Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Linux Shell Scripting Misc

bash -x CMC -O
read var1
Two commonly used options however are -p which allows you to specify a prompt and -s which makes the input silent.
  1. read -p 'Username: ' uservar
  2. read -sp 'Password: ' passvar

[Atom ide-bash](
[IDEA bashsupport](
  1. read car1 car2 car3

Reading from STDIN
It's common in Linux to pipe a series of simple, single purpose commands together to create a larger solution tailored to our exact needs

Bash accomodates piping and redirection by way of special files. Each process gets it's own set of files (one for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR respectively) and they are linked when piping or redirection is invoked. Each process gets the following files:
  • STDIN - /proc/<processID>/fd/0
  • STDOUT - /proc/<processID>/fd/1
  • STDERR - /proc/<processID>/fd/2
To make life more convenient the system creates some shortcuts for us:
  • STDIN - /dev/stdin or /proc/self/fd/0
  • STDOUT - /dev/stdout or /proc/self/fd/1
  • STDERR - /dev/stderr or /proc/self/fd/2

cat /dev/stdin | cut -d' ' -f 2,3 | sort

  1. if [ $USER == 'bob' ] || [ $USER == 'andy' ]
  2. then
  3. ls -alh
  4. else
  5. ls
  6. fi

  1. if [ -r $1 ] && [ -s $1 ]
  2. then
  3. echo This file is useful.
  4. fi
is equal to
if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]
is not equal to
if [ "$a" -ne "$b" ]
The following solution reads from a file if the script is called with a file name as the first parameter $1 otherwise from standard input.
while read line
  echo "$line"
done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"
The substitution ${1:-...} takes $1 if defined otherwise the file name of the standard input of the own process is used.
The filename you supply on the command line could have blanks

To parse each line from the standard input, try the following script:
while IFS= read -r line; do
  printf '%s\n' "$line"
readonly DATA=/usr/home/data/file.dat
You can also do:
declare -r var=123
Technically, there is no variable typing in shell scripts.  In most shells, variables are just text strings unless and until evaluated in a different context, most often a numeric context.
Some shells support limited variable typing via their “typeset” command, but that capability is far from universal.
That’s actually just fine, but, as with other languages, I prefer to use boolean variables for cleaner code.
Even though there is, technically, no such thing, it is quite easy to implement.  It looks like this:

# ... some processing to locate the file
    # If found, set the flag
    # ...
    # process the file...

This works because “true” and “false” are actually commands, so $FILE_FOUND executes the “true” or “false” command.  “true” always returns 0 and “false” always returns 1.  This technique works in all bourne-style shells.
while getopts :a:b:c:d:h FLAG; do
  case $FLAG in
    a)  #set option "a"
      echo "-a used: $OPTARG"
      echo "OPT_A = $OPT_A"
    b)  #set option "b"
      echo "-b used: $OPTARG"
      echo "OPT_B = $OPT_B"
    c)  #set option "c"
      echo "-c used: $OPTARG"
      echo "OPT_C = $OPT_C"
    d)  #set option "d"
      echo "-d used: $OPTARG"
      echo "OPT_D = $OPT_D"
    h)  #show help
    \?) #unrecognized option - show help
      echo -e \\n"Option -${BOLD}$OPTARG${NORM} not allowed."
      #If you just want to display a simple error message instead of the full
      #help, remove the 2 lines above and uncomment the 2 lines below.
      #echo -e "Use ${BOLD}$SCRIPT -h${NORM} to see the help documentation."\\n
      #exit 2

getopts optstring varname [arg ...]
where optstring is a list of the valid option letters, varname is the variable that receives the options one at a time, and arg is the optional list of parameters to be processed. If arg is not present, getoptsprocesses the command-line arguments. If optstring starts with a colon (:), the script must take care of generating error messages; otherwise, getopts generates error messages.
The getopts builtin uses the OPTIND (option index) and OPTARG (option argument) variables to track and store option-related values. When a shell script starts, the value of OPTIND is 1. Each time getopts is called and locates an argument, it increments OPTIND to the index of the next option to be processed. If the option takes an argument, bash assigns the value of the argument to OPTARG.

To indicate that an option takes an argument, follow the corresponding letter in optstring with a colon (:). For example, the optstring dxo:lt:r instructs getopts to search for the –d–x–o–l–t, and –r options and tells it the –o and –t options take arguments.
while getopts :bt:u arg
    case $arg in
        b)     SKIPBLANKS=TRUE ;;
        t)     if [ -d "$OPTARG" ]
                   echo "$0: $OPTARG is not a directory." >&2
                   exit 1
               fi ;;
        u)     CASE=upper ;;
        :)     echo "$0: Must supply an argument to -$OPTARG." >&2
               exit 1 ;;
        \?)    echo "Invalid option -$OPTARG ignored." >&2 ;;
In this version of the code, the while structure evaluates the getopts builtin each time control transfers to the top of the loop. The getopts builtin uses the OPTIND variable to keep track of the index of the argument it is to process the next time it is called. There is no need to call shift in this example.

