Saturday, September 12, 2015

How to design netflix
Each time a member starts to watch a movie or TV episode, a “view” is created in our data systems and a collection of events describing that view is gathered. Given that viewing is what members spend most of their time doing on Netflix, having a robust and scalable architecture to manage and process this data is critical to the success of our business.

What titles have I watched?

Our system needs to know each member’s entire viewing history for as long as they are subscribed. This data feeds the recommendation algorithms so that a member can find a title for whatever mood they’re in. It also feeds the “recent titles you’ve watched” row in the UI.
What gets watched provides key metrics for the business to measure member engagement and make informed product and content decisions.

Where did I leave off in a given title?

For each movie or TV episode that a member views, Netflix records how much was watched and where the viewer left off. This enables members to continue watching any movie or TV show on the same or another device.

What else is being watched on my account right now?

Sharing an account with other family members usually means everyone gets to enjoy what they like when they’d like. It also means a member may have to have that hard conversation about who has to stop watching if they’ve hit their account’s concurrent screens limit. To support this use case, Netflix’s viewing data system gathers periodic signals throughout each view to determine whether a member is or isn’t still watching.
Current Architecture
Our current architecture evolved from an earlier monolithic database-backed application (see this QCon talk or slideshare for the detailed history). 

Current Architecture Diagram

The current architecture’s primary interface is the viewing service, which is segmented into a stateful and stateless tier. The stateful tier has the latest data for all active views stored in memory. Data is partitioned into N stateful nodes by a simple mod N of the member’s account id. When stateful nodes come online they go through a slot selection process to determine which data partition will belong to them. Cassandra is the primary data store for all persistent data. Memcached is layered on top of Cassandra as a guaranteed low latency read path for materialized, but possibly stale, views of the data.
We started with a stateful architecture design that favored consistency over availability in the face of network partitions (for background, see the CAP theorem). At that time, we thought that accurate data was better than stale or no data. Also, we were pioneering running Cassandra and memcached in the cloud so starting with a stateful solution allowed us to mitigate risk of failure for those components. The biggest downside of this approach was that failure of a single stateful node would prevent 1/nth of the member base from writing to or reading from their viewing history.
After experiencing outages due to this design, we reworked parts of the system to gracefully degrade and provide limited availability when failures happened. The stateless tier was added later as a pass-through to external data stores. This improved system availability by providing stale data as a fallback mechanism when a stateful node was unreachable.

Breaking Points

Our stateful tier uses a simple sharding technique (account id mod N) that is subject to hot spots, as Netflix viewing usage is not evenly distributed across all current members. Our Cassandra layer is not subject to these hot spots, as it uses consistent hashing with virtual nodes to partition the data. Additionally, when we moved from a single AWS region to running in multiple AWS regions, we had to build a custom mechanism to communicate the state between stateful tiers in different regions. This added significant, undesirable complexity to our overall system.
We created the viewing service to encapsulate the domain of viewing data collection, processing, and providing. As that system evolved to include more functionality and various read/write/update use cases, we identified multiple distinct components that were combined into this single unified service. These components would be easier to develop, test, debug, deploy, and operate if they were extracted into their own services.
Memcached offers superb throughput and latency characteristics, but isn’t well suited for our use case. To update the data in memcached, we read the latest data, append a new view entry (if none exists for that movie) or modify an existing entry (moving it to the front of the time-ordered list), and then write the updated data back to memcached. We use an eventually consistent approach to handling multiple writers, accepting that an inconsistent write may happen but will get corrected soon after due to a short cache entry TTL and a periodic cache refresh. For the caching layer, using a technology that natively supports first class data types and operations like append would better meet our needs.
We created the stateful tier because we wanted the benefit of memory speed for our highest volume read/write use cases. Cassandra was in its pre-1.0 versions and wasn’t running on SSDs in AWS. We thought we could design a simple but robust distributed stateful system exactly suited to our needs, but ended up with a complex solution that was less robust than mature open source technologies. Rather than solve the hard distributed systems problems ourselves, we’d rather build on top of proven solutions like Cassandra, allowing us to focus our attention on solving the problems in our viewing data domain.

