Saturday, September 12, 2015

Java Concurrency - jenkov
The purpose of thread signaling is to enable threads to send signals to each other. Additionally, thread signaling enables threads to wait for signals from other threads. 

Signaling via Shared Objects

A simple way for threads to send signals to each other is by setting the signal values in some shared object variable. Thread A may set the boolean member variable hasDataToProcess to true from inside a synchronized block, and thread B may read the hasDataToProcess member variable, also inside a synchronized block. Here is a simple example of an object that can hold such a signal, and provide methods to set and check it:
public class MySignal{

  protected boolean hasDataToProcess = false;

  public synchronized boolean hasDataToProcess(){
    return this.hasDataToProcess;

  public synchronized void setHasDataToProcess(boolean hasData){
    this.hasDataToProcess = hasData;  

Thread A and B must have a reference to a shared MySignal instance for the signaling to work. If thread A and B has references to different MySignal instance, they will not detect each others signals. 

Busy Wait

Thread B which is to process the data is waiting for data to become available for processing. In other words, it is waiting for a signal from thread A which causes hasDataToProcess() to return true. Here is the loop that thread B is running in, while waiting for this signal:
protected MySignal sharedSignal = ...


  //do nothing... busy waiting
Notice how the while loop keeps executing until hasDataToProcess() returns true. This is called busy waiting. The thread is busy while waiting.

Java has a builtin wait mechanism that enable threads to become inactive while waiting for signals. The class java.lang.Object defines three methods, wait(), notify(), and notifyAll(), to facilitate this.
A thread that calls wait() on any object becomes inactive until another thread calls notify() on that object. In order to call either wait() or notify the calling thread must first obtain the lock on that object. In other words, the calling thread must call wait() or notify() from inside a synchronized block.

A thread cannot call wait(), notify() or notifyAll() without holding the lock on the object the method is called on. If it does, an IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.

Once a thread calls wait() it releases the lock it holds on the monitor object. This allows other threads to call wait() or notify() too, since these methods must be called from inside a synchronized block.
Once a thread is awakened it cannot exit the wait() call until the thread calling notify() has left its synchronized block. In other words: The awakened thread must reobtain the lock on the monitor object before it can exit the wait() call, because the wait call is nested inside a synchronized block. If multiple threads are awakened using notifyAll() only one awakened thread at a time can exit the wait() method, since each thread must obtain the lock on the monitor object in turn before exiting wait().

Missed Signals

The methods notify() and notifyAll() do not save the method calls to them in case no threads are waiting when they are called. The notify signal is then just lost. Therefore, if a thread calls notify() before the thread to signal has called wait(), the signal will be missed by the waiting thread. This may or may not be a problem, but in some cases this may result in the waiting thread waiting forever, never waking up, because the signal to wake up was missed.
To avoid losing signals they should be stored inside the signal class. In the MyWaitNotify example the notify signal should be stored in a member variable inside the MyWaitNotify instance. Here is a modified version of MyWaitNotify that does this:
public class MyWaitNotify2{

  MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject();
  boolean wasSignalled = false;

  public void doWait(){
         } catch(InterruptedException e){...}
      //clear signal and continue running.
      wasSignalled = false;

  public void doNotify(){
      wasSignalled = true;
Spurious Wakeups
For inexplicable reasons it is possible for threads to wake up even if notify() and notifyAll() has not been called. This is known as spurious wakeups. Wakeups without any reason.

To guard against spurious wakeups the signal member variable is checked inside a while loop instead of inside an if-statement. Such a while loop is also called a spin lock. The thread awakened spins around until the condition in the spin lock (while loop) becomes false.

public class MyWaitNotify3{

  MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject();
  boolean wasSignalled = false;

  public void doWait(){
         } catch(InterruptedException e){...}
      //clear signal and continue running.
      wasSignalled = false;

  public void doNotify(){
      wasSignalled = true;

Don't call wait() on constant String's or global objects

An earlier version of this text had an edition of the MyWaitNotify example class which used a constant string ( "" ) as monitor object. Here is how that example looked:
public class MyWaitNotify{