while getopts 'i:b:q?' argv
  case $argv in
        i) INFILE=$OPTARG       ;;
        b) bs=$OPTARG           ;;
        q) quiet=1              ;;
        \?) usage               ;;
The getopts function takes three parameters. The first is a specification of which options are valid, listed as a sequence of letters. For example, the string 'ht' signifies that the options -h and -t are valid.
The second argument to getopts is a variable that will be populated with the option or argument to be processed next. In the following loop, opt will hold the value of the current option that has been parsed by getopts.
This example shows a few additional features of getopts. First, if an invalid option is provided, the option variable is assigned the value ?. You can catch this case and provide an appropriate usage message to the user. Second, this behaviour is only true when you prepend the list of valid options with : to disable the default error handling of invalid options. It is recommended to always disable the default error handling in your scripts.
The third argument to getopts is the list of arguments and options to be processed. When not provided, this defaults to the arguments and options provided to the application ($@). You can provide this third argument to use getopts to parse any list of arguments and options you provide.
The variable OPTIND holds the number of options parsed by the last call to getopts. It is common practice to call the shift command at the end of your processing loop to remove options that have already been handled from $@.
shift $((OPTIND -1))

install also takes an option, -t-t takes as an argument the location to install the package to relative to the current directory.
> pip install urllib3 -t ./src/lib

package="" # Default to empty package target="" # Default to empty target # Parse options to the `pip` command while getopts ":h" opt; do case ${opt} in h ) echo "Usage:" echo " pip -h Display this help message." echo " pip install <package> Install <package>." exit 0 ;; \? ) echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) subcommand=$1; shift # Remove 'pip' from the argument list case "$subcommand" in # Parse options to the install sub command install) package=$1; shift # Remove 'install' from the argument list # Process package options while getopts ":t:" opt; do case ${opt} in t ) target=$OPTARG ;; \? ) echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; : ) echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) ;; esac
while :
 echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop.."
 sleep 1
This is a loop that will forever print “Press [CTRL+C] to stop..”. Please note that : is the null command. The null command does nothing and its exit status is always set to true. You can modify the above as follows to improve the readability:
while true
 echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop.."
 sleep 1
A single-line bash infinite while loop syntax is as follows:
 while :; do echo 'Hit CTRL+C'; sleep 1; done
 while true; do echo 'Hit CTRL+C'; sleep 1; done

Bash for infinite loop example

for (( ; ; ))
   echo "Pres CTRL+C to stop..."
   sleep 1
$#Number of command-line arguments.
$_The underscore variable is set at shell startup and contains the absolute file name of the shell or script being executed as passed in the argument list. Subsequently, it expands to the last argument to the previous command, after expansion. It is also set to the full pathname of each command executed and placed in the environment exported to that command. When checking mail, this parameter holds the name of the mail file.
$-A hyphen expands to the current option flags as specified upon invocation, by the set built-in command, or those set by the shell itself (such as the -i).
$?Exit value of last executed command.
$Process number of the shell.
$!Process number of last background command.
$0First word; that is, the command name. This will have the full pathname if it was found via a PATH search.
$nIndividual arguments on command line (positional parameters). The Bourne shell allows only nine parameters to be referenced directly (n = 1–9); Bash allows n to be greater than 9 if specified as ${n}.
$*, $@All arguments on command line ($1 $2 …).
“$*”All arguments on command line as one string (“$1 $2…”). The values are separated by the first character in $IFS.
“$@”All arguments on command line, individually quoted (“$1” “$2” …).
wait waits for a process to finish; sleep sleeps for a certain amount of time.
sleep is not a BASH built-in command. It is a utility that delays for a specified amount of time.
wait makes the shell wait for the given subprocess. e.g.:
workhard &
[1] 27408
workharder &
[2] 27409
wait %1 %2
delays the shell until both of the subprocesses have finished
( somethingElse InputA >OutputA; echo $? >"$tmp1" ) &

( somethingElse InputB >OutputB; echo $? >"$tmp2" ) &

wait "$proc1" "$proc2"

wait PID #wait for command1, in background, to end
If you want random data in a Linux/Unix type OS, the standard way to do so is to use /dev/random or /dev/urandom. These devices are special files. They can be read like normal files and the read data is generated via multiple sources of entropy in the system which provide the randomness.

/dev/random will block after the entropy pool is exhausted. It will remain blocked until additional data has been collected from the sources of entropy that are available. This can slow down random data generation.

/dev/urandom will not block. Instead it will reuse the internal pool to produce more pseudo-random bits.

/dev/urandom is best used when:
You just want a large file with random data for some kind of testing.
You are using the dd command to wipe data off a disk by replacing it with random data.
Almost everywhere else where you don’t have a really good reason to use /dev/random instead.

