Saturday, September 12, 2015

Scalable IO in Java
Web services, Distributed Objects, etc, Most have same basic structure:
Read request
Decode request
Process service
Encode reply
Send reply

Scalability Goals
" Graceful degradation under increasing load (more clients)
" Continuous improvement with increasing resources (CPU, memory, disk, bandwidth)
" Also meet availability and performance goals
Short latencies
Meeting peak demand
Tunable quality of service
" Divide-and-conquer is usually the best approach for achieving any scalability goal

class Server implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        try {
            ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(PORT);
            while (!Thread.interrupted())
            new Thread(new Handler(ss.accept())).start(); //创建新线程来handle
            // or, single-threaded, or a thread pool
        } catch (IOException ex) { /* ... */ }
    static class Handler implements Runnable {
        final Socket socket;
        Handler(Socket s) { socket = s; }
        public void run() {
            try {
                byte[] input = new byte[MAX_INPUT];
                byte[] output = process(input);
            } catch (IOException ex) { /* ... */ }
        private byte[] process(byte[] cmd) { /* ... */ }
2、线程从socket inputstream读入数据,会进入阻塞状态,直到全部数据读完。
3、线程向socket outputstream写入数据,会阻塞直到全部数据写完。

Basic Reactor Design

Divide and Conquer
" Divide processing into small tasks
Each task performs an action without blocking
" Execute each task when it is enabled
Here, an IO event usually serves as trigger

Basic mechanisms supported in java.nio
Non-blocking reads and writes
Dispatch tasks associated with sensed IO events
" Endless variation possible
A family of event-driven designs

Event-driven Designs

Background: Events in AWT
AWT Event Queue

Reactor Pattern
" Reactor responds to IO events by dispatching
the appropriate handler
Similar to AWT thread
" Handlers perform non-blocking actions
Similar to AWT ActionListeners
" Manage by binding handlers to events
Similar to AWT addActionListener

java.nio Support
" Channels
Connections to files, sockets etc that support
non-blocking reads
" Buffers
Array-like objects that can be directly read or
written by Channels
" Selectors
Tell which of a set of Channels have IO events
" SelectionKeys
Maintain IO event status and bindings


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