Next Generation Architecture

In order to scale to the next order of magnitude, we’re rethinking the fundamentals of our architecture. The principles guiding this redesign are:
Availability over consistency — our primary use cases can tolerate eventually consistent data, so design from the start favoring availability rather than strong consistency in the face of failures.
Microservices — Components that were combined together in the stateful architecture should be separated out into services (components as services).
  • Components are defined according to their primary purpose — either collection, processing, or data providing.
  • Delegate responsibility for state management to the persistence tiers, keeping the application tiers stateless.
  • Decouple communication between components by using signals sent through an event queue.
Polyglot persistence — Use multiple persistence technologies to leverage the strengths of each solution.
  • Achieve flexibility + performance at the cost of increased complexity.
  • Use Cassandra for very high volume, low latency writes. A tailored data model and tuned configuration enables low latency for medium volume reads.
  • Use Redis for very high volume, low latency reads. Redis’ first-class data type support should support writes better than how we did read-modify-writes in memcached.
Our next generation architecture will be made up of these building blocks:
Re-architecting a critical system to scale to the next order of magnitude is a hard problem, requiring many months of development, testing, proving out at scale, and migrating off of the previous architecture.

How Netflix Serves Viewing Data?


How to keep users’ viewing data in scale (billions of events per day)?
Here, viewing data means…
  1. viewing history. What titles have I watched?
  2. viewing progress. Where did I leave off in a given title?
  3. on-going viewers. What else is being watched on my account right now?


Netflix Viewing Data Architecture
The viewing service has two tiers:
  1. stateful tier = active views stored in memory
    • Why? to support the highest volume read/write
    • How to scale out?
      • partitioned into N stateful nodes by account_id mod N
        • One problem is that load is not evenly distributed and hence the system is subject to hot spots
      • CP over AP in CAP theorem, and there is no replica of active states.
        • One failed node will impact 1/nth of the members. So they use stale data to degrade gracefully.
  2. stateless tier = data persistence = Cassandra + Memcached
    • Use Cassandra for very high volume, low latency writes.
      • Data is evenly distributed. No hot spots because of consistent hashing with virtual nodes to partition the data.
    • Use Memcached for very high volume, low latency reads.
      • How to update the cache?
        • after writing to Cassandra, write the updated data back to Memcached
        • eventually consistent to handling multiple writers with a short cache entry TTL and a periodic cache refresh.
      • in the future, prefer Redis’ appending operation to a time-ordered list over “read-modify-writes” in Memcached.

架构上:基本上就是数据层,Service层,前端。因为Netflix是AWS的忠实用户,所以基本就以AWS为例:数据存储使用s3,配合Relational db / Non sql database;然后是Service layer,功能包括:User authentication,session management,data streaming and other business logic;前台则主要是用户界面。优化包括:如何Cache,如何利用CDN network replicate data close to the users. 因为Netflix的数据大部分是静态数据,很少更新,电影电视剧的内容完全可以Replicate很多份放到Internet的Edge server上。
follow up 很多 比如如何限制同一个用户多处登录不能同时看一个资源,如何实现根据用户的网速调整清晰度,怎么热门推荐等等。
这个其实小编也不太了解,就尽量根据自己之前看过的资料开始一步一步给出自己的Solution,然后进行优化。架构上:基本上就是数据层,Service层,前端。因为小编知道Netflix是AWS的忠实用户,所以基本就以AWS为例:数据存储使用s3,配合Relational db / Non sql database;然后是Service layer,功能包括:User authentication,session management,data streaming and other business logic;前台则主要是用户界面。优化包括:如何Cache,如何利用CDN network replicate data close to the users. 因为Netflix的数据大部分是静态数据,很少更新,电影电视剧的内容完全可以Replicate很多份放到Internet的Edge server上。
It's usually a caching proxy server, located near the user accessing the data, used to improve bandwidth and latency to far away users while lessening the load on central servers.
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