/dev/random is likely to be the better choice when:
Randomness is critical to the security of cryptography in your application – one-time pads, key generation.
> logfile
cat /dev/null > logfile
$ printf "%s\n" "1" "2" "\n3"
Actually, RESULT contains what you want — to demonstrate:
echo "$RESULT"
What you show is what you get from:
echo $RESULT

As noted in the comments, the difference is that (1) the double-quoted version of the variable (echo "$RESULT") preserves internal spacing of the value exactly as it is represented in the variable — newlines, tabs, multiple blanks and all — whereas (2) the unquoted version (echo $RESULT) replaces each sequence of one or more blanks, tabs and newlines with a single space. Thus (1) preserves the shape of the input variable, whereas (2) creates a potentially very long single line of output with 'words' separated by single spaces (where a 'word' is a sequence of non-whitespace characters; there needn't be any alphanumerics in any of the words).
x="$x $y"
echo "$x"

# print 'Master' without a whitespace i.e. print Mastercard as a one word #
echo "${x}card"

What you are doing there is redefining it.
It’s completely useless.
When appending stuff to a variable, the most likely scenario is doing it while on a loop or an “if” block.
Redefining a variable in that context will just make it invisible once you get out of the loop or the “if” block.
Use the $( ... ) construct:
hash=$(genhash --use-ssl -s $IP -p 443 --url $URL | grep MD5 | grep -c $MD5)
You could use printf instead:
printf "hello\nworld\n"
printf has more consistent behavior than echo. The behavior of echo varies greatly between different versions.
Bash Shell Generate Random Numbers
Each time this is referenced, a random integer between 0 and 32767 is generated. The sequence of random numbers may be initialized by assigning a value to RANDOM. If RANDOM is unset, it loses its special properties, even if it is subsequently reset.
for i in {1..5}; do echo $RANDOM; done
# Find out random unused TCP port 
 port=$(( 100+( $(od -An -N2 -i /dev/random) )%(1023+1) ))
 while :
  (echo >/dev/tcp/localhost/$port) &>/dev/null &&  port=$(( 100+( $(od -An -N2 -i /dev/random) )%(1023+1) )) || break
 echo "$port"

Using /dev/urandom or /dev/random

The character special files /dev/random and /dev/urandom provide an interface to the kernel’s random number generator.
The $RANDOM variable is normally not a good way to generated good random values. The output of /dev/[u]random need also to be converted first.
An easier way is to use higher level languages, like e.g. python:
To generate a random integer variable between 5 and 10 (5<=N<=10), use
python -c "import random; print random.randint(5,10)"
Do not use this for cryptographic applications.
MIN and MAX are the lower and upper limits of the range of numbers, respectively.
COUNT is the number of lines (random numbers) to display.
shuf -i 0-1000 -n 10

od -An -N1 -i /dev/random

# for i in `seq 5`
> do
> od -An -N1 -i /dev/random
> done
Similarly, to get 2 bytes (0 – 65535):
od -An -N2 -i /dev/random
To get a larger number, increase the number of bytes to convert (the number following the –N option)
od command in Linux is used to output the contents of a file in different formats with the octal format being the default.
This command is especially useful when debugging Linux scripts for unwanted changes or characters.
1. Display contents of file in octal format using -b option
od -b input
2. Display contents of file in character format using -c option
$ od -c input
3. Display the byte offsets in different formats using -A option

The byte offset can be displayed in any of the following formats :

Hexadecimal (using -x along with -A)
Octal (using -o along with -A)
Decimal (using -d along with -A)

4. Display no offset information using ‘-An’ option
$ od -An -c input
12. Accept input from command line using –
$ od -c -
13. Display hidden characters using od command
$ od -c input
Bash is the only shell scripting language permitted for executables.

Executables must start with #!/bin/bash and a minimum number of flags. Use set to set shell options so that calling your script as bash <script_name> does not break its functionality.
Restricting all executable shell scripts to bash gives us a consistent shell language that's installed on all our machines.

Shell should only be used for small utilities or simple wrapper scripts.

While shell scripting isn't a development language, it is used for writing various utility scripts throughout Google. This style guide is more a recognition of its use rather than a suggestion that it be used for widespread deployment.
Some guidelines:
  • If you're mostly calling other utilities and are doing relatively little data manipulation, shell is an acceptable choice for the task.
  • If performance matters, use something other than shell.
  • If you find you need to use arrays for anything more than assignment of ${PIPESTATUS}, you should use Python.
  • If you are writing a script that is more than 100 lines long, you should probably be writing it in Python instead. Bear in mind that scripts grow. Rewrite your script in another language early to avoid a time-consuming rewrite at a later date.
SUID and SGID are forbidden on shell scripts.

There are too many security issues with shell that make it nearly impossible to secure sufficiently to allow SUID/SGID.
Use sudo to provide elevated access if you need it.

All error messages should go to STDERR.
This makes it easier to separate normal status from actual issues.
A function to print out error messages along with other status information is recommended.
err() {
  echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')]: $@" >&2

if ! do_something; then
  err "Unable to do_something"
  exit "${E_DID_NOTHING}"

If a pipeline all fits on one line, it should be on one line.
If not, it should be split at one pipe segment per line with the pipe on the newline and a 2 space indent for the next section of the pipe. This applies to a chain of commands combined using '|' as well as to logical compounds using '||' and '&&'.
# All fits on one line
command1 | command2

# Long commands
command1 \
  | command2 \
  | command3 \
  | command4

Put ; do and ; then on the same line as the whilefor or if.

Loops in shell are a bit different, but we follow the same principles as with braces when declaring functions. That is: ; then and ; do should be on the same line as the if/for/while. else should be on its own line and closing statements should be on their own line vertically aligned with the opening statement.
for dir in ${dirs_to_cleanup}; do
  if [[ -d "${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}" ]]; then
    log_date "Cleaning up old files in ${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}"
    rm "${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}/"*
    if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
    mkdir -p "${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}"
    if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then

  • Indent alternatives by 2 spaces.
  • A one-line alternative needs a space after the close parenthesis of the pattern and before the ;;.
  • Long or multi-command alternatives should be split over multiple lines with the pattern, actions, and ;; on separate lines.

