2、如果tryAcquire()获取锁失败则执行acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg)语句,首先我们来看下addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE),它的作用就是将无法获取锁的线程追加到一个双向链表中,然后让线程休眠,当锁资源可用时会从该双向链表头部唤醒一个线程去竞争锁资源
Two threads reading the same resource does not cause problems for each other, so multiple threads that want to read the resource are granted access at the same time, overlapping. But, if a single thread wants to write to the resource, no other reads nor writes must be in progress at the same time. To solve this problem of allowing multiple readers but only one writer, you will need a read / write lock.
Java's synchronized blocks makes no guarantees about the sequence in which threads trying to enter them are granted access. Therefore, if many threads are constantly competing for access to the same synchronized block, there is a risk that one or more of the threads are never granted access - that access is always granted to other threads. This is called starvation. To avoid this a
A thread that calls wait() on any object becomes inactive until another thread calls notify() on that object. In order to call either wait() or notify the calling thread must first obtain the lock on that object. In other words, the calling thread must call wait() or notify() from inside a synchronized block
Slipped conditions means, that from the time a thread has checked a certain condition until it acts upon it, the condition has been changed by another thread so that it is errornous for the first thread to act.
void lock()Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread. And sets lock hold count to 1.
If current thread already holds lock then lock hold count is increased by 1.
If the lock is held by another thread then the current thread waits for another thread to release lock.
* state在AbstractQueuedSynchronizer类中定义,表示当前锁状态: * * 0:当前锁锁未被任何线程持有,线程获取锁资源时可以使用CAS原子操作compareAndSetState(0, 1) * 将state由0修改成1,修改成功表示获取锁成功,state这时被修改成1了,并将exclusiveOwnerThread设置成当前Thread, * exclusiveOwnerThread即表示持有锁的线程 * * >0:表示当前锁被线程持有,因为ReentrantLock是重入锁,同一个线程可以重入多次锁,每重入一次state加1, * 同样在释放锁资源release()的时候,每释放一次state减1,直到state=0表示全部释放完成,可以被其它线程竞争使用 * state大于0时CAS原子操作compareAndSetState(0, 1)会失败,即进入另一分支 */ final void lock() { if (compareAndSetState(0, 1)) //当前线程获取锁成功,并将当前线程赋值给exclusiveOwnerThread变量 setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread.currentThread()); else acquire(1);//该分支则表示已有线程持有当前锁 }
1、调用tryAcquire尝试获取锁,注意:tryAcquire在AbstractQueuedSynchronizer类中实现直接抛出异常,一般是子类NonfairSync、FairSync继承重写该方法 * 2、tryAcquire会做如下尝试: * a.如果state=0表示当前锁又没有被线程所持有,重新获取一次锁,成功返回true,失败返回false * b.如果持有锁的线程就是当前线程,则将state累加1,用于记录重入次数,释放的时候也要全部释放,并返回true表示获取锁成功 * c.非以上两种情况,直接返回fasle * 3、如果获取锁成功,即tryAcquire返回true,则直接返回 * 4、如果获取锁失败,即tryAcquire返回false,则将当前线程封装成Node放入到Sync Queue里(调用addWaiter),等待Signal信号 * 5、调用acquireQueued进行自旋的方式获取锁(有可能会 repeatedly blocking and unblocking) * 4、根据acquireQueued的返回值判断在获取lock的过程中是否被中断, 若被中断, 则自己再中断一下(selfInterrupt) */ public final void acquire(int arg) { //acquireQueued的主要作用是把已经追加到队列的线程节点(addWaiter方法返回值)进行阻塞,但阻塞前又通过tryAccquire重试是否能获得锁,如果重试成功能则无需阻塞,直接返回 if (!tryAcquire(arg) && acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg)) selfInterrupt(); }
1、该方法重新获取锁state,如果state=0表示当前又没有线程持有该锁了,则重新获取一次锁,成功返回true,失败返回false * 2、如果持有该锁的线程就是当前线程,则也会返回true表示获取锁成功,并将state累加acquires * 3、否则返回false表示获取锁失败 */ final boolean nonfairTryAcquire(int acquires) { final Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); int c = getState(); if (c == 0) {//如果等于0表示此刻已没有线程持有该锁,所以重新获取一次锁,成功则立即返回true,否则立即返回false if (compareAndSetState(0, acquires)) { setExclusiveOwnerThread(current); return true; } }else if (current == getExclusiveOwnerThread()) { //如果持有该锁的线程就是当前线程,则将state+1,然后立即返回true表示获取锁成功,这是可重入锁特性 int nextc = c + acquires; if (nextc < 0) // overflow throw new Error("Maximum lock count exceeded"); setState(nextc);//修改state值,此处只会持有锁的线程才会执行,不存在多线程竞争情况,所以通过setState修改,而非CAS,这段代码实现了偏向锁的功能 return true; } return false; }
2、如果tryAcquire()获取锁失败则执行acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg)语句,首先我们来看下addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE),它的作用就是将无法获取锁的线程追加到一个双向链表中,然后让线程休眠,当锁资源可用时会从该双向链表头部唤醒一个线程去竞争锁资源
