Friday, February 5, 2016

Chrome Dev Tools Tricks
  • $() - Short for document.querySelector(). Returns the first element, matching a CSS selector ( e.g. $('div') will return the first div element in the page).
  • $$() - Short for document.querySelectorAll(). Returns an array of elements that match the given CSS selector.
  • $0 - $4 - A history of the five most recent DOM elements that you've selected in the elements panel, $0 being the latest.

5. Use multiple carets & selections

Another killer Sublime Text feature makes its appearance. While editing a file you can set multiple carets by holding Ctrl (Cmd for Mac) and clicking where you want them to be, thus allowing you to write in many places at once.
8. Long hover over a CSS selector to reveal the matching elements in the page
Use the inspect() command to jump straight to a passed-in DOM node

Use the copy() command to copy text to your clipboard

copy(Object.keys(window)) // stores ["top", "window", "location", "external"... and so on
Find where a CSS property is defined
cmd-click (ctrl-click on Windows) a CSS property in the Elements panel, the DevTools will point you to the place where that is defined

To write commands that span over multiple lines in the Console, press shift-enter.
Use Cmd + Shift + p in DevTools to open up the command menu. You can use the arrow keys or the mouse to make a selection in the menu. The menu consists of commonly used DevTools functions.
Here's an example of some available commands:
  • DevTools: Dock to right
  • DevTools: Restore last dock position
  • DevTools: Search all files
  • Elements: Disable DOM word wrap
  • Elements: Set color format to HEX
  • Elements: Set color format to HSL
  • Elements: Set color format to RGB
  • Mobile: Inspect devices…
  • Mobile: Toggle device toolbar
  • Navigation: Clear cache & hard reload page
  • Navigation: Hard reload page
  • Navigation: Reload page
  • Network: Color code by resource type
  • Network: Disable cache (while DevTools is open)
  • Settings: Help
  • Settings: Settings
  • Settings: Shortcuts
  • Sources: Do not show whitespace characters
  • Sources: Set indentation to 2 spaces
  • Sources: Set indentation to 8 spaces
  • Sources: Set indentation to tab character
  • Sources: Show all whitespace characters
  • Sources: Show trailing whitespace characters

As you'll see in Tip #156, with a particular element selected in the Elements Panel, you can hit Cmd + Shift + P and then select Capture node screenshot. DevTools exports a PNG image file of only the element you selected 🔍️.
You can type in screenshot into the Command Menu (shortcut: Cmd + Shift + P) and select one of three options:
  • Capture full size screenshot
  • Capture screenshot
  • Capture node screenshot

In the Sources panel:
  • cmd-o (ctrl-o in Windows), shows all the files loaded by your page.
  • cmd-shift-o (ctrl-shift-o in Windows) shows the symbols (properties, functions, classes) in the current file.
  • ctrl-g goes to a specific line.
If anyone's still looking for this, I'm on Chrome 15.0.874.58 beta-m and I have a checkbox in Developer Tools > Settings labelled "Console: Preserve log on navigation". Does the job nicely.
image of setting
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend','<style> … </style>');
or you can add an external style sheet as follows:
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend','<link rel="styleshet" href="…">');
The beforeend argument is to help the injected CSS to override previously loaded styles.
If you’re going to do this repeatedly, you can then add it as a bookmarklet, using something like Bookmarklet Crunchinator.
The technique is similar to one I teach in a JavaScript class, where I use afterbegin to inject some default CSS, but allow user style sheets to override the defaults.
The DomContentLoaded event is fired when the initial HTML document has been completely downloaded and parsed.

Please consider that:

if you have a <script src="test.js"></script>:
1. Browser download and parse index.html and test.js
2. Browser parse and evaluate script
3. Browser will fire a DomContentLoaded
if you have a <script src="test.js" async></script>:
1. Browser download and parse index.html
2. Browser will fire a DomContentLoaded
and in the mean while is download the js


The Load event is fired when on fully load page, so when HTML and the BLOCKING resources are downloaded and parsed.
The BLOCKING resources are CSS and Javascript. The NOT BLOCKING is async javascript.