The matching expressions are indented one level from the 'case' and 'esac'. Multiline actions are indented another level. In general, there is no need to quote match expressions. Pattern expressions should not be preceded by an open parenthesis. Avoid the ;& and ;;& notations.
case "${expression}" in
    some_command "${variable}" "${other_expr}" ...
    another_command "${actions}" "${other_expr}" ...
    error "Unexpected expression '${expression}'"
Simple commands may be put on the same line as the pattern and ;; as long as the expression remains readable. This is often appropriate for single-letter option processing. When the actions don't fit on a single line, put the pattern on a line on its own, then the actions, then ;; also on a line of its own. When on the same line as the actions, use a space after the close parenthesis of the pattern and another before the ;;.
while getopts 'abf:v' flag; do
  case "${flag}" in
    a) aflag='true' ;;
    b) bflag='true' ;;
    f) files="${OPTARG}" ;;
    v) verbose='true' ;;
    *) error "Unexpected option ${flag}" ;;

In order of precedence: Stay consistent with what you find; quote your variables; prefer "${var}" over "$var", but see details.
Don't brace-quote single character shell specials / positional parameters, unless strictly necessary or avoiding deep confusion.
Prefer brace-quoting all other variables.
# Section of recommended cases.

# Preferred style for 'special' variables:
echo "Positional: $1" "$5" "$3"
echo "Specials: !=$!, -=$-, _=$_. ?=$?, #=$# *=$* @=$@ \$=$$ ..."

# Braces necessary:
echo "many parameters: ${10}"

# Braces avoiding confusion:
# Output is "a0b0c0"
set -- a b c
echo "${1}0${2}0${3}0"

# Preferred style for other variables:
echo "PATH=${PATH}, PWD=${PWD}, mine=${some_var}"
while read f; do
  echo "file=${f}"
done < <(ls -l /tmp)

# Section of discouraged cases

# Unquoted vars, unbraced vars, brace-quoted single letter
# shell specials.
echo a=$avar "b=$bvar" "PID=${$}" "${1}"

# Confusing use: this is expanded as "${1}0${2}0${3}0",
# not "${10}${20}${30}
set -- a b c
echo "$10$20$30

  • Always quote strings containing variables, command substitutions, spaces or shell meta characters, unless careful unquoted expansion is required.
  • Prefer quoting strings that are "words" (as opposed to command options or path names).
  • Never quote literal integers.
  • Be aware of the quoting rules for pattern matches in [[.
  • Use "$@" unless you have a specific reason to use $*.

# 'Single' quotes indicate that no substitution is desired.
# "Double" quotes indicate that substitution is required/tolerated.
# Simple examples
# "quote command substitutions"
flag="$(some_command and its args "$@" 'quoted separately')"

# "quote variables"
echo "${flag}"

# "never quote literal integers"
# "quote command substitutions", even when you expect integers

# "prefer quoting words", not compulsory
readonly USE_INTEGER='true'

# "quote shell meta characters"
echo 'Hello stranger, and well met. Earn lots of $$$'
echo "Process $$: Done making \$\$\$."

# "command options or path names"
# ($1 is assumed to contain a value here)
grep -li Hugo /dev/null "$1"

# Less simple examples
# "quote variables, unless proven false": ccs might be empty
git send-email --to "${reviewers}" ${ccs:+"--cc" "${ccs}"}

# Positional parameter precautions: $1 might be unset
# Single quotes leave regex as-is.
grep -cP '([Ss]pecial|\|?characters*)$' ${1:+"$1"}

# For passing on arguments,
# "$@" is right almost everytime, and
# $* is wrong almost everytime:
# * $* and $@ will split on spaces, clobbering up arguments
#   that contain spaces and dropping empty strings;
# * "$@" will retain arguments as-is, so no args
#   provided will result in no args being passed on;
#   This is in most cases what you want to use for passing
#   on arguments.
# * "$*" expands to one argument, with all args joined
#   by (usually) spaces,
#   so no args provided will result in one empty string
#   being passed on.
# (Consult 'man bash' for the nit-grits ;-)

set -- 1 "2 two" "3 three tres"; echo $# ; set -- "$*"; echo "$#, $@")
set -- 1 "2 two" "3 three tres"; echo $# ; set -- "$@"; echo "$#, $@")

Use $(command) instead of backticks.
Nested backticks require escaping the inner ones with \. The $(command) format doesn't change when nested and is easier to read.
# This is preferred:
var="$(command "$(command1)")"

# This is not:
var="`command \`command1\``"
[[ ... ]] is preferred over [test and /usr/bin/[.

[[ ... ]] reduces errors as no pathname expansion or word splitting takes place between [[ and ]] and [[ ... ]] allows for regular expression matching where [ ... ] does not.
# This ensures the string on the left is made up of characters in the
# alnum character class followed by the string name.
# Note that the RHS should not be quoted here.
# For the gory details, see
# E14 at
if [[ "filename" =~ ^[[:alnum:]]+name ]]; then
  echo "Match"
# This matches the exact pattern "f*" (Does not match in this case) if [[ "filename" == "f*" ]]; then echo "Match" fi # This gives a "too many arguments" error as f* is expanded to the # contents of the current directory if [ "filename" == f* ]; then echo "Match" fi
Use quotes rather than filler characters where possible.