Inside the Java virtual machine, each thread is awarded a Java stack, which contains data no other thread can access, including the local variables, parameters, and return values of each method the thread has invoked. The data on the stack is limited to primitive types and object references. In the JVM, it is not possible to place the image of an actual object on the stack. All objects reside on the heap.
There is only one heap inside the JVM, and all threads share it. The heap contains nothing but objects. There is no way to place a solitary primitive type or object reference on the heap -- these things must be part of an object. Arrays reside on the heap, including arrays of primitive types, but in Java, arrays are objects too.
A single thread is allowed to lock the same object multiple times. For each object, the JVM maintains a count of the number of times the object has been locked. An unlocked object has a count of zero. When a thread acquires the lock for the first time, the count is incremented to one. Each time the thread acquires a lock on the same object, a count is incremented. Each time the thread releases the lock, the count is decremented. When the count reaches zero, the lock is released and made available to other threads.
Two opcodes,
and monitorexit
, are used for synchronization blocks within methods, as shown in the table below.
is encountered by the Java virtual machine, it acquires the lock for the object referred to by objectref on the stack. If the thread already owns the lock for that object, a count is incremented. Each time monitorexit
is executed for the thread on the object, the count is decremented. When the count reaches zero, the monitor is released.
Two threads reading the same resource does not cause problems for each other, so multiple threads that want to read the resource are granted access at the same time, overlapping. But, if a single thread wants to write to the resource, no other reads nor writes must be in progress at the same time. To solve this problem of allowing multiple readers but only one writer, you will need a read / write lock.
Read Access | If no threads are writing, and no threads have requested write access. |
Write Access | If no threads are reading or writing. |
If a thread wants to read the resource, it is okay as long as no threads are writing to it, and no threads have requested write access to the resource. By up-prioritizing write-access requests we assume that write requests are more important than read-requests. Besides, if reads are what happens most often, and we did not up-prioritize writes, starvation could occur. Threads requesting write access would be blocked until all readers had unlocked the
. If new threads were constantly granted read access the thread waiting for write access would remain blocked indefinately, resulting in starvation. Therefore a thread can only be granted read access if no thread has currently locked the ReadWriteLock
for writing, or requested it locked for writing.
A thread that wants write access to the resource can be granted so when no threads are reading nor writing to the resource. It doesn't matter how many threads have requested write access or in what sequence, unless you want to guarantee fairness between threads requesting write access.
public class ReadWriteLock{ private int readers = 0; private int writers = 0; private int writeRequests = 0; public synchronized void lockRead() throws InterruptedException{ while(writers > 0 || writeRequests > 0){ wait(); } readers++; } public synchronized void unlockRead(){ readers--; notifyAll(); } public synchronized void lockWrite() throws InterruptedException{ writeRequests++; while(readers > 0 || writers > 0){ wait(); } writeRequests--; writers++; } public synchronized void unlockWrite() throws InterruptedException{ writers--; notifyAll(); } }
The rules for read access are implemented in the
method. All threads get read access unless there is a thread with write access, or one or more threads have requested write access.
