Monday, August 10, 2015

How to Write Good Resume

#1 – Resume is too long

Ideally, your resume should be one page, because recruiters and managers have short attention spans

#2 – Description is hard to understand

This is very common in software engineer resumes because many people tend to illustrate quite a lot technical details, which make it very hard to understand for people without relevant experience, let alone that most of the time it’s recruiter people who are filtering resumes.
A general example is like “Developed XYZ feature in XXX framework with technique A, B, C…”. It’ll make the resume even more mysterious when those technique are only used to that company internally.
The golden rule is that your description should be understandable to people with a little bit technical background like tech company recruiters. An easy way is to grab a friend and ask for feedback on your resume.

#3 – Description is too general

#4 – Highlight techniques instead of project impact/complexity

More specifically, they care about what companies you have worked for, what projects you’ve done, how complex each project is and how much impact they have etc..
Try to compare the following two statements:
  1. Migrated backend storage system from A to B, using techniques U, V, W, X, Y, Z and so on.
  2. Migrated backend storage system of 100+T data while serving millions of users.
Apparent the second one is much better. Why? The second one highlights the impact and complexity of the project. Backend migration can be easy when there’s 10k data. However, it’ll be quite challenging when there’s 100+T data, let alone the system is still serving millions of users, which also indicates the impact.
Although the first statement lists quite a few techniques, there are two reasons why it’s not that important. First, there’s no way to tell how each techniques were used. For instance, you might only write a few lines of Python in this project and listed Python in your resume.

#5 – Unnecessary information

In general, we care most about your education info, work experiences, course projects/side projects, a summary of your skills. Some people may also put their publication, awards or some other things they’d like to highlight, which is also fine. Some common unnecessary information include:
  • A huge list of skills. Even for some very good engineers I know, they usually put less than 10 skills they are proficient in. However, many people tend to put a lot. For instance, skills to specific software (e.g. Eclipse), non-technical skills (e.g. Photoshop, spreadsheet), general skills (e.g. team player) are all not necessary.
  • Hobbies. It’s ok to put one or two hobbies, especially you are really good at them. But don’t make the list too long.
  • Course works. Even relevant course works are not that necessary unless you are applying for an internship.
  • Profile photo (at least in US).

#6 – Bad format

Cracking the Tech Career: Insider Advice on Landing a Job at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or any Top Tech Company
Directed roll out of new cloud infrastructure in order to improve inter-team collaboration after analyzing ROI on alternatives and successfully pitching to senior management.

Conceived of and implemented new approach to client management that improved retention rate of most successful independent artists by 10%.
Led four-person team to design new payment strategy that better aligns with company objectives and led initial launch and implementation.

Designed and built internal dashboard that monitored website activity and alerted developers via text and e-mail when high-priority issues arose. (Python, Perl).
Implemented tool to import error logs and display simulation of user's path through website, enabling developers to more quickly locate source of error.
Hired and managed remote team of 15 testers in India and the Philippines.
Organized and taught monthly workshops on test-driven development to 30-person software development team, resulting in 10% reduction in priority 1 bugs.

Managed 30 accounts annually, representing over $10 million in sales. Awarded company's two largest accounts.
Achieved a 90% retention rate by focusing on frequent communication and customer happiness. Retention rate was the highest of the 15-person department.
Designed and proposed new sales plan to scale to Asian markets, which grew to be company's second largest territory.

Achieved 10% improvement in customer acquisition rates after analyzing web traffic data and identifying two major issues.
Designed and built tool to facilitate editing and managing metadata (SQL, Slimpy).
Acted as project manager for successful close of $3 million acquisition deal: managed time line, led cross-team collaboration, and gathered and analyzed necessary data.
Led training of seven-person analyst team in India.
Won Initiate Award at end of first year, awarded to the business analyst who, out of 50 total cross-company, shows the greatest initiative in identifying and resolving issues.

The Google Resume: How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or any Top Tech Company
Six Hallmarks of a Powerful Résumé
Accomplishment Oriented

Quantifiable Results

Implemented crash reporter and used results to fix three biggest causes of crashes, leading to a 45 percent reduction in customer support calls.

