Saturday, November 7, 2015

*Stub procedure: a local procedure that marshals the procedure identifier and the arguments into a request message, and then to send via its communication module to the server. When the reply message arrives, it unmarshals the results.
We do not have to implement our own RPC protocols. There are off-the-shelf frameworks.
  • Google Protobuf: an open source RPC with only APIs but no RPC implementations. Smaller serialized data and slightly faster. Better documentations and cleaner APIs.
  • Facebook Thrift: supports more languages, richer data structures: list, set, map, etc. that Protobuf does not support) Incomplete documentation and hard to find good examples.
    • User case: Hbase/Cassandra/Hypertable/Scrib/…
  • Apache Avro: Avro is heavily used in the hadoop ecosystem and based on dynamic schemas in Json. It features dynamic typing, untagged data, and no manually-assigned field IDs.
Generally speaking, RPC is internally used by many tech companies for performance issues, but it is rather hard to debug and not flexible. So for public APIs, we tend to use HTTP APIs, and are usually following the RESTful style.
  • REST (Representational state transfer of resources)
    • Best practice of HTTP API to interact with resources.
    • URL only decides the location. Headers (Accept and Content-Type, etc.) decide the representation. HTTP methods(GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) decide the state transfer.
    • minimize the coupling between client and server (a huge number of HTTP infras on various clients, data-marshalling).
    • stateless and scaling out.
    • service partitioning feasible.
    • used for public API.
How do clients in the external world interact with this system? – Please visit [the public API choices: ].
In an RPC, a client causes a procedure to execute on a different address space, usually a remote server. The procedure is coded as if it were a local procedure call, abstracting away the details of how to communicate with the server from the client program. Remote calls are usually slower and less reliable than local calls so it is helpful to distinguish RPC calls from local calls. Popular RPC frameworks include ProtobufThrift, and Avro.
RPC is a request-response protocol:
  • Client program - Calls the client stub procedure. The parameters are pushed onto the stack like a local procedure call.
  • Client stub procedure - Marshals (packs) procedure id and arguments into a request message.
  • Client communication module - OS sends the message from the client to the server.
  • Server communication module - OS passes the incoming packets to the server stub procedure.
  • Server stub procedure - Unmarshalls the results, calls the server procedure matching the procedure id and passes the given arguments.
  • The server response repeats the steps above in reverse order.
Sample RPC calls:
GET /someoperation?data=anId

POST /anotheroperation
  "anotherdata": "another value"
RPC is focused on exposing behaviors. RPCs are often used for performance reasons with internal communications, as you can hand-craft native calls to better fit your use cases.

Representational state transfer (REST)

REST is an architectural style enforcing a client/server model where the client acts on a set of resources managed by the server. The server provides a representation of resources and actions that can either manipulate or get a new representation of resources. All communication must be stateless and cacheable.
There are four qualities of a RESTful interface:
  • Identify resources (URI in HTTP) - use the same URI regardless of any operation.
  • Change with representations (Verbs in HTTP) - use verbs, headers, and body.
  • Self-descriptive error message (status response in HTTP) - Use status codes, don't reinvent the wheel.
  • HATEOAS (HTML interface for HTTP) - your web service should be fully accessible in a browser.
Sample REST calls:
GET /someresources/anId

PUT /someresources/anId
{"anotherdata": "another value"}
REST is focused on exposing data. It minimizes the coupling between client/server and is often used for public HTTP APIs. REST uses a more generic and uniform method of exposing resources through URIs, representation through headers, and actions through verbs such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH. Being stateless, REST is great for horizontal scaling and partitioning.

Disadvantage(s): REST

  • With REST being focused on exposing data, it might not be a good fit if resources are not naturally organized or accessed in a simple hierarchy. For example, returning all updated records from the past hour matching a particular set of events is not easily expressed as a path. With REST, it is likely to be implemented with a combination of URI path, query parameters, and possibly the request body.
  • REST typically relies on a few verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH) which sometimes doesn't fit your use case. For example, moving expired documents to the archive folder might not cleanly fit within these verbs.
  • Fetching complicated resources with nested hierarchies requires multiple round trips between the client and server to render single views, e.g. fetching content of a blog entry and the comments on that entry. For mobile applications operating in variable network conditions, these multiple roundtrips are highly undesirable.
  • Over time, more fields might be added to an API response and older clients will receive all new data fields, even those that they do not need, as a result, it bloats the payload size and leads to larger latencies.