The rules for write access are implemented in the
method. A thread that wants write access starts out by requesting write access (writeRequests++
). Then it will check if it can actually get write access. A thread can get write access if there are no threads with read access to the resource, and no threads with write access to the resource. How many threads have requested write access doesn't matter.
It is worth noting that both
and unlockWrite()
calls notifyAll()
rather than notify()
. To explain why that is, imagine the following situation:
Inside the ReadWriteLock there are threads waiting for read access, and threads waiting for write access. If a thread awakened by
was a read access thread, it would be put back to waiting because there are threads waiting for write access. However, none of the threads awaiting write access are awakened, so nothing more happens. No threads gain neither read nor write access. By calling noftifyAll()
all waiting threads are awakened and check if they can get the desired access.
also has another advantage. If multiple threads are waiting for read access and none for write access, and unlockWrite()
is called, all threads waiting for read access are granted read access at once - not one by one.Read / Write Lock Reentrance
class shown earlier is not reentrant. If a thread that has write access requests it again, it will block because there is already one writer - itself. Furthermore, consider this case:- Thread 1 gets read access.
- Thread 2 requests write access but is blocked because there is one reader.
- Thread 1 re-requests read access (re-enters the lock), but is blocked because there is a write request
In this situation the previous
would lock up - a situation similar to deadlock. No threads requesting neither read nor write access would be granted so.
To make the
reentrant it is necessary to make a few changes. Reentrance for readers and writers will be dealt with separately.Read Reentrance
To make the
reentrant for readers we will first establish the rules for read reentrance:- A thread is granted read reentrance if it can get read access (no writers or write requests), or if it already has read access (regardless of write requests).
To determine if a thread has read access already, a reference to each thread granted read access is kept in a Map along with how many times it has acquired read lock. When determing if read access can be granted this Map will be checked for a reference to the calling thread. Here is how the
and unlockRead()
methods looks after that change:public class ReadWriteLock{ private Map<Thread, Integer> readingThreads = new HashMap<Thread, Integer>(); private int writers = 0; private int writeRequests = 0; public synchronized void lockRead() throws InterruptedException{ Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread(); while(! canGrantReadAccess(callingThread)){ wait(); } readingThreads.put(callingThread, (getAccessCount(callingThread) + 1)); } public synchronized void unlockRead(){ Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread(); int accessCount = getAccessCount(callingThread); if(accessCount == 1){ readingThreads.remove(callingThread); } else { readingThreads.put(callingThread, (accessCount -1)); } notifyAll(); } private boolean canGrantReadAccess(Thread callingThread){ if(writers > 0) return false; if(isReader(callingThread) return true; if(writeRequests > 0) return false; return true; } private int getReadAccessCount(Thread callingThread){ Integer accessCount = readingThreads.get(callingThread); if(accessCount == null) return 0; return accessCount.intValue(); } private boolean isReader(Thread callingThread){ return readingThreads.get(callingThread) != null; } }
As you can see read reentrance is only granted if no threads are currently writing to the resource. Additionally, if the calling thread already has read access this takes precedence over any writeRequests.
Write Reentrance
Write reentrance is granted only if the thread has already write access. Here is how the
and unlockWrite()
methods look after that change:public class ReadWriteLock{ private Map<Thread, Integer> readingThreads = new HashMap<Thread, Integer>(); private int writeAccesses = 0; private int writeRequests = 0; private Thread writingThread = null; public synchronized void lockWrite() throws InterruptedException{ writeRequests++; Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread(); while(! canGrantWriteAccess(callingThread)){ wait(); } writeRequests--; writeAccesses++; writingThread = callingThread; } public synchronized void unlockWrite() throws InterruptedException{ writeAccesses--; if(writeAccesses == 0){ writingThread = null; } notifyAll(); } private boolean canGrantWriteAccess(Thread callingThread){ if(hasReaders()) return false; if(writingThread == null) return true; if(!isWriter(callingThread)) return false; return true; } private boolean hasReaders(){ return readingThreads.size() > 0; } private boolean isWriter(Thread callingThread){ return writingThread == callingThread; } }
Notice how the thread currently holding the write lock is now taken into account when determining if the calling thread can get write access.