Bash is smart enough to deal with an empty string in a test. So, given that the code is much easier to read, use tests for empty/non-empty strings or empty strings rather than filler characters.
# Do this:
if [[ "${my_var}" = "some_string" ]]; then

# -z (string length is zero) and -n (string length is not zero) are
# preferred over testing for an empty string
if [[ -z "${my_var}" ]]; then

# This is OK (ensure quotes on the empty side), but not preferred:
if [[ "${my_var}" = "" ]]; then

# Not this:
if [[ "${my_var}X" = "some_stringX" ]]; then

To avoid confusion about what you're testing for, explicitly use -z or -n.
# Use this
if [[ -n "${my_var}" ]]; then

# Instead of this as errors can occur if ${my_var} expands to a test
# flag
if [[ "${my_var}" ]]; then

Use an explicit path when doing wildcard expansion of filenames.
As filenames can begin with a -, it's a lot safer to expand wildcards with ./* instead of *.
# Here's the contents of the directory:
# -f  -r  somedir  somefile

# This deletes almost everything in the directory by force
psa@bilby$ rm -v *
removed directory: `somedir'
removed `somefile'

# As opposed to:
psa@bilby$ rm -v ./*
removed `./-f'
removed `./-r'
rm: cannot remove `./somedir': Is a directory
removed `./somefile'

eval should be avoided.
Use process substitution or for loops in preference to piping to while. Variables modified in a while loop do not propagate to the parent because the loop's commands run in a subshell.

The implicit subshell in a pipe to while can make it difficult to track down bugs.
your_command | while read line; do

# This will output 'NULL'
echo "${last_line}"
Use a for loop if you are confident that the input will not contain spaces or special characters (usually, this means not user input).
# Only do this if there are no spaces in return values.
for value in $(command); do
Using process substitution allows redirecting output but puts the commands in an explicit subshell rather than the implicit subshell that bash creates for the while loop.
while read count filename; do
done < <(your_command | uniq -c)

# This will output the second field of the last line of output from
# the command.
echo "Total = ${total}"
echo "Last one = ${last_file}"
Use while loops where it is not necessary to pass complex results to the parent shell - this is typically where some more complex "parsing" is required. Beware that simple examples are probably more easily done with a tool such as awk. This may also be useful where you specifically don't want to change the parent scope variables.
# Trivial implementation of awk expression:
#   awk '$3 == "nfs" { print $2 " maps to " $1 }' /proc/mounts
cat /proc/mounts | while read src dest type opts rest; do
  if [[ ${type} == "nfs" ]]; then
    echo "NFS ${dest} maps to ${src}"
Eval munges the input when used for assignment to variables and can set variables without making it possible to check what those variables were.
# What does this set?
# Did it succeed? In part or whole?
eval $(set_my_variables)

# What happens if one of the returned values has a space in it?
variable="$(eval some_function)"

Read-only Variables
Use readonly or declare -r to ensure they're read only.

As globals are widely used in shell, it's important to catch errors when working with them. When you declare a variable that is meant to be read-only, make this explicit.
zip_version="$(dpkg --status zip | grep Version: | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"
if [[ -z "${zip_version}" ]]; then
  readonly zip_version

Use Local Variables
Ensure that local variables are only seen inside a function and its children by using local when declaring them. This avoids polluting the global name space and inadvertently setting variables that may have significance outside the function.
Declaration and assignment must be separate statements when the assignment value is provided by a command substitution; as the 'local' builtin does not propagate the exit code from the command substitution.
my_func2() {
  local name="$1"

  # Separate lines for declaration and assignment:
  local my_var
  my_var="$(my_func)" || return

  # DO NOT do this: $? contains the exit code of 'local', not my_func
  local my_var="$(my_func)"
  [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || return


Always check return values and give informative return values.
For unpiped commands, use $? or check directly via an if statement to keep it simple.
if ! mv "${file_list}" "${dest_dir}/" ; then
  echo "Unable to move ${file_list} to ${dest_dir}" >&2
  exit "${E_BAD_MOVE}"

# Or
mv "${file_list}" "${dest_dir}/"
if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Unable to move ${file_list} to ${dest_dir}" >&2
  exit "${E_BAD_MOVE}"
Bash also has the PIPESTATUS variable that allows checking of the return code from all parts of a pipe. If it's only necessary to check success or failure of the whole pipe, then the following is acceptable:
tar -cf - ./* | ( cd "${dir}" && tar -xf - )
if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne 0 || "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Unable to tar files to ${dir}" >&2
However, as PIPESTATUS will be overwritten as soon as you do any other command, if you need to act differently on errors based on where it happened in the pipe, you'll need to assign PIPESTATUS to another variable immediately after running the command (don't forget that [ is a command and will wipe out PIPESTATUS).
tar -cf - ./* | ( cd "${DIR}" && tar -xf - )
if [[ "${return_codes[0]}" -ne 0 ]]; then
if [[ "${return_codes[1]}" -ne 0 ]]; then
We prefer the use of builtins such as the Parameter Expansion functions in bash(1) as it's more robust and portable (especially when compared to things like sed).
# Prefer this:
addition=$((${X} + ${Y}))