  String myMonitorObject = "";
  boolean wasSignalled = false;

  public void doWait(){
         } catch(InterruptedException e){...}
      //clear signal and continue running.
      wasSignalled = false;

  public void doNotify(){
      wasSignalled = true;
      myMonitorObject.notify(); // use notifyAll
The problem with calling wait() and notify() on the empty string, or any other constant string is, that the JVM/Compiler internally translates constant strings into the same object. That means, that even if you have two different MyWaitNotify instances, they both reference the same empty string instance. This also means that threads calling doWait() on the first MyWaitNotify instance risk being awakened by doNotify() calls on the second MyWaitNotify instance.

The problem is, that since the doNotify() call only calls notify() and not notifyAll(), only one thread is awakened even if 4 threads are waiting on the same string instance (the empty string). So, if one of the threads A or B is awakened when really the signal was for C or D, the awakened thread (A or B) will check its signal, see that no signal was received, and go back to waiting. Neither C or D wakes up to check the signal they had actually received, so the signal is missed. This situation is equal to the missed signals problem described earlier. C and D were sent a signal but fail to respond to it.
If the doNotify() method had called notifyAll() instead of notify(), all waiting threads had been awakened and checked for signals in turn. Thread A and B would have gone back to waiting, but one of either C or D would have noticed the signal and left the doWait() method call. The other of C and D would go back to waiting, because the thread discovering the signal clears it on the way out of doWait().
If a thread is not granted CPU time because other threads grab it all, it is called "starvation". The thread is "starved to death" because other threads are allowed the CPU time instead of it. The solution to starvation is called "fairness" - that all threads are fairly granted a chance to execute.

Causes of Starvation in Java

The following three common causes can lead to starvation of threads in Java:
Threads with high priority swallow all CPU time from threads with lower priority.

Threads are blocked indefinately waiting to enter a synchronized block, because other threads are constantly allowed access before it.

Threads waiting on an object (called wait() on it) remain waiting indefinitely because other threads are constantly awakened instead of it.

Java's synchronized code block makes no guarantee about the sequence in which threads waiting to enter the synchronized block are allowed to enter. 

The notify() method makes no guarantee about what thread is awakened if multiple thread have called wait() on the object notify() is called on. It could be any of the threads waiting.

public class FairLock {
    private boolean           isLocked       = false;
    private Thread            lockingThread  = null;
    private List<QueueObject> waitingThreads =
            new ArrayList<QueueObject>();

  public void lock() throws InterruptedException{
    QueueObject queueObject           = new QueueObject();
    boolean     isLockedForThisThread = true;

        isLockedForThisThread =
            isLocked || waitingThreads.get(0) != queueObject; //? ==
          isLocked = true;
           lockingThread = Thread.currentThread();
      } // end of synchronized
      }catch(InterruptedException e){
        synchronized(this) { waitingThreads.remove(queueObject); }
        throw e;

  public synchronized void unlock(){
    if(this.lockingThread != Thread.currentThread()){
      throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(
        "Calling thread has not locked this lock");
    isLocked      = false;
    lockingThread = null;
    if(waitingThreads.size() > 0){
public class QueueObject {

  private boolean isNotified = false;

  public synchronized void doWait() throws InterruptedException {
    this.isNotified = false;

  public synchronized void doNotify() {
    this.isNotified = true;

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    return this == o;
FairLock creates a new instance of QueueObject and enqueue it for each thread calling lock(). The thread calling unlock() will take the top QueueObject in the queue and call doNotify() on it, to awaken the thread waiting on that object. This way only one waiting thread is awakened at a time, rather than all waiting threads. This part is what governs the fairness of the FairLock.
Notice how the state of the lock is still tested and set within the same synchronized block to avoid slipped conditions.
Also notice that the QueueObject is really a semaphore. The doWait() and doNotify() methods store the signal internally in the QueueObject. This is done to avoid missed signals caused by a thread being preempted just before calling queueObject.doWait(), by another thread which calls unlock() and therebyqueueObject.doNotify(). The queueObject.doWait() call is placed outside the synchronized(this) block to avoid nested monitor lockout, so another thread can actually call unlock() when no thread is executing inside the synchronized(this) block in lock() method.
Finally, notice how the queueObject.doWait() is called inside a try - catch block. In case an InterruptedException is thrown the thread leaves the lock() method, and we need to dequeue it.

