Graphite is composed of multiple back-end and front-end components. The back-end components are used to store numeric time-series data. The front-end components are used to retrieve the metric data and optionally render graphs.
Graphite performs two pretty simple tasks: storing numbers that change over time and graphing them.
What makes Graphite unique is that it provides this functionality as a network service that is both easy to use and highly scalable.
One of the most common uses of Graphite is building web-based dashboards for monitoring and analysis
Graphite is composed of multiple back-end and front-end components. The back-end components are used to store numeric time-series data. The front-end components are used to retrieve the metric data and optionally render graphs.
Metrics can be published to a load balancer or directly to a Carbon process. The Carbon process interacts with the Whisper database library to store the time-series data to the filesystem.
pip install pip install whisper pip install carbon pip install graphite-web
Virtualenv provides an isolated Python environment to run Graphite in.
Graphite performs two pretty simple tasks: storing numbers that change over time and graphing them.
What makes Graphite unique is that it provides this functionality as a network service that is both easy to use and highly scalable.
One of the most common uses of Graphite is building web-based dashboards for monitoring and analysis