Reduced time to render the video by 75% by implementing prediction algorithm and delayed graphics.

Implemented integration with OS X Spotlight Search by creating tool that extracts metadata from saved video transcripts and provides metadata to a system-wide search database.

Redesigned video file format and implemented backwards compatibility for search.

Built app to compute similarity of all methods in a code base; reduced time from O(n2) to O(n log n), enabling processing on Windows source to complete in a mere hour, down from 40 hours.

Implemented a user interface for the VS open file switcher (ctrl-tab) and extended it to tool windows.

Created service to provide gradient across VS and VS add-ins. Optimized service by 29% by caching toolbar gradient paintbrushes.

Synchronized Calendar (2006–2007).
Desktop calendar with globally shared calendars, allowing users to schedule meetings with other users. Calendars automatically synchronized with centralized SQL server. C#.NET, SQL, XML.

mediocre résumé

Implement the back-end logic, which generates a diagram based on a sequence of rules

Designed and implemented SMS service, which allows user to access available online services such as search, connect, and registration through mobile.

Designed and implemented real-time analytics using JSP Report Maker and Fusion Chart that generates reports and provides visualization of real-time data.

Implemented Hibernate mapping and Java classes to provide clean interface for interacting with database.

Utilized JQuery and AJAX to provide dynamic and interactive user interface.

Designed and created MySQL database and also wrote PHP script to populate the database with test data.

Built Restful API, which allows our IPHONE application to interact with the backend.

Developed blog poster using PHP for posting blog on company web site.

Remote Method Invocation System

(Language/Platform: Java/Linux)

Based on classical stub-skeleton design for communication between client and servers, this system takes description of remote object interfaces in form of Interface Definition Language (IDL) and generates stub and skeleton which provides communication support to invoke remote object.

Information Retrieval System
(Language/Platform: Java/Linux)

Developed an indexer to index corpus of file and a Query Processor to process the Boolean query. The Query Processor outputs the file name, title, line number, and word position. Implemented using Java API such as serialization and collections (Sortedset, Hashmaps).

To work in a mutually beneficial environment where I can utilize my experience and hardworking nature to overcome obstacles and ensure on time quality deliverable at the same time learn in a highly competitive environment.

Led team of 30 in transition from old to new architecture, which is based off Linux kernel and the FXO protocol. The new service was more secure and more reliable but significantly more cumbersome to use. Plan was designed in one week and executed over the course of three weeks.

Implemented performance evaluation and rolled out process across 400-person company.

Oversaw cross-functional team of developers, testers, and client managers. Supervised projects and set technical direction. Motivated and inspired team, and ensured morale was high.

Managed network of 1,000 computers to reduce power usage and maintain maximum uptime.

Monitored two data centers using remote access technology.

Analyzed and optimized performance using various profiling tools.

Fixed crashes as they occurred on Windows operating system.

Oversaw upgrade from Windows 95 up through Windows 2000. Monitored system to ensure there were no service interruptions.

Elements of Programming Interviews: The Insiders' Guide
The most important points—the ones that differentiate you from everyone else—should come first. People reading your résumé proceed in sequential order, so you want to impress them with what makes you special early on. (Maintaining a logical flow, through desirable, is secondary compared to this principle.)

The résumé should be of a high-quality: no spelling mistakes; consistent spacing, capitalizations, numberings; and correct grammar and punctuation. Use few fonts.

Have friends review your résumé; they are certain to find problems with it that you missed. It is better to get something written up quickly, and then refine it based on feedback.

