Friday, August 14, 2015

Systen Design Questions Collection TODO

The Monopoly Interview
Design a system that find the places near given coordinates. What if there are billions of places.

Design Youtube access control system, storage, scales

update一个手机app的new feature和一个web service的new feature有啥差别;按时间deploy还是按feature deploy等
Design a system to hand out telephone numbers for Google voice.

You want to present numbers to people such that:
a person sees 10 numbers at a time
no two people should see the same numbers at the same time
they get 2 minutes to choose one of those numbers or ask for more. If they 
choose one after the 2 minutes are expired, the request fails.

Where you would put the various data elements - in a database, application 
servers, front-ends or the browser. 
What kinds of data structures you would use.

Data Structure Design: Use Hashset(map) + Arraylist

Design a system to generate Ids for distributed DBs, discuss various Zookeeper patterns (leader elections etc).

Round 4: Design facebook event notification system (push on mobile app, and 
pull on web), discuss storage/api, how to generate events, prefer to use 
periodical job to scan incoming events and generate messages accordingly

design 分布式metrics 系统
7. file system design。就是设计一个大数据的存取问题。存在disk上。我就是
partition + hash + cache那一套糊弄过去了。

3. 求一个stream,出现次数最多的数字。然后扩展到N个machine的情况。
4. 假设某个company在不同国家都有office,每个国家的office,如果是当地的假期,

6. system design。distributed hash table
5. 实现一个纸牌游戏的logic。每人拿出最上面那张,比较大小,最大的胜出,winner
可以搜刮走loser打出的牌。如果有俩人的牌一样大,就比较上面数第四章的牌。  直

2. 概念:hashtable 实现方式。
代码: 拓扑排序。


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