//lock implementation with nested monitor lockout problem

public class Lock{
  protected MonitorObject monitorObject = new MonitorObject();
  protected boolean isLocked = false;

  public void lock() throws InterruptedException{
      isLocked = true;

  public void unlock(){
      this.isLocked = false;
Notice how the lock() method first synchronizes on "this", then synchronizes on the monitorObjectmember. If isLocked is false there is no problem. The thread does not call monitorObject.wait(). IfisLocked is true however, the thread calling lock() is parked waiting in the monitorObject.wait() call.
The problem with this is, that the call to monitorObject.wait() only releases the synchronization monitor on the monitorObject member, and not the synchronization monitor associated with "this". In other words, the thread that was just parked waiting is still holding the synchronization lock on "this".
When the thread that locked the Lock in the first place tries to unlock it by calling unlock() it will be blocked trying to enter the synchronized(this) block in the unlock() method. It will remain blocked until the thread waiting in lock() leaves the synchronized(this) block. But the thread waiting in the lock()method will not leave that block until the isLocked is set to false, and a monitorObject.notify() is executed, as it happens in unlock().
Put shortly, the thread waiting in lock() needs an unlock() call to execute successfully for it to exit lock()and the synchronized blocks inside it. But, no thread can actually execute unlock() until the thread waiting inlock() leaves the outer synchronized block.
This result is that any thread calling either lock() or unlock() will become blocked indefinately. This is called a nested monitor lockout.

Look at this naive implementation of a fair lock:
//Fair Lock implementation with nested monitor lockout problem

public class FairLock {
  private boolean           isLocked       = false;
  private Thread            lockingThread  = null;
  private List<QueueObject> waitingThreads =
            new ArrayList<QueueObject>();

  public void lock() throws InterruptedException{
    QueueObject queueObject = new QueueObject();


      while(isLocked || waitingThreads.get(0) != queueObject){

          }catch(InterruptedException e){
            throw e;
      isLocked = true;
      lockingThread = Thread.currentThread();

  public synchronized void unlock(){
    if(this.lockingThread != Thread.currentThread()){
      throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(
        "Calling thread has not locked this lock");
    isLocked      = false;
    lockingThread = null;
    if(waitingThreads.size() > 0){
      QueueObject queueObject = waitingThread.get(0);
notice how the lock() method callsqueueObject.wait(); from inside two synchronized blocks. One synchronized on "this", and nested inside that, a block synchronized on the queueObject local variable. When a thread calls queueObject.wait()it releases the lock on the QueueObject instance, but not the lock associated with "this".
Notice too, that the unlock() method is declared synchronized which equals a synchronized(this) block. This means, that if a thread is waiting inside lock() the monitor object associated with "this" will be locked by the waiting thread. All threads calling unlock() will remain blocked indefinately, waiting for the waiting thread to release the lock on "this". But this will never happen, since this only happens if a thread succeeds in sending a signal to the waiting thread, and this can only be sent by executing the unlock() method.
And so, the FairLock implementation from above could lead to nested monitor lockout. A better implementation of a fair lock is described in the text Starvation and Fairness.

a deadlock occurs when two threads obtain locks in different order. Thread 1 locks A, waits for B. Thread 2 has locked B, and now waits for A. As explained in the text on Deadlock Prevention deadlocks can be avoided by always locking the locks in the same order (Lock Ordering). However, a nested monitor lockout occurs exactly by two threads taking the locks in the same order. Thread 1 locks A and B, then releases B and waits for a signal from Thread 2. Thread 2 needs both A and B to send Thread 1 the signal. So, one thread is waiting for a signal, and another for a lock to be released.
The difference is summed up here:
In deadlock, two threads are waiting for each other to release locks.