1. Accelerated 35. Empowered 69. Motivated
2. Accomplished 36. Enabled 70. Negotiated
3. Achieved 37. Encouraged 71. Obtained
4. Acted 38. Engineered 72. Operated
5. Adapted 39. Enhanced 73. Orchestrated
6. Administered 40. Enlisted 74. Organized
7. Allocated 41. Established 75. Originated
8. Analyzed 42. Evaluated 76. Overhauled
9. Approved 43. Examined 77. Oversaw
10. Assembled 44. Executed 78. Performed
11. Attained 45. Expedited 79. Pinpointed
12. Boosted 46. Focused 80. Planned
13. Budgeted 47. Forecasted 81. Prepared
14. Built 48. Formulated 82. Prioritized
15. Calculated 49. Founded 83. Processed
16. Catalogued 50. Generated 84. Produced
17. Chaired 51. Guided 85. Reconciled
18. Coached 52. Harnessed 86. Repaired
19. Collaborated 53. Identified 87. Researched
20. Communicated 54. Illustrated 88. Revitalized
21. Compiled 55. Implemented 89. Selected
22. Consolidated 56. Improved 90. Solved
23. Coordinated 57. Increased 91. Spearheaded
24. Created 58. Initiated 92. Stimulated
25. Cultivated 59. Instituted 93. Strengthened
26. Decreased 60. Integrated 94. Succeeded
27. Demonstrated 61. Introduced 95. Surpassed
28. Designed 62. Invented 96. Synergized
29. Developed 63. Launched 97. Troubleshot
30. Diagnosed 64. Led 98. Uncovered
31. Directed 65. Maintained 99. Upgraded
32. Documented 66. Managed 100. Utilized
33. Doubled 67. Mastered
34. Educated 68. Mediated
How I Read a Technical Resume

1. 电话请用格式(XXX)-XXX-XXXX 形式写清楚!!这一点要在第一条强调,因为一长串数字真的很难看,我每天要打好多电话,看着简历数数字,好多人直接上来就是一串数字,很容易看漏或者打错。我有时候打错了我是不会重复打了!!当这个人倒霉!!!所以,很多同学,第一个机会就因为这一点小缺点丢失了,好可惜啊!!

. 1point 3acres 璁哄潧

2. 请在分栏书写自己的简历,但是,请把学历写在前面!!有好多同学,不知道从哪里看到的,experience写前面血长一大段,我要拉好多下,才能看到学历,本来skills写在最后就已经很不好查阅了,学历这种一上来就先看的东西,你放最后面,今天我浏览了30份简历,如果education在后面,我就懒得看了!!我还是个新人,我就这样,更何况是万年HR。

3. 名字请用中文名后面(英文名)的形式,并且居中。不要只有英文名。很多同学为了洋气,只写英文名在前面。可是,我之后是要录入系统的,里面要求和签证一样的名字啊。你简历又没有!!搞什么鬼!!! 加英文名是可以方便大家读,这一点我很认可的,但是,还是要写真名。还有就是居中,居中真的看起来舒服很多。虽然并不是有什么关系,但我喜欢这样的简历。

4. 一定要加job description关键字在第一栏,我严重推荐很多地里经验贴中的,第一联是一个summary的形式,word搜索的时候会方便很多,命中率很高!
关于第一个电话面试,也就是基本信息确认. 鍥磋鎴戜滑@1point 3 acres


如果你真的已经开始投公司了,在网上申请,或者是海投indeed,monster。那么请你做好万全准备,这两天我面的中国人,我感到非常无奈,真的,电话结尾我都会说,我这个人说话直,虽然我跟你不认识,但我想给你一点面试建议。真的,发自内心的面试建议!!!你们看看你们身边饥渴找工作的印度同学啊!!他们一听说是HR电话,马上就很热情,这一点就算了。我问他们,我们招java developer,有兴趣吗?你有什么java经验。印度同学就像背稿子一样,发表了五分钟-十分钟的完美自我简历叙述,把做过的项目,细致到负责哪一个开发,语言的使用都说得很好。而我们中国的同学,今天不止一个人跟我说,did you read my resume, it is in my resume !! 同学!!我可以喂你吃土吗?别说你态度很恶劣,语气感觉,你是白痴吗,你没看我简历里我的experience吗? 我真的真的很无语,其实HR问你这个问题,是想听你的语言表达能力和communication skills,你这样就把自己的路全部堵死了。

我建议大家准备一个稿子,在投工作的第一天就每天早晨对着镜子练习,带上微笑。我是谁谁谁,我是一个编程能力很好的人,我做过很多项目,比如什么什么,这是我在什么时候做的,成果多牛逼,我运用什么算法,搞得多好,同学老师叹为观止。这个技术好先进。你背熟了这段话,谁给你打电话,你都不需要慌张了,哪怕没睡醒,你背一遍就清醒了嘛!!!而且啊,什么我做过这个项目,我用了java,就是这样。一句话就介绍完,被HR问,that's it? 真是很尴尬,好不好?!!!



