Friday, October 30, 2015

how to solve algorithm problems

The key of the question
The most important thing during interview is to know the key of the question.

The key is to:
-- for system design or data structure question:
design and find a good data structure?
what's the time complexity for each operation?
it's about algorithm, coding, what's your current solution's time complexity? what's the expected tc? can you make your solution faster?

It's hard to succeed in the interview without getting the right answer to the key question.
So don't start to code until you are sure you figure out the right answer to the key.

If you can't find the right answer, and are forced to start code - still think about it.

Explain your solution, and explain the time/space complexity, make sure the interviewer is ok with it.
If you are not sure, or can't find optimal solution, ask whether there is better solution
-- mark & sweep, 可以联想展开, 和类似的经典的design 算法思路

List the main steps - simple pseudo code/text
Write the main function first
Extract sub function, write sub functions later
Write important sub functions first

What states we need track? what data structure to use for it.
Don't use two data structure if it can be done with one ???
Map<Integer, Boolean>: node -> needRemove

It's better than two sets: Set<Integer> toKeep, toRemove;
Recursive: what will change during each step - use it as argument.
1. try to use memorization to avoid re-computation.
2. need Set<boolean> visisted?

What kind of data structure we can use?
-- multiple level data structure
design mini search app:
Map<String, List<List<Integer>> word -> docid1:pos1,pos2 | docid2: |
Use multiple data structure:
Hashmap with array
Some data structures that can maintains kind of order
TreeSet, TreeMap
-- We can also maintain multiple level order
Class: WordPosition
  int docid,
  int position
PriorityQueue(Min/Max Heap)
Binary Search Tree

When learn algorithm/data structure, expand it, and ask how you can optimize space, time complexity etc. whether there is better solution.

Trie -> to save space -> ternary trie -> or radix trie
Union find -> compress path

Common bugs:

1. forget base condition
2. forget init the data
always think what's the initial value: 0, -1, or MIN/MAX_VALUE

3. handle first case i=0(n-1) specially
4. last element - whether we need do extra stuff after loop
1. Examplify : Create the example of the algorithm
First use the simplest case.
Simplify the example.

2.  Pattern Matching
We have to consider what problems the algorithm is similar to , we need to figure out if we can modify the solution to develop an algorithm for the given problem .

3.  Simplify and Generalize
Changing constraint (e.g size,length,data type) to simplify the problem.For example changing the data type from double to int , make the problem smaller.

4.  Base case and Build
This approach is most widely used in the recursive algorithm .
Solve the algorithm first for a base case (e.g., just one element). Then, try to solve it for elements one and two, assuming that we have the answer for element one. Then, try to solve it for elements one, two and three, assuming that we have the answer to elements one and two.

5.  Data Structure Brainstorm
This is tiresome method and based on hit and trial method . Simply , run through a list of data structures and try to apply each one.
Heap(PriorityQueue), HashMap(Set), Trie, BitSet, Binary Search Tree
Double End Queue
#2 Write code WITHOUT tools
#3 Have a portfolio
#4 Think out loud
#5 Don’t argue, blame or make excuses
#6 Don’t give up
#7 Test your code
So, pretend like your code might be capable of having errors and test through it before you tell the interviewer that you are done.
paper test it. (That means walk through the code with possible inputs, line-by-line.)

#8 Name things clearly
#9 Ask for feedback
it doesn’t hurt to ask the interviewer their opinion on your code and your solution to the problem.

Yes, I know they are going to say some irrelevant bull-crap, but remember what I said about making them feel important? You know that unobtainable standard of perfection that you don’t want to project?

Ask them for feedback. Especially if you don’t know the answer to a problem and they’ve timed you out.
Show that you are interested in learning and that you don’t just want to get the answer right, but you want to understand it.

I guarantee it won’t make you look stupid.

#10 Don’t rush
It’s about being thoughtful, analytical, careful and accurate.
Be the guy who takes his time, tests his code and makes sure it works, before he throws it over to the interviewer and says he’s done.
#11 Practice mock interviews and take notes
#12 Ask questions
Don’t just start coding the solution to a problem. Even if you think you understand it.

Ask the interviewer some questions to confirm.

The point isn’t to run off and code the right answer, the point is to simulate how you’d behave in a real-world environment.
If you don’t ask clarifying questions about your assignment in a coding interview, the interviewer is likely to assume that you wouldn’t ask questions in a real-world situation either.
Employers are generally looking at 5 areas when hiring a software engineer ...
  1. Technical knowledge of specific technology product
  2. Experience of the business problem domain
  3. General technical and architecture sense
  4. Personality and working style
  5. IQ, problem solving skills
1. Rephrase the question slowly in your own words
This can help you to make sure you fully understand the question and clarify if there is any hidden assumptions you have made. Repeat the question "slowly" also gives you more time to think.
From the interview perspective, he/she can see clearly the candidate's ability to digest a problem.
2. Construct a Visual model of the problem
Use a whiteboard, or paper (if this is a phone interview) to diagram the problem that you perceive. Our brain is good in understanding picture than words so having a diagram will be very useful to come up with solution ideas.
From an interview's perspective, he/she can see a clear picture how you analyze the problem.
3. Use a special, simple case to guide you
Never try to tackle the general problem at first, start with a super-simple, special case, and think how you would solve this simple case first. This is very helpful to reduce the amount of things that you need to consider and let you focus in the core part of the problem.
4. Start with a very naive solution as a baseline
Tell the interviewer that you want to start with a very naive solution to establish a baseline. The naive solution can usually be constructed using a brute-force approach (try all combination until you find a matched solution). After that analyze the complexity of this naive solution as a baseline for future comparison.

