Friday, January 1, 2016

Let’s Build A Web Server 自己动手开发网络服务器
The moral of the story is that when you know the whole system and understand how different pieces fit together (bricks, walls, cathedral), you can identify and fix problems faster (errant brick).

I believe to become a better developer you MUST get a better understanding of the underlying software systems you use on a daily basis and that includes programming languages, compilers and interpreters, databases and operating systems, web servers and web frameworks. And, to get a better and deeper understanding of those systems you MUST re-build them from scratch, brick by brick, wall by wall.

Confucius put it this way:
I hear and I forget.”
I see and I remember.”
I do and I understand.”
import socket

HOST, PORT = '', 8888

listen_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
listen_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
listen_socket.bind((HOST, PORT))
print 'Serving HTTP on port %s ...' % PORT
while True:
    client_connection, client_address = listen_socket.accept()
    request = client_connection.recv(1024)
    print request

    http_response = """\
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Hello, World!
Before your browser can send a HTTP request though, it first needs to establish a TCPconnection with the Web server. Then it sends an HTTP request over the TCPconnection to the server and waits for the server to send an HTTP response back. 

$ telnet localhost 8888
Trying …
Connected to localhost.
GET /hello HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Hello, World!

“How do you run a Django application, Flask application, and Pyramid application under your freshly minted Web server without making a single change to the server to accommodate all those different Web frameworks?”

how do you then make sure that you can run your Web server with multiple Web frameworks without making code changes either to the Web server or to the Web frameworks? And the answer to that problem became thePython Web Server Gateway Interface (or WSGI for short, pronounced“wizgy”).

WSGI allowed developers to separate choice of a Web framework from choice of a Web server. Now you can actually mix and match Web servers and Web frameworks and choose a pairing that suits your needs. You can run Django,Flask, or Pyramid, for example, with Gunicorn or Nginx/uWSGI or Waitress. Real mix and match, thanks to the WSGI support in both servers and frameworks: 

Your Web server must implement the server portion of a WSGI interface and all modern Python Web Frameworks already implement the framework side of the WSGI interface, which allows you to use them with your Web server without ever modifying your server’s code to accommodate a particular Web framework.

Other languages have similar interfaces too: Java, for example, has Servlet API and Ruby has Rack.

import socket
import StringIO
import sys

class WSGIServer(object):

    address_family = socket.AF_INET
    socket_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
    request_queue_size = 1

    def __init__(self, server_address):
        # Create a listening socket
        self.listen_socket = listen_socket = socket.socket(
        # Allow to reuse the same address
        listen_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        # Bind
        # Activate
        # Get server host name and port
        host, port = self.listen_socket.getsockname()[:2]
        self.server_name = socket.getfqdn(host)
        self.server_port = port
        # Return headers set by Web framework/Web application
        self.headers_set = []

    def set_app(self, application):
        self.application = application

    def serve_forever(self):
        listen_socket = self.listen_socket
        while True:
            # New client connection
            self.client_connection, client_address = listen_socket.accept()
            # Handle one request and close the client connection. Then
            # loop over to wait for another client connection

    def handle_one_request(self):
        self.request_data = request_data = self.client_connection.recv(1024)
        # Print formatted request data a la 'curl -v'
            '< {line}\n'.format(line=line)
            for line in request_data.splitlines()


        # Construct environment dictionary using request data
        env = self.get_environ()

        # It's time to call our application callable and get
        # back a result that will become HTTP response body
        result = self.application(env, self.start_response)

        # Construct a response and send it back to the client

    def parse_request(self, text):
        request_line = text.splitlines()[0]
        request_line = request_line.rstrip('\r\n')
        # Break down the request line into components
        (self.request_method,  # GET
         self.path,            # /hello
         self.request_version  # HTTP/1.1
         ) = request_line.split()

    def get_environ(self):
        env = {}
        # The following code snippet does not follow PEP8 conventions
        # but it's formatted the way it is for demonstration purposes
        # to emphasize the required variables and their values
        # Required WSGI variables
        env['wsgi.version']      = (1, 0)
        env['wsgi.url_scheme']   = 'http'
        env['wsgi.input']        = StringIO.StringIO(self.request_data)
        env['wsgi.errors']       = sys.stderr
        env['wsgi.multithread']  = False
        env['wsgi.multiprocess'] = False
        env['wsgi.run_once']     = False
        # Required CGI variables
        env['REQUEST_METHOD']    = self.request_method    # GET
        env['PATH_INFO']         = self.path              # /hello
        env['SERVER_NAME']       = self.server_name       # localhost
        env['SERVER_PORT']       = str(self.server_port)  # 8888
        return env