The Finished event is fired when HTML + BLOCKING + NON BLOCKING resources are downloaded | parsed and all the XMLHttpRequest() and Promise are completed.
In case you have a loop that is checking for updates you'll keep seeing updating this value.
DOMContentLoaded is fired when the initial markup of a page has been parsed. It is displayed in two places on the Network panel:
  1. The blue vertical bar in the Overview pane signifies the event.
  2. In the Summary pane you can see the exact time of the event.
load is fired when a page has fully loaded. It is displayed in three places:
  1. The red vertical bar in the Overview pane signifies the event.
  2. The red vertical bar in the Requests Table signifies the event, too.
Command+Option+IOpen whatever panel you used last
Command+[(or ])Focus the previous(next) panel
In the DevTools Settings under Appearance check off Enable Ctrl + 1-9 shortcut to switch panels. This will turn on the ability to use ctrl switching just like tabs for the DevTools when they have focus.

[We can search all response bodies in network tab](
Inspect mode (Chrome Firefox) : ⌘ + ⌥ + C ( ctrl + shift + C)
Toggle mobile responsive mode : ⌘+ ⌥ + M ( ctrl + shift + M )
    Using ⌘ + P will let you go directly to a line
    Using ⌘ + ⇧ + P will let you use any action/option devtools supports ( Only chrome)
    Use Cmd + Shift + p in Canary DevTools to open up the command menu. You can use the arrow keys or the mouse to make a selection in the menu. The menu consists of commonly used DevTools functions.
    You can type in screenshot into the Command Menu (shortcut: Cmd + Shift + P) and select one of two options:
    • Capture full size screenshot
    • Capture screenshot
    The "Capture screenshot" option will download an image of your website based on what is in the visible viewport.
    You can also trigger device mode, and for example emulate an iPhone. The screenshot you capture matches the exact device dimensions of the iPhone
    Can I get chrome-devtools to actually search all JS sources?
    Yeah, if you want to search within content sources which are scripts used by extensions and the internal browser API, you enable it in the Settings of DevTools and then from any panel in DevTools you can type Ctrl + Shift + F or (on Mac) Option + Command + F (⌥⌘F) to search across all sources, snippets, and files.
    Search in all requests/response
    You can save network log as HAR using Network Panel's context menu.
    $ harx -l /tmp/site.har
    $ harx -x /tmp/some_dir /tmp/site.har

    After mapping to workspace
    Be careful when u add breakpoint.
    1. Type in XPath like $x(".//header") to evaluate and validate.
    2. Type in CSS selectors like $$("header") to evaluate and validate.
    在你的 console 里 输入下面的命令:
    document.designMode = "on"
    P.S. 下面这个抓屏中还演示了一个如何清空console的示例。你可以输入 clear() 或是 按 Ctrl+L(Windows下),CMD + K (Mac下)
    有很多css/js的代码都会被 minify 掉,你可以点击代码窗口左下角的那个 { }  标签,chrome会帮你给格式化掉


    有些HTML的DOM是有状态的,比如<a> 标签,其会有 active,hover, focus,visited这些状态,有时候,我们的CSS会来定关不同状态的样式,在分析网页查看网页上DOM的CSS样式时,我们可以点击CSS样式上的 :hov 这个小按钮来强制这个DOM的状态
    你可以在 network选项卡里,点击 XHR 过滤相关的Ajax请求,然后在相关的请求上点鼠标右键,在菜单中选择: Copy => Copy as cURL,然后就可以到你的命令行下去 执行 curl 的命令了

    选中一个DOM,然后在右键菜单中选 Break on …
    给XHR和Event Lisener设置断点
    在 Sources 面页中,你可以看到右边的那堆break points中,除了上面我们说的给DOM设置断点,你还可以给XHR和Event Listener设置断点
    • chrome会帮你buffer 5个你查看过的DOM对象,你可以直接在Console中用 $0, $1, $2, $3, $4来访问。
    • 你还可以使用像jQuery那样的语法来获得DOM对象,如:$("#mydiv")
    • 你还可使用 $$(".class") 来选择所有满足条件的DOM对象。
    • 你可以使用 getEventListeners($("selector")) 来查看某个DOM对象上的事件(如下图所示)。
    使用 monitor函数来监控一函数
    console.log("%c左耳朵", "font-size:90px;color:#888")
    在打开Developer Tools的时候,鼠标长按地址栏上的刷新按钮,会获得三个分别不同的刷新选项:正常重新加载,硬性重新加载和清空缓存并硬性重新加载。最后一个刷新选项对付缓存特别有用。
    document.designMode controls whether the entire document is editable. Valid values are "on" and "off"


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