In nested monitor lockout, Thread 1 is holding a lock A, and waits
for a signal from Thread 2. Thread 2 needs the lock A to send the
signal to Thread 1.
Slipped conditions means, that from the time a thread has checked a certain condition until it acts upon it, the condition has been changed by another thread so that it is errornous for the first thread to act. 

To avoid slipped conditions the testing and setting of the conditions must be done atomically by the thread doing it, meaning that no other thread can check the condition in between the testing and setting of the condition by the first thread.

//Fair Lock implementation with slipped conditions problem

public class FairLock {
  private boolean           isLocked       = false;
  private Thread            lockingThread  = null;
  private List<QueueObject> waitingThreads =
            new ArrayList<QueueObject>();

  public void lock() throws InterruptedException{
    QueueObject queueObject = new QueueObject();


    boolean mustWait = true;

        mustWait = isLocked || waitingThreads.get(0) != queueObject;

          }catch(InterruptedException e){
            throw e;

      isLocked = true;
      lockingThread = Thread.currentThread();
The first synchronized(this) block checks the condition by setting mustWait = isLocked || waitingThreads.get(0) != queueObject.
The second synchronized(queueObject) block checks if the thread is to wait or not. Already at this time another thread may have unlocked the lock, but lets forget that for the time being. Let's assume that the lock was unlocked, so the thread exits the synchronized(queueObject) block right away.
The third synchronized(this) block is only executed if mustWait = false. This sets the conditionisLocked back to true etc. and leaves the lock() method.
Imagine what will happen if two threads call lock() at the same time when the lock is unlocked. First thread 1 will check the isLocked conditition and see it false. Then thread 2 will do the same thing. Then neither of them will wait, and both will set the state isLocked to true. This is a prime example of slipped conditions.

To remove the slipped conditions problem from the example above, the content of the lastsynchronized(this) block must be moved up into the first block. The code will naturally have to be changed a little bit too, to adapt to this move. Here is how it looks:
//Fair Lock implementation without nested monitor lockout problem,
//but with missed signals problem.

public class FairLock {
  private boolean           isLocked       = false;
  private Thread            lockingThread  = null;
  private List<QueueObject> waitingThreads =
            new ArrayList<QueueObject>();

  public void lock() throws InterruptedException{
    QueueObject queueObject = new QueueObject();


    boolean mustWait = true;

          mustWait = isLocked || waitingThreads.get(0) != queueObject;
          isLocked = true;
          lockingThread = Thread.currentThread();

          }catch(InterruptedException e){
            throw e;
Notice how the local variable mustWait is tested and set within the same synchronized code block now. Also notice, that even if the mustWait local variable is also checked outside the synchronized(this) code block, in the while(mustWait) clause, the value of the mustWait variable is never changed outside thesynchronized(this). A thread that evaluates mustWait to false will atomically also set the internal conditions (isLocked) so that any other thread checking the condition will evaluate it to true.
The return; statement in the synchronized(this) block is not necessary. It is just a small optimization. If the thread must not wait (mustWait == false), then there is no reason to enter thesynchronized(queueObject) block and execute the if(mustWait) clause.
The observant reader will notice that the above implementation of a fair lock still suffers from a missed signal problem. Imagine that the FairLock instance is locked when a thread calls lock(). After the firstsynchronized(this) block mustWait is true. Then imagine that the thread calling lock() is preempted, and the thread that locked the lock calls unlock(). If you look at the unlock() implementation shown earlier, you will notice that it calls queueObject.notify(). But, since the thread waiting in lock() has not yet called queueObject.wait(), the call to queueObject.notify() passes into oblivion. The signal is missed. When the thread calling lock() right after calls queueObject.wait() it will remain blocked until some other thread calls unlock(), which may never happen.
The missed signals problems is the reason that the FairLock implementation shown in the text Starvation and Fairness has turned the QueueObject class into a semaphore with two methods: doWait() anddoNotify(). These methods store and react the signal internally in the QueueObject. That way the signal is not missed, even if doNotify() is called before doWait().
Here is a simple Lock implementation:
public class Lock{