    def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        # Add necessary server headers
        server_headers = [
            ('Date', 'Tue, 31 Mar 2015 12:54:48 GMT'),
            ('Server', 'WSGIServer 0.2'),
        self.headers_set = [status, response_headers + server_headers]
        # To adhere to WSGI specification the start_response must return
        # a 'write' callable. We simplicity's sake we'll ignore that detail
        # for now.
        # return self.finish_response

    def finish_response(self, result):
            status, response_headers = self.headers_set
            response = 'HTTP/1.1 {status}\r\n'.format(status=status)
            for header in response_headers:
                response += '{0}: {1}\r\n'.format(*header)
            response += '\r\n'
            for data in result:
                response += data
            # Print formatted response data a la 'curl -v'
                '> {line}\n'.format(line=line)
                for line in response.splitlines()


def make_server(server_address, application):
    server = WSGIServer(server_address)
    return server

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        sys.exit('Provide a WSGI application object as module:callable')
    app_path = sys.argv[1]
    module, application = app_path.split(':')
    module = __import__(module)
    application = getattr(module, application)
    httpd = make_server(SERVER_ADDRESS, application)
    print('WSGIServer: Serving HTTP on port {port} ...\n'.format(port=PORT))
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install virtualenv
mkdir ~/envs
virtualenv ~/envs/lsbaws/
cd ~/envs/lsbaws/
bin  include  lib
source bin/activate
pip install pyramid
pip install flask
pip install django
python pyramidapp:app
You just told your server to load the ‘app’ callable from the python module‘pyramidapp’ Your server is now ready to take requests and forward them to your Pyramid application. The application only handles one route now: the/hello route.
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.response import Response

def hello_world(request):
    return Response(
        'Hello world from Pyramid!\n',

config = Configurator()
config.add_route('hello', '/hello')
config.add_view(hello_world, route_name='hello')
app = config.make_wsgi_app()

from flask import Flask
from flask import Response
flask_app = Flask('flaskapp')

def hello_world():
    return Response(
        'Hello world from Flask!\n',
app = flask_app.wsgi_app
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, './helloworld')
from helloworld import wsgi
app = wsgi.application

WSGI provides a minimal interface between Python Web servers and Python Web Frameworks. It’s very simple and it’s easy to implement on both the server and the framework side. The following code snippet shows the server and the framework side of the interface:
def run_application(application):
    """Server code."""
    # This is where an application/framework stores
    # an HTTP status and HTTP response headers for the server
    # to transmit to the client
    headers_set = []
    # Environment dictionary with WSGI/CGI variables
    environ = {}

    def start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        headers_set[:] = [status, response_headers]

    # Server invokes the ‘application' callable and gets back the
    # response body
    result = application(environ, start_response)
    # Server builds an HTTP response and transmits it to the client

def app(environ, start_response):
    """A barebones WSGI app."""
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    return ['Hello world!']

Here is how it works:
  1. The framework provides an ‘application’ callable (The WSGI specification doesn’t prescribe how that should be implemented)
  2. The server invokes the ‘application’ callable for each request it receives from an HTTP client. It passes a dictionary ‘environ’ containing WSGI/CGIvariables and a ‘start_response’ callable as arguments to the‘application’ callable.
  3. The framework/application generates an HTTP status and HTTP response headers and passes them to the ‘start_response’ callable for the server to store them. The framework/application also returns a response body.
  4. The server combines the status, the response headers, and the response body into an HTTP response and transmits it to the client (This step is not part of the specification but it’s the next logical step in the flow and I added it for clarity)

WSGI Interface
 let’s create a minimalistic WSGI Web application/Web framework without using Pyramid, Flask, or Django and run it with your server:
def app(environ, start_response):
    """A barebones WSGI application.

    This is a starting point for your own Web framework :)
    status = '200 OK'
    response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]
    start_response(status, response_headers)
    return ['Hello world from a simple WSGI application!\n']


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