Wednesday, October 28, 2015

[CareerCup] 10.7 Simplified Search Engine 简单的搜索引擎 - Grandyang - 博客园

[CareerCup] 10.7 Simplified Search Engine 简单的搜索引擎 - Grandyang - 博客园
10.7 Imagine a web server for a simplified search engine. This system has 100 machines to respond to search queries, which may then call out using processSearch(string query) to another cluster of machines to actually get the result. The machine which responds to a given query is chosen at random, so you can not guarantee that the same machine will always respond to the same request. The method processSearch is very expensive. Design a caching mechanism for the most recent queries. Be sure to explain how you would update the cache when data changes.
This problem would be much easier if the same query was always sent to the same machine: we could just build a caching layer on each machine, cache replies locally, and invalidate the cache whenever local information was updated. Unfortunately, this is not the case, so our system will have to be a little bit smarter than that.
Clearly, we need a caching layer manager that sits between the two clusters. This layer is a component in the architecture which acts as an intermediary between the processSearch() request and the cluster that actually processes the request. We can use the cluster's machines to create a distributed caching infrastructure (much like a distributed key-value store) in a similar way to that of memcached. Memcached uses a client-server model, where the client knows every server (this is reasonable since we're talking about a cluster of 100 machines), and uses that information to compute which server stores the value of a given key (if it's cached). Note that different machines in the cluster may be handed the results of a query that was answered by another machine; we essentially provide a deterministic hash function that no matter what, always maps a given query to the same machine. In other words, we build a deterministic system on top of the cluster, but just for the purposes of caching. This is a high-level view of how memcached works. The advantage of this architecture is that servers don't know each other, so we have a reasonably sharded and scalable shared-nothing module (no synchronization to deal with and no shared state, which is easier to manage, debug and maintain).
We do have a single point of failure, which is also a contention point - the caching layer manager. We could explore the possibility of eliminating the caching layer manager entirely and let the cluster that issues requests deal with the caching infrastructure, but then we would have to worry about synchronizing the caching state across the machines in that cluster, which is not really their job. Another approach is to make the caching layer smarter and distributed: for example, create an overlay network where each node keeps track of O(log(N)) nodes (for a cluster of size N), and requests are iteratively forwarded to the right machine (according to the hash value) in at most O(log(N)) steps (that is, use something like Chord Distributed Hash Table to associate query keys with the servers that cache the results). This is good because each client need not keep track of every other server anymore, and it also guarantees that a query, if cached, is deterministically placed on the same machine.
What about cache invalidation? Cache invalidation is a hard problem. The right approach here depends on where (and how) exactly the writes take place, and what kind of guarantees we want to provide to user code.
There are basically 3 ways to deal with data updates when caching is used:
  • Write-through: in this paradigm, writes are performed on cache and then are passed through to the underlying storage medium. This eliminates any problems that might arise with cache inconsistency, but it comes at the cost of slower writes (assuming that the underlying storage is slow, as is usually the case). However, it has the added benefit of ensuring that writes are not lost if the server fails unexpectedly (of course, assuming that underlying storage is reliable). In other write policies, such as write-back, updated data may be lost if the machine fails unexpectedly.
  • Write-back: write-back is fast; updates to the data are only written to cache (the data is only updated on disk when that specific cache entry is purged). It can have huge performance boosts, but it can be a problem if servers are expected to fail. This may not be a big deal if we're ok with missing a few minor updates to the search engine database, or it might be a huge deal if we want to offer stronger guarantees (for example, in a service like Dropbox it would be a catastrophe). If all we're looking for is efficiency and we're ok with some data loss / inconsistency, then this is definitely the way to go. For a search engine it might be a good choice, but not necessarily the best.
  • Write-around: write-around takes a different approach and writes directly into the underlying medium, invalidating the cache entries affected (if there are any). This can be good for services where writes are more common than reads, because we don't keep useless data around in the cache that is not likely to be read. Yes, writes will be more expensive, but if we don't plan on reading back the data any time soon, then why bother? Just purge it and write directly on disk. For the purposes of a search engine, this doesn't look like a smart choice. Search engines have a hugeread-to-write ratio, so it is very likely that updated data will be read very, very soon.
Taking into account the high read-to-write ratio, it might seem that write-back would be a good choice here. If we want to offer stronger consistency guarantees, we should look at write-through, or we can try some sort of cache-level replication by storing the same query with two different hashes that map to two different machines

Option 3: Each machine stores a segment of the cache.
A third option is to divide up the cache, such that each machine holds a different part of it. Then, when machine i needs to look up the results for a query, machine i would figure out which machine holds this value, and then ask this other machine (machine j) to look up the query in j's cache.
But how would machine i know which machine holds this part of the hash table?
One option is to assign queries based on the formula hash (query) % N. Then, machine i only needs to apply this formula to know that machine j should store the results for this query.
So, when a new query comes in to machine i, this machine would apply the formula and call out to machine j. Machine j would then return the value from its cache or call processSearch(query) to get the results. Machine j would update its cache and return the results back to i.

Step 3: Updating results when contents change
if the data doesn't require instant refreshing (which it probably doesn't), we could periodically
crawl through the cache stored on each machine to purge queries tied to the updated URLs.

A good way to handle Situation #3 (and likely something we'd want to do anyway) is to implement an "automatic time-out" on the cache. That is, we'd impose a time out where no query, regardless of how popular it is, can sit in the cache for more than x minutes. This will ensure that all data is periodically refreshed.

To better support the situation where some queries are very popular. For example, suppose (as an extreme example) a particular string constitutes 1 % of all queries. Rather than machine i forwarding the request to machine j every time, machine i could forward the request just once to j, and then i could store the results in its own cache as well.

The "automatic time out" mechanism: As initially described, this mechanism purges any data after X minutes. However, we may want to update some data (like current news) much more frequently than other data (like historical stock prices). We could implement timeouts based on topic or based on URLs. In the latter situation, each URL would have a time out value based on how frequently the page has been updated in the past. The time out for the query would be the minimum of the time outs for each URL.

这道题说假设有一个简单搜索引擎的网络服务器,系统共有100个机子来响应检索,可以用processSearch(string query)来得到其他机子上的结果,每台机子响应检索是随机的,不保证每个机子都会响应到同一个请求。processSearch方法非常昂贵,设计一个缓存机制来应对近期检索。根据书中描述,我们先来做一些假设:
1. 与其说根据需要调用processSearch,倒不如设定所有的检索处理发生在第一个被调用的机子上。
2. 我们需要缓存的检索是非常大量的。
3. 机器之间的调用很快。
4. 检索的结果是一个有序的URL链表,每个URL由50个字符的标题和200个字符的概要组成。
5. 最常访问的检索会一直出现的缓存器中。

1. 高效查找当给定了一个关键字时
2. 新数据会代替旧数据的位置


步骤二: 扩展到多个机子

1. URL的内容改变了
2. 当网页的排行改变了,那么结果的顺序也变了
3. 对于特定的检索有了新的页面

另外一个优化就是之前提到的自动超时Automatic Time Out机制,就是x分钟后自动清除数据,但是有时候我们对不同的数据希望设定不同的x值,这样每一个URL都有一个超时值基于此页面过去被更新的频率。
Read full article from [CareerCup] 10.7 Simplified Search Engine 简单的搜索引擎 - Grandyang - 博客园


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