# Instead of this:
addition="$(expr ${X} + ${Y})"
substitution="$(echo "${string}" | sed -e 's/^foo/bar/')"
readonly var
readonly var=value
readonly p=/tmp/toi.txt
# error

Make function readonly

  • You need to use the -f option to make corresponding function readonly and syntax is:
readonly -f functionName
  • For example, write a function called hello() at a shell prompt, enter:
function hello() { echo "Hello world"; }
# invoke it 
  • Make it readonly:
readonly -f hello
# invoke it 
  • Now, try to update the hello(), enter:
function hello() { echo "Hello $1, let us be friends."; }
Sample outputs:
bash: hello: readonly function

Display all readonly variables

If no arguments are given, or if -p is given to the readonly buitin, a list of all readonly names is printed on screen:
readonly -p
readonly -f   //Display all readonly functions
  • Use the declare command to set variable and functions attributes.
  • A constant variable is a variable that is always constant in the experiment, it never changes.
  • Also known as readonly variable and syntax is:
declare -r var
declare -r varName=value
  • An integer data type (variable) is any type of number without a fractional part.
  • The syntax is as follow to make variable have the integer attribute:
declare -i var
declare -i varName=value
  • For example, define y as an integer number:
declare -i y=10
  1. Use long options (logger --priority vs logger -p). If you're on cli, abbreviations make sense for efficiency. but when you're writing reusable scripts a few extra keystrokes will pay off in readability and avoid ventures into man pages in the future by you or your collaborators.
  2. Use set -o errexit (a.k.a. set -e) to make your script exit when a command fails.
  3. Then add || true to commands that you allow to fail.
  4. Use set -o nounset (a.k.a. set -u) to exit when your script tries to use undeclared variables.
  5. Use set -o xtrace (a.k.a set -x) to trace what gets executed. Useful for debugging.
  6. Use set -o pipefail in scripts to catch mysqldump fails in e.g. mysqldump |gzip. The exit status of the last command that threw a non-zero exit code is returned.
  7. #!/usr/bin/env bash is more portable than #!/bin/bash.
  8. Avoid using #!/usr/bin/env bash -e (vs set -e), because when someone runs your script as bash ./, the exit on error will be ignored.
  9. Surround your variables with {}. Otherwise bash will try to access the $ENVIRONMENT_app variable in /srv/$ENVIRONMENT_app, whereas you probably intended /srv/${ENVIRONMENT}_app.
  10. You don't need two equal signs when checking if [ "${NAME}" = "Kevin" ].
  11. Surround your variable with " in if [ "${NAME}" = "Kevin" ], because if $NAME isn't declared, bash will throw a syntax error (also see nounset).
  12. Use :- if you want to test variables that could be undeclared. For instance: if [ "${NAME:-}" = "Kevin" ] will set $NAME to be empty if it's not declared. You can also set it to noname like so if [ "${NAME:-noname}" = "Kevin" ]
  13. Set magic variables for current file, basename, and directory at the top of your script for convenience.
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset
# set -o xtrace

# Set magic variables for current file & dir
__dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
__file="${__dir}/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
__base="$(basename ${__file} .sh)"
__root="$(cd "$(dirname "${__dir}")" && pwd)" # <-- change this as it depends on your app

Don't parse the output of ls. See here for details and alternatives.
Don't use cat to provide a file on stdin to a process that accepts file arguments itself.
Don't use echo with options, escapes, or variables (use printf for those cases).
Don't use a /bin/sh shebang unless you plan to test and run your script on at least: Actual Sh, Dash in POSIX-compatible mode (as it will be run on Debian), and Bash in POSIX-compatible mode (as it will be run on OSX).
Don't use any non-POSIX features when using a /bin/sh shebang.
If calling cd, have code to handle a failure to change directories.
If calling rm with a variable, ensure the variable is not empty.
Prefer "$@" over "$*" unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Prefer awk '/re/ { ... }' to grep re | awk '{ ... }'.
Prefer find -exec {} + to find -print0 | xargs -0.
Prefer for loops over while read loops.
Prefer grep -c to grep | wc -l.
Prefer mktemp over using $ to "uniquely" name a temporary file.
Prefer sed '/re/!d; s//.../' to grep re | sed 's/re/.../'.
Prefer sed 'cmd; cmd' to sed -e 'cmd' -e 'cmd'.
Prefer checking exit statuses over output in if statements (if grep -q ...;, not if [ -n "$(grep ...)" ];).
Prefer reading environment variables over process output ($TTY not $(tty), $PWD not $(pwd), etc).
Use $( ... ), not backticks for capturing command output.
Use $(( ... )), not expr for executing arithmetic expressions.
Use 1 and 0, not true and false to represent boolean variables.
Use find -print0 | xargs -0, not find | xargs.
Use quotes around every "$variable" and "$( ... )" expression unless you want them to be word-split and/or interpreted as globs.
Use the local keyword with function-scoped variables.
Identify common problems with shellcheck.
In addition to Shell best practices,Prefer ${var,,} and ${var^^} over tr for changing case.
Prefer ${var//from/to} over sed for simple string replacements.
Prefer [[ over test or [.
Prefer process substitution over a pipe in while read loops.
Use (( or let, not $(( when you don't need the result
[ ! -f $INPUT ] && { echo "$INPUT file not found"; exit 99; }
while read flname dob ssn tel status
 echo "Name : $flname"
 echo "DOB : $dob"
 echo "SSN : $ssn"
 echo "Telephone : $tel"
 echo "Status : $status"
done < $INPUT
while read line           
    echo-e "$ line \ n"           
done <file.txt    
Bash continuation lines
$ echo "continuation""lines"
So a continuation line without an indent is one way to break up a string:
$ echo "continuation"\
> "lines"
But when an indent is used:
$       echo "continuation"\
>       "lines"
continuation lines
here document is a special-purpose code block. It uses a form of I/O redirection to feed a command list to an interactive program or a command, such as ftpcat, or the ex text editor.