  private boolean isLocked = false;

  public synchronized void lock()
  throws InterruptedException{
    isLocked = true;

  public synchronized void unlock(){
    isLocked = false;
Notice the while(isLocked) loop, which is also called a "spin lock". While isLocked is true, the thread calling lock() is parked waiting in the wait() call. In case the thread should return unexpectedly from the wait() call without having received a notify() call (AKA a Spurious Wakeup) the thread re-checks theisLocked condition to see if it is safe to proceed or not, rather than just assume that being awakened means it is safe to proceed.

Lock Reentrance
The lock implementation shown earlier is not reentrant.

To make the Lock class reentrant we need to make a small change:
public class Lock{

  boolean isLocked = false;
  Thread  lockedBy = null;
  int     lockedCount = 0;

  public synchronized void lock()
  throws InterruptedException{
    Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread();
    while(isLocked && lockedBy != callingThread){
    isLocked = true;
    lockedBy = callingThread;

  public synchronized void unlock(){
    if(Thread.curentThread() == this.lockedBy){

      if(lockedCount == 0){
        isLocked = false;

If either the lock is unlocked (isLocked = false) or the calling thread is the thread that locked the Lock instance, the while loop will not execute, and the thread calling lock() will be allowed to exit the method.
Additionally, we need to count the number of times the lock has been locked by the same thread. Otherwise, a single call to unlock() will unlock the lock, even if the lock has been locked multiple times. We don't want the lock to be unlocked until the thread that locked it, has executed the same amount of unlock() calls aslock() calls.
Read Access   If no threads are writing, and no threads have requested write access.
Write Access   If no threads are reading or writing.
If a thread wants to read the resource, it is okay as long as no threads are writing to it, and no threads have requested write access to the resource. By up-prioritizing write-access requests we assume that write requests are more important than read-requests. Besides, if reads are what happens most often, and we did not up-prioritize writes, starvation could occur. Threads requesting write access would be blocked until all readers had unlocked the ReadWriteLock. If new threads were constantly granted read access the thread waiting for write access would remain blocked indefinately, resulting in starvation. Therefore a thread can only be granted read access if no thread has currently locked the ReadWriteLock for writing, or requested it locked for writing.
A thread that wants write access to the resource can be granted so when no threads are reading nor writing to the resource. It doesn't matter how many threads have requested write access or in what sequence, unless you want to guarantee fairness between threads requesting write access.

public class ReadWriteLock{

  private int readers       = 0;
  private int writers       = 0;
  private int writeRequests = 0;

  public synchronized void lockRead() throws InterruptedException{
    while(writers > 0 || writeRequests > 0){

  public synchronized void unlockRead(){

  public synchronized void lockWrite() throws InterruptedException{

    while(readers > 0 || writers > 0){

  public synchronized void unlockWrite() throws InterruptedException{
Read / Write Lock Reentrance
The ReadWriteLock class shown earlier is not reentrant. If a thread that has write access requests it again, it will block because there is already one writer - itself. Furthermore, consider this case:
Thread 1 gets read access.
Thread 2 requests write access but is blocked because there is one reader.
Thread 1 re-requests read access (re-enters the lock), but is blocked because there is a write request

Read Reentrance
A thread is granted read reentrance if it can get read access (no writers or write requests), or if it already has read access (regardless of write requests).
To determine if a thread has read access already a reference to each thread granted read access is kept in a Map along with how many times it has acquired read lock. When determing if read access can be granted this Map will be checked for a reference to the calling thread.

Write Reentrance
Write reentrance is granted only if the thread has already write access.

Read to Write Reentrance
Sometimes it is necessary for a thread that have read access to also obtain write access. For this to be allowed the thread must be the only reader.