5. Improve your solution

At this stage, you need to evolve and improve your solution. Here are some general techniques.
  • Divide and conquer: Decompose the problem into smaller ones and solve each sub-problem separately, then combine the solutions for the overall problem.
  • Reduce to well-known algorithm models: Try to model your problem in terms of well-studied computer science data structure model (e.g. Tree, Graph, Search, Sort) and then apply well known algorithm to solve them
  • Recursive structure: Try to structure your problem in a recursive form. Finding the solution for the base case and then expand the solution in a recursive manner.
  • Greedy method: Try to modify attributes of your current best solution to see if you can get a better one. Watch out of being trapped in a local optimal solution.
  • Approximation: Instead of finding an exact solution, try to see if it is acceptable to find an approximate solution. Probabilistic approach (try 100 random combination and pick the best outcome)
6. Keep talking while you think
Don't wait until you fully figure out the answer. Keep talking while you are thinking about the solution so the interviewer understand how you analyzing things, and you are also showing how well you can express your thoughts. It is also easier for the interviewer to guide you or give you hints. And finally you may impressed the interviewer even you cannot get to the exact answer.
7. Generalize your solution for the final answer
After you find a working solution for the simple case, extend the simple case to see how you would solve it. See if you can find a general pattern how the solution would look like. Once you find it, generalize your solution for the general problem

From the interview's perspective, he/she can assess if the candidate can think in different levels of abstraction, and the ability to apply a solution in a broader scope of problem.
8. Remember the interview hasn't ended at the office building
You always have the chance to think through the question that you haven't given satisfactory answer after you walk out from the office. Submit a solution via email once you get back home (do it ASAP though), along with a thank you note to the interviewer.
  1. 阅读并理解问题
  2. 用熟悉的术语重新定义问题
  3. 制定解题计划
  4. 验证计划
  5. 通过程序实现解题
  6. 回顾解题过程,思考can we do better

有了数据结构和算法的基础,之后我推荐Programming Interview Exposed,里面有大段分析,讲一个怎样分析一个问题,然后想出BF方案,再优化的过程,我觉得讲的非常好。这本书看完,就可以刷CC150或者Leetcode了。不过不管是看书还是刷Leetcode里面的题,一定要自己想结果,一个题至少要想个十几分钟乃至几小时,如果实在想不出来,再去看答案,如果想出了方案,再自己想想怎么能优化不?之后再看答案,对比一下自己为什么没想到最优方案,然后一定要彻底理解这个最优方案,如此下来遇到同样甚至变形的题才会有思路。


我觉得,从子问题解决原问题, 无非是两种方法,自底向上(Bottom-Up)与自顶向下(Top-Down),形式上前者对应iteration,利用循环将结果存在数组里,从数组起始位置向后计算;后者对应recursion,即利用函数调用自身实现,如果不储存上一个状态的解,则为递归,否则就是DP。举个斐波那契数列(0,1,1,2,3,5…)的例子:
1) 自底向上
int array[n] = {0};
array[1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)
    array = array[i-1] + array[i-2];


2) 自顶向下
int Fibonacci(int n)
    if(n == 0)
        return 0;
    if(n == 1)
        return 1;
    return Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2);


动态规划的核心在于,如果通往一个问题的solution,subproblem被重复计算,那么就可以利用记录中间结果,达到用空间换取时间的目的。在递归过程中用hash table记录中间计算结果的DP,称作Memoization。

Memoization的一般形式是: 建立以input为key,以output为value的hash table:
T func(N node, HashTable<N, T>& cache) {
    If (cache.contains(node)) {
        return cache.get(node);
    T sub_res = func(next_node, cache);
    T res = G( sub_res … );  //当前子问题的解,依赖于更小的子问题(s)
    cache.set(node, res);
    return res;


f(n) = G[f(n-1), f(n-2), … , f(1)] 或
f(i, j) = G[f(i-1, j-1), f(i, j -1), f(i-1,j)]
其中G[ ]表示子问题到原问题的映射关系,例如对于斐波那契数列,有递推式:
f(n) = G[f(n-1), f(n-2)] = f(n-1) + f(n-2)


举一道简单的题目: Suppose we have a ladder which has n steps. Each time you can either climb 1 or 2 steps. Please write a function to calculate how many distinct ways that can you climb to the top?

解题分析:本问题描述了一个数量问题,属于前述的强收敛(聚合)性问题,可以用DP。DP的核心在于递推关系:当前节点的值可以由前驱走一步到达,或者前前驱走两步到达,即CountOfWays(n) = CountOfWays(n–1) + CountOfWays(n-2);由于当前节点只与紧邻的两个节点决定,所以只需要2个临时变量来表示前驱节点的解即可,而不用DP table,因为更老的解我们不需要关心。在实现时,往往边界条件直接用if…then return value的形式,成为递归的出口。

但是,我们准备的时候极其认真,效率远远超过现在工作。特别是他为了节约时间,一天只吃固定东西:中午越南粉,晚上Jack in the box或者互换。谈事实的目的就是,如果真正投入加仔细思考方法,几个月搞定心仪的工作也不是不可能。就看你理解的有多深。

1. 看到类似的题目就硬套方法。当面试官要求换个思路时会感觉很困难
2. 看到没见过的题目有时就会慌,结果连正常水平也没发挥出来。

And a few more academic ones, where the theory is more rigorously mathematical:


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