COMMAND <<InputComesFromHERE
doesn't work because you are redirecting stdin to something that doesn't care about it, namely the assignment
you should really avoid using backticks, it's better to use the command substitution notation $(..).
export A=$(cat <<END
) ; echo $A
If you don't quote the variable when you echo it, newlines are lost. Quoting it preserves them:


if ! [ -f $countfile ]
    echo 0 > $countfile

do_count () {
    read count < $countfile
    echo $((++count)) > $countfile

for i in `seq 1 100`
     do_count &


cat $countfile

rm $countfile
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ cat

exec 3> /tmp/.lock

if ! flock -xn 3
    echo "already running!"
    exit 1

echo "running!"
sleep 30
echo "ending"

flock -u 3
exec 3>&-
rm /tmp/.lock

exit 0
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/flock -xn /tmp/script.lock -c '/home/bash/
#!/bin/bash countfile=/tmp/count if ! [ -f $countfile ] then    echo 0 > $countfile fi do_count () {    exec 3< $countfile    #对三号描述符加互斥锁    flock -x 3    read -u 3 count    echo $((++count)) > $countfile    #解锁    flock -u 3    #关闭描述符也会解锁    exec 3>&- } for i in `seq 1 100` do     do_count & done wait cat $countfile rm $countfile
  1. 3>&- means that file descriptor 3, opened for writing(same as stdout), is closed.
The 3>&- close the file descriptor number 3 (it probably has been opened before with 3>filename).
There are always three default files [1] open, stdin (the keyboard), stdout (the screen), and stderr (error messages output to the screen). These, and any other open files, can be redirected. Redirection simply means capturing output from a file, command, program, script, or even code block within a script (see Example 3-1 and Example 3-2) and sending it as input to another file, command, program, or script.
Each open file gets assigned a file descriptor. [2] The file descriptors for stdinstdout, and stderr are 0, 1, and 2, respectively.
   : > filename
      # The > truncates file "filename" to zero length.
      # If file not present, creates zero-length file (same effect as 'touch').
      # The : serves as a dummy placeholder, producing no output.

   > filename    
      # The > truncates file "filename" to zero length.
      # If file not present, creates zero-length file (same effect as 'touch').
      # (Same result as ": >", above, but this does not work with some shells.)
      # Redirect both stdout and stderr to file "filename."
      # This operator is now functional, as of Bash 4, final release.
      # Redirects stderr to stdout.
      # Error messages get sent to same place as standard output.
        >>filename 2>&1
            bad_command >>filename 2>&1
            # Appends both stdout and stderr to the file "filename" ...
        2>&1 | [command(s)]

Closing File Descriptors
Close input file descriptor n.
Close stdin.
Close output file descriptor n.
Close stdout.
Child processes inherit open file descriptors. This is why pipes work. To prevent an fd from being inherited, close it.
Closing File Descriptors
Close input file descriptor n.
Close stdin.
Close output file descriptor n.
Close stdout.
Child processes inherit open file descriptors. This is why pipes work. To prevent an fd from being inherited, close it.

# Redirecting only stderr to a pipe.

exec 3>&1                              # Save current "value" of stdout.
ls -l 2>&1 >&3 3>&- | grep bad 3>&-    # Close fd 3 for 'grep' (but not 'ls').
#              ^^^^   ^^^^
exec 3>&-                              # Now close it for the remainder of the script.

# Redirecting only stderr to a pipe.

exec 3>&1                              # Save current "value" of stdout.
ls -l 2>&1 >&3 3>&- | grep bad 3>&-    # Close fd 3 for 'grep' (but not 'ls').
#              ^^^^   ^^^^
exec 3>&-                              # Now close it for the remainder of the script.

Child processes inherit open file descriptors. This is why pipes work. To prevent an fd from being inherited, close it.

# Redirecting only stderr to a pipe.

exec 3>&1                              # Save current "value" of stdout.
ls -l 2>&1 >&3 3>&- | grep bad 3>&-    # Close fd 3 for 'grep' (but not 'ls').
#              ^^^^   ^^^^
exec 3>&-                              # Now close it for the remainder of the script.