Write to Read Reentrance
Sometimes a thread that has write access needs read access too. A writer should always be granted read access if requested. If a thread has write access no other threads can have read nor write access, so it is not dangerous. 
public class ReadWriteLock{

  private Map<Thread, Integer> readingThreads =
       new HashMap<Thread, Integer>();

   private int writeAccesses    = 0;
   private int writeRequests    = 0;
   private Thread writingThread = null;

  public synchronized void lockRead() throws InterruptedException{
    Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread();
    while(! canGrantReadAccess(callingThread)){

     (getReadAccessCount(callingThread) + 1));

  private boolean canGrantReadAccess(Thread callingThread){
    if( isWriter(callingThread) ) return true;
    if( hasWriter()             ) return false;
    if( isReader(callingThread) ) return true;
    if( hasWriteRequests()      ) return false;
    return true;

  public synchronized void unlockRead(){
    Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread();
      throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("Calling Thread does not" +
        " hold a read lock on this ReadWriteLock");
    int accessCount = getReadAccessCount(callingThread);
    if(accessCount == 1){ readingThreads.remove(callingThread); }
    else { readingThreads.put(callingThread, (accessCount -1)); }

  public synchronized void lockWrite() throws InterruptedException{
    Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread();
    while(! canGrantWriteAccess(callingThread)){
    writingThread = callingThread;

  public synchronized void unlockWrite() throws InterruptedException{
      throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("Calling Thread does not" +
        " hold the write lock on this ReadWriteLock");
    if(writeAccesses == 0){
      writingThread = null;

  private boolean canGrantWriteAccess(Thread callingThread){
    if(isOnlyReader(callingThread))    return true;
    if(hasReaders())                   return false;
    if(writingThread == null)          return true;
    if(!isWriter(callingThread))       return false;
    return true;

  private int getReadAccessCount(Thread callingThread){
    Integer accessCount = readingThreads.get(callingThread);
    if(accessCount == null) return 0;
    return accessCount.intValue();

  private boolean hasReaders(){
    return readingThreads.size() > 0;

  private boolean isReader(Thread callingThread){
    return readingThreads.get(callingThread) != null;

  private boolean isOnlyReader(Thread callingThread){
    return readingThreads.size() == 1 &&
           readingThreads.get(callingThread) != null;

  private boolean hasWriter(){
    return writingThread != null;

  private boolean isWriter(Thread callingThread){
    return writingThread == callingThread;

  private boolean hasWriteRequests(){
      return this.writeRequests > 0;

The purpose of most (if not all) synchronizers is to guard some area of the code (critical section) from concurrent access by threads. To do this the following parts are often needed in a synchronizer:
  1. State
  2. Access Condition
  3. State Changes
  4. Notification Strategy
  5. Test and Set Method
  6. Set Method
More Advanced Data Structures Based on Volatile Variables
public class DoubleWriterCounter {
    private volatile long countA = 0;
    private volatile long countB = 0;
    public void incA() { this.countA++;  }
    public void incB() { this.countB++;  }
    public long countA() { return this.countA; }
    public long countB() { return this.countB; }
Optimistic Locking With Compare and Swap
public class AtomicCounter {
    private AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong(0);

    public void inc() {
        boolean updated = false;
            long prevCount = this.count.get();
            updated = this.count.compareAndSet(prevCount, prevCount + 1);

    public long count() {
        return this.count.get();
In addition to Java's built-in non-blocking data structures there are also some open source non-blocking data structures you can use. For instance, the LMAX Disrupter (a queue-like data structure), and the non-blocking HashMap from Cliff Click. See Java concurrency references page for links to more resources.
 1, spinlock介绍
  spinlock又称自旋锁,线程通过busy-wait-loop的方式来获取锁,任时刻只有一个线程能够获得锁,其他线程忙等待直到获得锁。spinlock在多处理器多线程环境的场景中有很广泛的使用,一般要求使用spinlock的临界区尽量简短,这样获取的锁可以尽快释放,以满足其他忙等的线程。Spinlock和mutex不同,spinlock不会导致线程的状态切换(用户态->内核态),但是spinlock使用不当(如临界区执行时间过长)会导致cpu busy飙高。
  2, spinlock与mutex对比


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