Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Actor Model
An actor is the primitive unit of computation. It’s the thing that receives a message and do some kind of computation based on it.

The main difference is that actors are completely isolated from each other and they will never share memory. It’s also worth noting that an actor can maintain a private state that can never be changed directly by another actor.

In the actor model everything is an actor and they need to have addresses so one actor can send a message to another.

Messages are sent asynchronously to an actor, that needs to store them somewhere while it’s processing another message. The mailbox is the place where these messages are stored.

When an actor receives a message, it can do one of these 3 things:

Create more actors
Send messages to other actors
Designate what to do with the next message

Erlang introduced the “let it crash” philosophy. The idea is that you shouldn’t need to program defensively, trying to anticipate all the possible problems that could happen and find a way to handle them, simply because there is no way to think about every single failure point.
What Erlang does is simply letting it crash, but make this critical code be supervised by someone whose only responsibility is to know what to do when this crash happens (like resetting this unit of code to a stable state), and what makes it all possible is the actor model.

Every code run inside a process (that is basically how Erlang calls its actors). This process is completely isolated, meaning its state is not going to influence any other process. We have a supervisor, that is basically another process (everything is an actor, remember?), that will be notified when the supervised process crashes and then can do something about it.

This makes it possible to create systems that “self heal”, meaning that if an actor gets to an exceptional state and crashes, by whatever reason, a supervisor can do something about it to try to put it in a consistent state again (and there are multiple strategies to do that, the most common being just to restart the actor with its initial state).

Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Distributed actor frameworks

The actor model is a programming model for concurrency in a single process. Rather than dealing with threads directly (and the associated problems of race conditions, locking and deadlock), logic is encapsulated in actors. Each actor communicates with other actors by sending and receiving asynchronous messages. Message delivery is not guaranteed: in certain error scenarios, messages will be lost. Since each actor processes only one message at a time, it doesn’t need to worry about threads, and each actor can be scheduled independently by the framework.

A distributed actor framework essentially integrates a message broker and the actor programming model into a single framework. However, if you want to perform rolling upgrades of your actor-based application, you still have to worry about forward and backward compatibility, as messages may be sent from a node running the new version to a node running the old version, and vice versa.

Akka uses Java’s built-in serialization by default, which does not provide forward or backward compatibility. However, you can replace it with something like Protocol Buffers, and thus gain the ability to do rolling upgrades 


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