RPC and REST calls comparison

SignupPOST /signupPOST /persons
ResignPOST /resign
"personid": "1234"
DELETE /persons/1234
Read a personGET /readPerson?personid=1234GET /persons/1234
Read a person’s items listGET /readUsersItemsList?personid=1234GET /persons/1234/items
Add an item to a person’s itemsPOST /addItemToUsersItemsList
"personid": "1234";
"itemid": "456"
POST /persons/1234/items
"itemid": "456"
Update an itemPOST /modifyItem
"itemid": "456";
"key": "value"
PUT /items/456
"key": "value"
Delete an itemPOST /removeItem
"itemid": "456"
DELETE /items/456

Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Remote procedure calls (RPC)
RPC tries to make a request to a remote network service look the same as calling a function or method in your programming language, within the same process (this is called location transparency)
RPC framework must translate datatypes from one language into another.

Thrift and Avro come with RPC support included, gRPC is a RPC implementation using Protocol Buffers, Finagle also uses Thrift, and uses JSON over HTTP.

Finagle and use futures (promises) to encapsulate asynchronous actions that may fail.
gRPC supports streams, where a call consists of not just one request and one response, but a series of requests and responses over time.

Custom RPC protocols with a binary encoding format can achieve better performance than something generic like JSON over REST.

REST: it is good for experimentation and debugging (you can simply make requests to it using a web browser or the command-line tool curl, without any code generation or software installation).
it is supported by all mainstream programming languages and platforms, and there is a vast ecosystem of tools (servers, caches, load balancers, proxies, firewalls, monitoring, debugging tools, testing tools, etc).

it is reasonable to assume that all the servers will be updated first, and all the clients second. Thus, you only need backward compatibility on requests, and forward compatibility on responses.

REST: Adding optional request parameters, and adding new fields to response objects, are usually considered changes that maintain compatibility.
如果有一种方式能让我们像调用本地服务一样调用远程服务,而让调用者对网络通信这些细节透明,那么将大大提高生产力,比如服务消费方在执行helloWorldService.sayHello(“test”)时,实质上调用的是远端的服务。这种方式其实就是RPC(Remote Procedure Call Protocol),在各大互联网公司中被广泛使用

1.1 怎么做到透明化远程服务调用?

怎么封装通信细节才能让用户像以本地调用方式调用远程服务呢?对java来说就是使用代理!java代理有两种方式:1) jdk 动态代理;2)字节码生成。尽管字节码生成方式实现的代理更为强大和高效,但代码不易维护,大部分公司实现RPC框架时还是选择动态代理方式。
public class RPCProxyClient implements java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler{
    private Object obj;
    public RPCProxyClient(Object obj){
     * 得到被代理对象;
    public static Object getProxy(Object obj){
        return java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(obj.getClass().getClassLoader(),
                obj.getClass().getInterfaces(), new RPCProxyClient(obj));
     * 调用此方法执行
    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
            throws Throwable {
        Object result = new Object();
        // ...执行通信相关逻辑
        // ...
        return result;
        HelloWorldService helloWorldService = (HelloWorldService)RPCProxyClient.getProxy(HelloWorldService.class);

1.2  怎么对消息进行编码和解码?

1.2.1 确定消息数据结构


1.2.2 序列化


1.4  消息里为什么要带有requestID?

2)将处理结果的回调对象callback,存放到全局ConcurrentHashMap里面put(requestID, callback);
public Object get() {
        synchronized (this) {  // 旋锁
            while (!isDone) {  // 是否有结果了
                wait(); //没结果是释放锁,让当前线程处于等待状态
private void setDone(Response res) {
        this.res = res;
        isDone = true;
        synchronized (this) { //获取锁,因为前面wait()已经释放了callback的锁了
            notifyAll(); // 唤醒处于等待的线程

2 如何发布自己的服务?

简单来讲,zookeeper可以充当一个服务注册表(Service Registry),让多个服务提供者形成一个集群,让服务消费者通过服务注册表获取具体的服务访问地址(ip+端口)去访问具体的服务提供者。如下图所示:
具体来说,zookeeper就是个分布式文件系统,每当一个服务提供者部署后都要将自己的服务注册到zookeeper的某一路径上: /{service}/{version}/{ip:port}, 比如我们的HelloWorldService部署到两台机器,那么zookeeper上就会创建两条目录:分别为/HelloWorldService/1.0.0/  /HelloWorldService/1.0.0/。
zookeeper提供了“心跳检测”功能,它会定时向各个服务提供者发送一个请求(实际上建立的是一个 socket 长连接),如果长期没有响应,服务中心就认为该服务提供者已经“挂了”,并将其剔除,比如100.19.20.02这台机器如果宕机了,那么zookeeper上的路径就会只剩/HelloWorldService/1.0.0/。
更为重要的是zookeeper 与生俱来的容错容灾能力(比如leader选举),可以确保服务注册表的高可用性。

Related: Apache Thrift Misc


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