An exec <filename command redirects stdin to a file. From that point on, all stdin comes from that file, rather than its normal source (usually keyboard input). This provides a method of reading a file line by line and possibly parsing each line of input using sed and/or awk.

exec 6<&0          # Link file descriptor #6 with stdin.
                   # Saves stdin.

exec < data-file   # stdin replaced by file "data-file"

read a1            # Reads first line of file "data-file".
read a2            # Reads second line of file "data-file."

echo "Following lines read from file."
echo $a1
echo $a2
exec 0<&6 6<&-
#  Now restore stdin from fd #6, where it had been saved,
#+ and close fd #6 ( 6<&- ) to free it for other processes to use.
# <&6 6<&-    also works.

an exec >filename command redirects stdout to a designated file. This sends all command output that would normally go to stdout to that file.

exec N > filename affects the entire script or current shell. Redirection in the PID of the script or shell from that point on has changed. However . . .
N > filename affects only the newly-forked process, not the entire script or shell.



exec 6>&1           # Link file descriptor #6 with stdout.
                    # Saves stdout.

exec > $LOGFILE     # stdout replaced with file "logfile.txt".
# All output from commands in this block sent to file $LOGFILE.
exec 1>&6 6>&-      # Restore stdout and close file descriptor #6.
while [ "$name" != Smith ]  # Why is variable $name in quotes?
  read name                 # Reads from $Filename, rather than stdin.
  echo $name
  let "count += 1"
done <"$Filename"           # Redirects stdin to file $Filename. 
Example 20-6. Alternate form of redirected while loop
exec 3<&0                 # Save stdin to file descriptor 3.
exec 0<"$Filename"        # Redirect standard input.


while [ "$name" != Smith ]
  read name               # Reads from redirected stdin ($Filename).
  echo $name
  let "count += 1"
done                      #  Loop reads from file $Filename
                          #+ because of line 20.

#  The original version of this script terminated the "while" loop with
#+      done <"$Filename" 
#  Exercise:
#  Why is this unnecessary?

exec 0<&3                 # Restore old stdin.
exec 3<&-                 # Close temporary fd 3.
Here documents are a special case of redirected code blocks. That being the case, it should be possible to feed the output of a here document into the stdin for a while loop.
function doesOutput()
 # Could be an external command too, of course.
 # Here we show you can use a function as well.
  ls -al *.jpg | awk '{print $5,$9}'

nr=0          #  We want the while loop to be able to manipulate these and
totalSize=0   #+ to be able to see the changes after the 'while' finished.

while read fileSize fileName ; do
  echo "$fileName is $fileSize bytes"
  let nr++
  totalSize=$((totalSize+fileSize))   # Or: "let totalSize+=fileSize"
function lower()
    local str="$@"
    local output
    output=$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'<<<"${str}")
    echo $output
if ! [ "$1" -eq "$1" 2> /dev/null ]
  echo "ERROR: $1 is not a number!"
  exit 1
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
    echo "$1 -- no such file"

将命令输出发送到 /dev/null 并以一种更加友好的方式告诉用户哪里出错,可以让你的脚本对使用者而言更加简单。
if [ $1 == "help" ]; then
    echo "Sorry -- No help available for $0"
    CMD=`which $1 >/dev/null 2>&1`
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        echo "$1: No such command -- maybe misspelled or not on your search path"
        exit 2
        cmd=`basename $1`
        whatis $cmd

for i in "$@"
    echo "$i"
Sleep Sort 是一种通过多线程的不同休眠时间的排序方法。可以很简单地用Shell脚本实现。
#! /bin/bash

function func() {
    sleep "$1"
    echo "$1"

while [ -n "$1" ]
    func "$1" &
tr -cs A-Za-z’ ‘n’ |  Replace nonletters with newlines tr A-Z a-z |   Map uppercase to lowercase  sort |   Sort the words in ascending order   uniq -c |   Eliminate duplicates, showing their counts    sort -k1,1nr -k2 |  Sort by descending count, and then by ascending word     sed ${1:-25}q   Print only the first n (default: 25) lines


#!/usr/bin/env 脚本解释器名称
内核中整个调用过程如下(linux 4.4),内核处理exec族函数的主要实现在fs/exec.c文件的do_execveat_common()方法中,其中调用exec_binprm()方法处理执行逻辑,这函数中使用search_binary_handler()对要加载的文件进行各种格式的判断,脚本(script)只是其中的一种。确定是script格式后,就会调用script格式对应的load_binary方法:load_script()进行处理,#!就是在这个函数中解析的。解析到了#!以后,内核会取其后面的可执行程序路径,再传递给search_binary_handler()重新解析。这样最终找到真正的可执行二进制文件进行相关执行操作。
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ cat 

echo "hello world!"
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ ./ 

echo "hello world!"
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ cat 

echo "hello world!"
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ chmod +x 
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ ./ 
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ cat
cat: No such file or directory


  1. 别名:alias
  2. 关键字:keyword
  3. 函数:function
  4. 内建命令:built in
  5. 哈西索引:hash
  6. 外部命令:command
[zorro@zorrozou-pc0 bash]$ type egrep
  1. 程序退出的返回码:1-127。这部分返回码一般用来作为给程序员自行设定错误退出用的返回码,比如:如果一个文件不存在,ls将返回2。如果要执行的命令不存在,则bash统一返回127。返回码125盒126有特殊用处,一个是程序命令不存在的返回码,另一个是命令的文件在,但是不可执行的返回码。
  2. 程序被信号打断的返回码:128-255。这部分系统习惯上是用来表示进程被信号打断的退出返回码的。一个进程如果被信号打断了,其退出返回码一般是128+信号编号的数字。


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