Dynomite is a sharding and replication layer. Dynomite can make existing non distributed datastores, such as Redis or Memcached, into a fully distributed & multi-datacenter replicating datastore
In the open source world, there are various single-server datastore solutions, e.g. Memcached, Redis, BerkeleyDb, LevelDb, Mysql (datastore). The availability story for these single-server datastores usually ends up being a master-slave setup. Once traffic demands overrun this setup, the next logical progression is to introduce sharding
Dynomite’s design goal is to turn those single-server datastore solutions into peer-to-peer, linearly scalable, clustered systems while still preserving the native client/server protocols of the datastores, e.g., Redis protocol. A Dynomite cluster consists of multiple data centers (dc). A datacenter is a group of racks, and a rack is a group of nodes. Each rack consists of the entire dataset, which is partitioned across multiple nodes in that rack. Hence, multiple racks enable higher availability for data. Each node in a rack has a unique token, which helps to identify the dataset it owns.
Each Dynomite node (e.g., a1 or b1 or c1) has a Dynomite process co-located with the datastore server, which acts as a proxy, traffic router, coordinator and gossiper. In the context of the Dynamo paper, Dynomite is the Dynamo layer with additional support for pluggable datastore proxy, with an effort to preserve the native datastore protocol as much as possible.
A datastore can be either a volatile datastore such as Memcached or Redis, or persistent datastore such as Mysql, BerkeleyDb or LevelDb. Our current open sourced Dynomite offering supports Redis and Memcached.
A client can connect to any node on a Dynomite cluster when sending write traffic. If the Dynomite node happens to own the data based on its token, then the data is written to the local datastore server process and asynchronously replicated to other racks in the cluster across all data centers. If the node does not own the data, it acts as a coordinator and sends the write to the node owning the data in the same rack. It also replicates the writes to the corresponding nodes in other racks and DCs.
In the current implementation, a coordinator returns an Ok back to client if a node in the local rack successfully stores the write and all other remote replications will happen asynchronously.
The pic below shows an example for the latter case where client sends a write request to non-owning node. It belongs on nodes a2,b2,c2 and d2 as per the partitioning scheme. The request is sent to a1 which acts as the coordinator and sends the request to the appropriate nodes.
Multiple racks and multiple data centers provide high availability. A client can connect to any node to read the data. Similar to writes, a node serves the read request if it owns the data, otherwise it forwards the read request to the data owning node in the same rack. Dynomite clients can fail over to replicas in remote racks and/or data centers in case of node, rack, or data center failures.
Cold cache warm-up
Currently, this feature is available for Dynomite with the Redis datastore. Dynomite can help to reduce the performance impact by filling up an empty node or nodes with data from its peers.
Dynomite with built-in gossip helps to maintain cluster membership as well as failure detection and recovery. This simplifies the maintenance operations on Dynomite clusters.
In AWS environment, a datacenter is equivalent an AWS’ region and a rack is the same as an AWS’ availability zone.
At Netflix, we see the benefit in encapsulating client side complexity and best practices in one place instead of having every application repeat the same engineering effort, e.g., topology-aware routing, effective failover, load shedding with exponential backoff, etc.
Dynomite ships with a Netflix homegrown client called Dyno. Dyno implements patterns inspired by Astyanax (the Cassandra client at Netflix), on top of popular clients like Jedis, Redisson and SpyMemcached, to ease the migration to Dyno and Dynomite.
Dyno Client Features
Connection pooling of persistent connections — this helps reduce connection churn on the Dynomite server with client connection reuse.
Topology aware load balancing (Token Aware) for avoiding any intermediate hops to a Dynomite coordinator node that is not the owner of the specified data.
Application specific local rack affinity based request routing to Dynomite nodes.
Application resilience by intelligently failing over to remote racks when local Dynomite rack nodes fail.
Application resilience against network glitches by constantly monitoring connection health and recycling unhealthy connections.
Capability of surgically routing traffic away from any nodes that need to be taken offline for maintenance.
Flexible retry policies such as exponential backoff etc
Insight into connection pool metrics
Highly configurable and pluggable connection pool components for implementing your advanced features.
Micro batching — submitting a batch or requests to a distributed db gets tricky since different keys map to different servers as per the sharding/hashing strategy. Dyno has the capability to take a user submitted batch, split it into shard aware micro-batches under the covers, execute them individually and then stitch the results back together before getting back to the user. Obviously one has to deal with partial failure here, and Dyno has the intelligence to retry just the failed micro-batch against the remote rack replica responsible for that hash partition.
Load shedding — Dyno’s interceptor model for every request will give it the ability to do quota management and rate limiting in order to protect the backend Dynomite servers.
Dynomite, with Redis is now utilized as a production system within Netflix.
Dynomite extends eventual consistency to tunable consistency in the local region. The consistency level specifies how many replicas must respond to a write or read request before returning data to the client application. Read and write consistency can be configured to manage availability versus data accuracy. Consistency can be configured for read or write operations separately (cluster-wide).
Dynomite is a generic dynamo implementation that can be used with many different key-value pair storage engines. Currently, it provides support for the Redis Serialization Protocol (RESP) and Memcached write protocol. We chose Dynomite for its performance, multi-datacenter replication and high availability. Moreover, Dynomite provides sharding, and pluggable data storage engines, allowing us to scale vertically or horizontally as our data needs increase.
Redis Cluster is an CP system, Dynomite is an AP system (definitions based on the CAP theorem). Search for the word Dynomite in the Redis documentation: https://redis.io/topics/sentinel for more information