Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Visual Studio Code

Code Spell Checker
  • Click on the 💡 (lightbulb) in the left hand margin.
  • Quick Fix Editor action command:
    • Mac: +. or Cmd+.
    • PC: Ctrl+.

In the top menu, go to View > Command Palette.... Now type "ext" and select the first option which should be Extensions: Install Extension. You can now search the Gallery for an extension by name or simply "theme" to search themes.

Invoke Replace in Files (under the Edit menu, or with shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H)

1) Make all changes to all files at once.

Click the replace icon next to your replace string (note: you'll get a dialog to confirm this bulk action.)

2) Make all changes in a single file at once.

Click the replace icon next to the filename (note: the icon only shows up when you hover over the filename row)

3) Make a single change in a single file.

Click the replace icon next to the individual change: (note: the icon only shows up when you hover over the change row)

All those files are now modified in the editor and not yet saved to disk.
Use File -> Save All (or Ctrl+Alt+S)

workbench.editor.showIcons controls the icons on the opened editors only, not the icons in the explorer view.

Oh, if you want to disable the file icons altogether, you can change the file icon theme.
Run the command Preferences: File Icon Theme and choose either None or Minimal (Visual Studio Code.
  • File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Extensions -> Scroll down and find "Edit in settings.json"
  • Or in these paths in your OS
    • Windows %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json
    • macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json
    • Linux $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json


View: Extensions command (⇧⌘X)
Press Shift+Cmd+P, type “git” and then press Space. 

In Step-2 of the Angular Tutorial you learn about Angular Directives, such as ng-repeat and ng-controller, when defining Views. Visual Studio Code has built in support for built in Angular directives in IntelliSense within HTML tags. For example, press “ctrl+space” after the “li” element declaration to bring up the IntelliSense list. Type “ng” (or “data-ng”) to see the full list of Angular directives you can choose from.
tsd query jasmine angular-protractor –action install –save
Let’s break down this command
“tsd query jasmine angular-protractor” tells the tool to search for these two typings. “—action install” tells the tool to download the typings and place them in install them in the folder specified in the “path” property in tsd.json, which by default is /typings. “—save”` tells the tool to update the tsd.d.ts and tsd.json files.
tsd query angular –action install –save

Not only do we get IntelliSense for the angular module, we also get IntelliSense for Angular’s built in Services such as $http, $controller, $window, and more.


Consolidating into a tsd.d.ts
Do you see the 2 /// references and how the can accumulate? You can make a single tsd.d.ts with the npm package named tsd.
npm install tsd -g
# cd to your project folder
tsd query -r -o -a install angular jquery

Projects are directories
Shift+Ctrl+V (Shift+Cmd+V on OSX) to preview Markdown .md file
code --wait. Using --wait is necessary since by default code will return immediately.


  • User Settings - Settings that apply globally to any instance of VS Code you open.
  • Workspace Settings - Settings stored inside your workspace and only apply when the workspace is opened.


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