Monday, September 21, 2015

Make better programmer team
6. Every programmer shall have quiet working conditions
What Do Programmers Want?
Great colleagues.
Challenging problems.
Cool technology.
Good tools
Minimal bureaucracy.
Working from home.
Short commute.

How we do sprint retrospectives
Did we work well together?
Did we deliver working code regularly?
Are we being supportive and trusting?
Technical Excellence Are we doing everything technically possible to produce the best possible product? Do we have good test coverage? Have things horribly broken? Is there too much close coupling in a big new API? etc.

Are we keeping it simple?
Are we a self organising team?
Who gets the red stripe?
1)基础算法的知识。这些题里面有大量的算法题,解这些题都是有套路的,不是用递归(深度优先DFS,广度优先BFS),就是要用动态规划(Dynamic Programming),或是拆半查找(Binary Search),或是回溯(Back tracing),或是分治法(Divide and Conquer),还有大量的对树,数组、链表、字符串和hash表的操作。通过做这些题能让你对这些最基础的算法的思路有非常扎实的了解和训练。对我而言,Dynamic Programming 是我的短板,尤其是一些比较复杂的问题,在推导递推公式上总是有思维的缺陷(数学是我的硬伤),通过做了这些题后,我能感到我在DP的思路上有了很大的收获。
2)编程题。比如:atoi,strstr,add two num,括号匹配,字符串乘法,通配符匹配,文件路径简化,Text Justification,反转单词等等,这些题的Edge Case, Corner Case有很多。这些题需要你想清楚了再干,只要你稍有疏忽,就会有几个case让你痛不欲生,而且一不小心就会让你的代码会写得又臭又长,无法阅读。通过做这些题,可以非常好的训练你对各种情况的考虑,以及你对程序代码组织的掌控(其实就是其中的状态变量)。还记得我在《函数式编程》中说的,程序中的状态是你程序变得复杂难维护的直接原因。
1)想清楚了再干。这个观点我以前就在《多些时间可以少些代码》说过。如果你拿到题就上去直接写代码的话,你一定会被各种case打回来了。然后呢,你一着急,你就会进入那种我在《开发团队的效率》中说的那种毫无效率case by case的开发模式,而你也进入了“平庸模式”。于是你就会出现下图那样的情况
Case-by-Case Development

2) 编程是脑力劳动,急不得。这个事情在这做这些题的时候你就会发现,要么是脑子转不过来了,要么就是明明就差一点了,但程序怎么都调不对。如果你越着急的话,你就会发现你会离目标越远,而花的时间也会更多。另外,你会发现这些题基本上都是50行代码内就可以搞定的,但是为了这50行以内的代码,你要花好多时间和精力。coding 50行代码在我们的日常工作中分分钟就完成,而Leetcode里的50行代码却没那么简单,也许,用这个你就可以区别什么是码农,什么是程序员了。
3)加班要不得。因为我总是在晚上10点以后做题,所以,基本上都是在加班状态中工作。这种状态过上两三天,你就会发现,整个大脑已经不转了,而且不但不转,还会犯很多低级错误,很多事情都想不清楚,一个晚上都在和程序的状态控制做搏斗,代码写得越来越乱,越来越没条理。于是这种时候,我都会休息几天,不做题了,然后再做题的时候,就觉得非常地清楚。可见加班 是编程最致命的敌人!
The idea is that everything is serviceable over the internet now, so they can just "fix it later", except they never do. This perpetuates a duct-tape culture that refuses to actually fix problems and instead rewards teams that find ways to work around them. The talented programmers are stuck working on code that, at best, has to deal with multiple badly designed frameworks from other teams, or at worst work on code that is simply scrapped. New features are prioritized over all but the most system-critical bugs, and teams are never given any time to actually focus on improving their code. The only improvements that can happen must be snuck in while implementing new features.
As far as M$ is concerned, all code is shit, and the only thing that matters is if it works well enough to be shown at a demo and shipped. Needless to say, I don't work there anymore.


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