Read to Write Reentrance
Sometimes it is necessary for a thread that have read access to also obtain write access. For this to be allowed the thread must be the only reader. To achieve this the
method should be changed a bit. Write to Read Reentrance
Sometimes a thread that has write access needs read access too. A writer should always be granted read access if requested. If a thread has write access no other threads can have read nor write access, so it is not dangerous. Here is how the
method will look with that change:public class ReadWriteLock{ private boolean canGrantReadAccess(Thread callingThread){ if(isWriter(callingThread)) return true; if(writingThread != null) return false; if(isReader(callingThread) return true; if(writeRequests > 0) return false; return true; } }
public class ReadWriteLock{ private Map<Thread, Integer> readingThreads = new HashMap<Thread, Integer>(); private int writeAccesses = 0; private int writeRequests = 0; private Thread writingThread = null; public synchronized void lockRead() throws InterruptedException{ Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread(); while(! canGrantReadAccess(callingThread)){ wait(); } readingThreads.put(callingThread, (getReadAccessCount(callingThread) + 1)); } private boolean canGrantReadAccess(Thread callingThread){ if( isWriter(callingThread) ) return true; if( hasWriter() ) return false; if( isReader(callingThread) ) return true; if( hasWriteRequests() ) return false; return true; } public synchronized void unlockRead(){ Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread(); if(!isReader(callingThread)){ throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("Calling Thread does not" + " hold a read lock on this ReadWriteLock"); } int accessCount = getReadAccessCount(callingThread); if(accessCount == 1){ readingThreads.remove(callingThread); } else { readingThreads.put(callingThread, (accessCount -1)); } notifyAll(); } public synchronized void lockWrite() throws InterruptedException{ writeRequests++; Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread(); while(! canGrantWriteAccess(callingThread)){ wait(); } writeRequests--; writeAccesses++; writingThread = callingThread; } public synchronized void unlockWrite() throws InterruptedException{ if(!isWriter(Thread.currentThread()){ throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("Calling Thread does not" + " hold the write lock on this ReadWriteLock"); } writeAccesses--; if(writeAccesses == 0){ writingThread = null; } notifyAll(); } private boolean canGrantWriteAccess(Thread callingThread){ if(isOnlyReader(callingThread)) return true; if(hasReaders()) return false; if(writingThread == null) return true; if(!isWriter(callingThread)) return false; return true; } private int getReadAccessCount(Thread callingThread){ Integer accessCount = readingThreads.get(callingThread); if(accessCount == null) return 0; return accessCount.intValue(); } private boolean hasReaders(){ return readingThreads.size() > 0; } private boolean isReader(Thread callingThread){ return readingThreads.get(callingThread) != null; } private boolean isOnlyReader(Thread callingThread){ return readingThreads.size() == 1 && readingThreads.get(callingThread) != null; } private boolean hasWriter(){ return writingThread != null; } private boolean isWriter(Thread callingThread){ return writingThread == callingThread; } private boolean hasWriteRequests(){ return this.writeRequests > 0; } }
public class Lock{ private boolean isLocked = false; public synchronized void lock() throws InterruptedException{ while(isLocked){ wait(); } isLocked = true; } public synchronized void unlock(){ isLocked = false; notify(); } }
Notice the
loop, which is also called a "spin lock". Spin locks and the methods wait()
and notify()
are covered in more detail in the text Thread Signaling. While isLocked
is true, the thread calling lock()
is parked waiting in the wait()
call. In case the thread should return unexpectedly from the wait() call without having received a notify()
call (AKA a Spurious Wakeup) the thread re-checks the isLocked
condition to see if it is safe to proceed or not, rather than just assume that being awakened means it is safe to proceed. If isLocked
is false, the thread exits the while(isLocked)
loop, and sets isLocked
back to true, to lock the Lock
instance for other threads calling lock()
Lock Reentrance
Synchronized blocks in Java are reentrant. This means, that if a Java thread enters a synchronized block of code, and thereby take the lock on the monitor object the block is synchronized on, the thread can enter other Java code blocks synchronized on the same monitor object