这些都是我的一点建议,打这么多惊叹号是在于,今天面试几个人,泪奔了。我知道大家会问我是什么HR,我是负责consulting的HR,虽然职位在地里大牛的眼里是很卑贱,我的帖子之前也被喷得很厉害。但是,我真的不怕大家瞧不起什么的,我是真的为大家的状态着急。我是没有提成的,不是说招人会有奖励。我是拿工资,老板布置任务的,老板希望我下个月能招来四个人,我的帖子就为我找来八个人了,我以为我已经完成指标了,没想到,昨天,今天,我有3个candidates 第一轮communication interview都没有过。我内心千万头草泥马飞过了。。。。。今天我同事跟我说,说我帖子介绍不好,没写出区别。其实我们公司是IT service company,consulting只是我们的一项业务,所以我们不是欺骗别人来,而是筛选为我们工作的人。如果那些听到我说可以用中文交流了,就对我不尊重的同学,以后他们在工作岗位上会出现各种问题的。楼主我,真的是很诚恳很认真负责,每个给我打电话的地里的同学,或者我接触过的中国同学,我都尽心解答,我真心希望你们能通过自己努力找到工作,而不是来ICC,但是,如果你们非要留在美国的话,想赶快拿h1b, frozen season不好找工作的话。看我这个帖子吧






第二,去掉 NoSQL,因为没有 Hiring Manager 不知道 Redis 是个 NoSQL 数据库,写在这里没有任何用处。Struts 用的也真的非常少了,Spring还可以。另外,Jquery 也应该放到这行的最后。

首先,要去掉的一大类是 Operating Systems,这没有必要突出,只会减分,不会加分。

第二,要删去抽象的概念。Microservice是非常虚的一个概念,不要写到 Technical Skills 里;AWS也非常虚,而且还存在一个问题:你在这里写了AWS和S3,面试官会认为你根本不清楚他们之间的关系。

首先,把 Familiar 和 Basic 去掉。如果这样写,Hiring Manager 会觉得你只会JAVA,别的你只上过教程。




FB分类是把技术分为 Front-end 和 Back-end,分开写即可。

也有同学用LDFT分类,即以 Programming Language,Database,Framework 和 Tooth 分类,这取决于你有多少 Technical Skills 能够分出来。如果你的数据库只会一两个,就不能把它单独分为一类了。

至于不同分类的内部排序,按照技术栈的新旧和熟练程度来排序是最好的,让 Hiring Manager 一眼看到比较重点的技术是比较加分的。但如果你对这些真的不是很熟悉,只是用过一次两次的程度,就不要这样写了。一旦在面试的时候讲不清楚,很有可能让人觉得你的项目经历也是虚假的。


正确的做法是,对简历进行增删改查,升级你的项目。另外,一定要动手实践你现在理论验证性的项目,如果你全部都没有做过,面试可能就会出现问题。如果你还有时间,一定要去做项目的拓展。如果简历关过不去,刷题都是没有用的。总之,如果 Technical Skills 很少,一定要想办法去增加。


举个例子,大家都知道前段时间 Uber 对稳定性的要求比较高,已经在用 Go 语言去做开发了。如果你会,就会比其他不会的同学拿到面试的几率要高。又比如,现在很多公司,包括BitTiger,也在用React去重新写前端的代码,也会有很多公司关注移动端上的流量。对于一个Web Developer来说,如果你有IOS经验,拿到面试的几率就会增加。


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