNull@CheckForNull and @UnknownNullness.


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