The lock implementation shown earlier is not reentrant. If we rewrite the
class like below, the thread calling outer()
will be blocked inside the lock.lock()
in the inner()
method.public class Reentrant2{ Lock lock = new Lock(); public outer(){ lock.lock(); inner(); lock.unlock(); } public synchronized inner(){ lock.lock(); //do something lock.unlock(); } }
A thread calling
will first lock the Lock
instance. Then it will call inner()
. Inside the inner()
method the thread will again try to lock the Lock
instance. This will fail (meaning the thread will be blocked), since the Lock
instance was locked already in the outer()
The reason the thread will be blocked the second time it calls
without having called unlock()
in between, is apparent when we look at the lock()
implementation:public class Lock{ boolean isLocked = false; public synchronized void lock() throws InterruptedException{ while(isLocked){ wait(); } isLocked = true; } ... }
It is the condition inside the while loop (spin lock) that determines if a thread is allowed to exit the
method or not. Currently the condition is that isLocked
must be false
for this to be allowed, regardless of what thread locked it.
To make the
class reentrant we need to make a small change:public class Lock{ boolean isLocked = false; Thread lockedBy = null; int lockedCount = 0; public synchronized void lock() throws InterruptedException{ Thread callingThread = Thread.currentThread(); while(isLocked && lockedBy != callingThread){ wait(); } isLocked = true; lockedCount++; lockedBy = callingThread; } public synchronized void unlock(){ if(Thread.curentThread() == this.lockedBy){ lockedCount--; if(lockedCount == 0){ isLocked = false; notify(); } } } ... }
Notice how the while loop (spin lock) now also takes the thread that locked the
instance into consideration. If either the lock is unlocked (isLocked
= false) or the calling thread is the thread that locked the Lock
instance, the while loop will not execute, and the thread calling lock()
will be allowed to exit the method.
Additionally, we need to count the number of times the lock has been locked by the same thread. Otherwise, a single call to
will unlock the lock, even if the lock has been locked multiple times. We don't want the lock to be unlocked until the thread that locked it, has executed the same amount of unlock()
calls as lock()
calls.Java's synchronized blocks makes no guarantees about the sequence in which threads trying to enter them are granted access. Therefore, if many threads are constantly competing for access to the same synchronized block, there is a risk that one or more of the threads are never granted access - that access is always granted to other threads. This is called starvation. To avoid this a
should be fair. Since the Lock
implementations shown in this text uses synchronized blocks internally, they do not guarantee fairness.
The purpose of thread signaling is to enable threads to send signals to each other. Additionally, thread signaling enables threads to wait for signals from other threads. For instance, a thread B might wait for a signal from thread A indicating that data is ready to be processed.
Signaling via Shared Objects
A simple way for threads to send signals to each other is by setting the signal values in some shared object variable. Thread A may set the boolean member variable hasDataToProcess to true from inside a synchronized block, and thread B may read the hasDataToProcess member variable, also inside a synchronized block. Here is a simple example of an object that can hold such a signal, and provide methods to set and check it:
public class MySignal{ protected boolean hasDataToProcess = false; public synchronized boolean hasDataToProcess(){ return this.hasDataToProcess; } public synchronized void setHasDataToProcess(boolean hasData){ this.hasDataToProcess = hasData; } }
Busy Wait
Thread B which is to process the data is waiting for data to become available for processing. In other words, it is waiting for a signal from thread A which causes hasDataToProcess() to return true. Here is the loop that thread B is running in, while waiting for this signal:
protected MySignal sharedSignal = ... ... while(!sharedSignal.hasDataToProcess()){ //do nothing... busy waiting }
Notice how the while loop keeps executing until hasDataToProcess() returns true. This is called busy waiting. The thread is busy while waiting.
wait(), notify() and notifyAll()
Busy waiting is not a very efficient utilization of the CPU in the computer running the waiting thread, except if the average waiting time is very small. Else, it would be smarter if the waiting thread could somehow sleep or become inactive until it receives the signal it is waiting for.
public class MonitorObject{ } public class MyWaitNotify{ MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject(); public void doWait(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ try{ myMonitorObject.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){...} } } public void doNotify(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ myMonitorObject.notify(); } } }
The waiting thread would call doWait(), and the notifying thread would call doNotify(). When a thread calls notify() on an object, one of the threads waiting on that object are awakened and allowed to execute. There is also a notifyAll() method that will wake all threads waiting on a given object.
As you can see both the waiting and notifying thread calls wait() and notify() from within a synchronized block. This is mandatory! A thread cannot call wait(), notify() or notifyAll() without holding the lock on the object the method is called on. If it does, an IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.
But, how is this possible? Wouldn't the waiting thread keep the lock on the monitor object (myMonitorObject) as long as it is executing inside a synchronized block? Will the waiting thread not block the notifying thread from ever entering the synchronized block in doNotify()? The answer is no. Once a thread calls wait() it releases the lock it holds on the monitor object. This allows other threads to call wait() or notify() too, since these methods must be called from inside a synchronized block.
Once a thread is awakened it cannot exit the wait() call until the thread calling notify() has left its synchronized block. In other words: The awakened thread must reobtain the lock on the monitor object before it can exit the wait() call, because the wait call is nested inside a synchronized block. If multiple threads are awakened using notifyAll() only one awakened thread at a time can exit the wait() method, since each thread must obtain the lock on the monitor object in turn before exiting wait().
Missed Signals
The methods notify() and notifyAll() do not save the method calls to them in case no threads are waiting when they are called. The notify signal is then just lost. Therefore, if a thread calls notify() before the thread to signal has called wait(), the signal will be missed by the waiting thread. This may or may not be a problem, but in some cases this may result in the waiting thread waiting forever, never waking up, because the signal to wake up was missed.
To avoid losing signals they should be stored inside the signal class. In the MyWaitNotify example the notify signal should be stored in a member variable inside the MyWaitNotify instance. Here is a modified version of MyWaitNotify that does this:
public class MyWaitNotify2{ MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject(); boolean wasSignalled = false; public void doWait(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ if(!wasSignalled){ try{ myMonitorObject.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){...} } //clear signal and continue running. wasSignalled = false; } } public void doNotify(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ wasSignalled = true; myMonitorObject.notify(); } } }
Notice how the doNotify() method now sets the wasSignalled variable to true before calling notify(). Also, notice how the doWait() method now checks the wasSignalled variable before calling wait(). In fact it only calls wait() if no signal was received in between the previous doWait() call and this.
Spurious Wakeups
For inexplicable reasons it is possible for threads to wake up even if notify() and notifyAll() has not been called. This is known as spurious wakeups. Wakeups without any reason.
If a spurious wakeup occurs in the MyWaitNofity2 class's doWait() method the waiting thread may continue processing without having received a proper signal to do so! This could cause serious problems in your application.
To guard against spurious wakeups the signal member variable is checked inside a while loop instead of inside an if-statement. Such a while loop is also called a spin lock. The thread awakened spins around until the condition in the spin lock (while loop) becomes false. Here is a modified version of MyWaitNotify2 that shows this:
public class MyWaitNotify3{ MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject(); boolean wasSignalled = false; public void doWait(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ while(!wasSignalled){ try{ myMonitorObject.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){...} } //clear signal and continue running. wasSignalled = false; } } public void doNotify(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ wasSignalled = true; myMonitorObject.notify(); } } }
Notice how the wait() call is now nested inside a while loop instead of an if-statement. If the waiting thread wakes up without having received a signal, the wasSignalled member will still be false, and the while loop will execute once more, causing the awakened thread to go back to waiting.
Multiple Threads Waiting for the Same Signals
The while loop is also a nice solution if you have multiple threads waiting, which are all awakened using notifyAll(), but only one of them should be allowed to continue. Only one thread at a time will be able to obtain the lock on the monitor object, meaning only one thread can exit the wait() call and clear the wasSignalled flag. Once this thread then exits the synchronized block in the doWait() method, the other threads can exit the wait() call and check the wasSignalled member variable inside the while loop. However, this flag was cleared by the first thread waking up, so the rest of the awakened threads go back to waiting, until the next signal arrives.
Don't call wait() on constant String's or global objects
An earlier version of this text had an edition of the MyWaitNotify example class which used a constant string ( "" ) as monitor object. Here is how that example looked:
public class MyWaitNotify{ String myMonitorObject = ""; boolean wasSignalled = false; public void doWait(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ while(!wasSignalled){ try{ myMonitorObject.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){...} } //clear signal and continue running. wasSignalled = false; } } public void doNotify(){ synchronized(myMonitorObject){ wasSignalled = true; myMonitorObject.notify(); } } }
The problem with calling wait() and notify() on the empty string, or any other constant string is, that the JVM/Compiler internally translates constant strings into the same object. That means, that even if you have two different MyWaitNotify instances, they both reference the same empty string instance. This also means that threads calling doWait() on the first MyWaitNotify instance risk being awakened by doNotify() calls on the second MyWaitNotify instance.
You may be tempted then to always call notifyAll() instead notify(), but this is a bad idea performance wise. There is no reason to wake up all threads waiting when only one of them can respond to the signal.
So: Don't use global objects, string constants etc. for wait() / notify() mechanisms. Use an object that is unique to the construct using it. For instance, each MyWaitNotify3 (example from earlier sections) instance has its own MonitorObject instance rather than using the empty string for wait() / notify() calls.
Slipped conditions means, that from the time a thread has checked a certain condition until it acts upon it, the condition has been changed by another thread so that it is errornous for the first thread to act.
public class Lock { private boolean isLocked = true; public void lock(){ synchronized(this){ while(isLocked){ try{ this.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){ //do nothing, keep waiting } } } synchronized(this){ isLocked = true; } } public synchronized void unlock(){ isLocked = false; this.notify(); } }
Notice how the
method contains two synchronized blocks. The first block waits until isLocked
is false. The second block sets isLocked
to true, to lock the Lock
instance for other threads.
Imagine that
is false, and two threads call lock()
at the same time. If the first thread entering the first synchronized block is preempted right after the first synchronized block, this thread will have checked isLocked
and noted it to be false. If the second thread is now allowed to execute, and thus enter the first synchronized block, this thread too will see isLocked
as false. Now both threads have read the condition as false. Then both threads will enter the second synchronized block, set isLocked
to true, and continue.
This situation is an example of slipped conditions. Both threads test the condition, then exit the synchronized block, thereby allowing other threads to test the condition, before any of the two first threads change the conditions for subsequent threads. In other words, the condition has slipped from the time the condition was checked until the threads change it for subsequent threads.
To avoid slipped conditions the testing and setting of the conditions must be done atomically by the thread doing it, meaning that no other thread can check the condition in between the testing and setting of the condition by the first thread. Implementation of custom/own Lock and ReEntrantLock in javavoid lock()Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread. And sets lock hold count to 1.
If current thread already holds lock then lock hold count is increased by 1.
If the lock is held by another thread then the current thread waits for another thread to release lock.
void unlock()
If the current thread is the holding the lock then the lock hold count is decremented by 1. If the lock hold count has reached 0, then the lock is released.
If lock hold count is still greater than 0 then lock is not released.
If the current thread is not holding the lock then IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.!topic/comp.programming.threads/h6vgL_6RAE0
If the current thread is the holding the lock then the lock hold count is decremented by 1. If the lock hold count has reached 0, then the lock is released.
If lock hold count is still greater than 0 then lock is not released.
If the current thread is not holding the lock then IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.
class ReentrantLockCustom implements LockCustom {
int lockHoldCount;
//Id of thread which is currently holding the lock.
long IdOfThreadCurrentlyHoldingLock;
* Creates an instance of ReentrantLock.
* Initially lock hold count is 0.
* Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread.
* And sets lock hold count to 1.
* If current thread already holds lock then lock hold
* count is increased by 1.
* If the lock is held by another thread then the current
* thread waits for another thread to release lock.
public synchronized void lock() {
//Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread.
// And sets lock hold count to 1.
//If current thread already holds lock then lock hold
// count is increased by 1.
else if(lockHoldCount>0
&& IdOfThreadCurrentlyHoldingLock==Thread.currentThread().getId()){
//If the lock is held by another thread then the current
// thread waits for another thread to release lock.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* If the current thread is the holding the lock then the lock hold
* count is decremented by 1. If the lock hold count has reached 0,
* then the lock is released.
* If lock hold count is still greater than 0 then lock is not released.
* If the current thread is not holding the lock then
* IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.
public synchronized void unlock() {
//current thread is not holding the lock, throw IllegalMonitorStateException.
if(lockHoldCount==0 || IdOfThreadCurrentlyHoldingLock! = Thread.currentThread().getId())
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
lockHoldCount--; //decrement lock hold count by 1
//if lockHoldCount is 0, lock is released, and
//one waiting thread is notified.
* Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and returns
* true. And sets lock hold count to 1.
* If current thread already holds lock then method
* returns true. And increments lock hold count by 1.
* If lock is held by another thread then method return false.
public synchronized boolean tryLock(){
//Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and
//returns true
return true;
//If lock is held by another thread then method return false.
return false;
It allows flexibility in the implementation. A strict definition with
no spurious wakeups allowed could possibly require overly expensive
synchronization on some platforms. You get to make a tradeoff. The
occasional spurious wakeup for much better performance. You can
write your own condition variable that does not have spurious wakeups,
but it will not perform as well.
no spurious wakeups allowed could possibly require overly expensive
synchronization on some platforms. You get to make a tradeoff. The
occasional spurious wakeup for much better performance. You can
write your own condition variable that does not have spurious wakeups,
but it will not perform as well.
The Linux futex based condition variables return spurious interrupts on
signal interruptions. Not really for performance reasons, AFAICT. Just
because then can do it.
signal interruptions. Not really for performance reasons, AFAICT. Just
because then can do it.
I've written a faster futex based condition variable that wouldn't be
possible if spurious wakeups were not allowed. So it is useful to have
condition variables defined that way. if spurious wakeups were not allowed. So it is useful to have
condition variables defined that way.
中的 state
是否等于 0,0 表示目前没有其他线程获得锁,当前线程就可以尝试获取锁。
方法来判断 AQS 的队列中中是否有其他线程,如果有则不会尝试获取锁(这是公平锁特有的情况)。
如果队列中没有线程就利用 CAS 来将 AQS 中的 state 修改为1,也就是获取锁,获取成功则将当前线程置为获得锁的独占线程(
大于 0 时,说明锁已经被获取了,则需要判断获取锁的线程是否为当前线程(ReentrantLock
支持重入),是则需要将 state + 1
获取锁失败,则需要用 addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE)
)。AQS 中的队列是由 Node 节点组成的双向链表实现的。
利用 CAS
写入队尾,如果出现并发写入失败就需要调用 enq(node);
加上 CAS
acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg)
状态来处理(shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire(p, node)
用于记录当前节点的状态,如节点取消、节点等待等。shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire(p, node)
返回当前线程是否需要挂起,如果需要则调用 parkAndCheckInterrupt()
的 part
public final void acquire(int arg) {
if (!tryAcquire(arg) &&
acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg))
减到 0 才认为完全释放锁。
final boolean nonfairTryAcquire(int acquires) {
final Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
int c = getState();
if (c == 0) {
if (compareAndSetState(0, acquires)) {
return true;
else if (current == getExclusiveOwnerThread()) {
int nextc = c + acquires;
if (nextc < 0) // overflow
throw new Error("Maximum lock count exceeded");
return true;
return false;